Reviews from

in the past

i have plenty memories of being bullied to tears by other kids in the MW2 multiplayer lobby


See this is a good playable Michael Bay movie; though it's also where the series finally abandoned its serious roots. On the multiplayer side, was it ever better?

The only CoD game I have played for a significant amount of time. The campaign is an exciting series of setpieces, and multiplayer is solid.

Crazy how I would probably hate this game today, but in my memories it is one of the best games I've ever played.

Capitão Price como sempre o pika das galáxias

man, i miss quickscope montages set to metalcore

Drew Scanlon Toad voice: "No Russian!"

Call of Duty has it all figured out. It's great at what it does

Phenomenal Single Player campaign

too bad the multiplayer did not age well though

i was that annoying 13 year old in xbox live chat

Went from a more grounded story about war to a schlocky action movie that's still really fun.

Yeah the single player goes hard as fuck I said it.

Bullying people online, GOAT

A big improvement over COD4. Introduction to Spec Ops, and a great campaign. A great combination arises.

This game have only badass intros and characters (R I P Ghost)

This is one solid game. Stellar and thrilling missions full of action, a surprisingly well made story for a call of duty game and of course, one of the most fun multiplayer experiences of all time. The reason as to why I gave this game a score of 4.5 instead of 5 is because I feel like this game didn't innovate from the first Modern Warfare as much as the first Modern Warfare did from the previous Call of Duty games. That is of course, not that big of a deal and this game is definitely worth buying at full price.

Hands down best cod of all time


one of the best fps campaigns. broken as shit multiplayer

In my eyes the call of dutiest call of duty.

I genuinely do not know what I can say about this game that a million other people haven't already said much more eloquently than I ever could.

So, my only complaint with this game is that after 11 years, I am still not good enough to unlock the 'Echo' tier of Spec Ops levels.

(probably) the best cod campaign

this is mostly nostalgia for the multiplayer on this at release

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The campaign is ridiculous but a lot of fun, and I also appreciate the US military being the villains for once. The multiplayer mode is fantastic, as expected.

Probably the most fun I've ever had playing multiplayer in a video game..