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in the past

I've said a lot of times elsewhere that this is pretty much the Bad Boys II of games, but that's not exactly true. For one it's not even close to as good as Bad Boys II, nor does it have the same degree of genuine nihilism for people in completely muted and brutal discontent. And honestly I tend to steer clear of nihilistic works so what would I really be saying there? But the big modicum of truth there is that MW2, for all its ills it brought to the rest of the CoD franchise as the biggest tone turning point in the series after WaW, is the strongest encapsulation of Michael Bay in the medium.

On a surface level that's clearly true, with just every mission working at a breakneck pace between explosion-laid action sequences with a whole cast of bro-team unlikeable jerks peaking at the end in a suicide mission with a captain of war crimes and a cleaning tool. It's almost completely rancid, having its infamous massacre be a gratuitous controversy generator as well as a main strike for its core conflict. In these ways it fully emulates that violent and heavy narrative scape Michael Bay's movies constantly demonstrate, with the real lack of love for anything humanity included. I don't say this as a bad thing either, and I do mean to say that MW2 is fully genuine in a lot of parts too. Probably the most memorable and visually striking part of the game is when the EMP blows, and you're simply forced to move through a completely quiet destroyed area of all the Washington DC iconography, with only the gunfire and debris muting your footsteps.

It's wildly memorable from start to finish, with nary a mission I can't completely walk through fully in my mind, and honestly I don't have one I really dislike much either. The gameplay beneath the stuff I praise here though is nothing special. I'm pushing that MW2 punches above its weight somewhat by accident but I'm not going to throw my body to the fire that is general stop and pop. I think in a few missions it gets some matching hype mileage out of particular gimmicks, especially the snowmobile section, but it's fairly malaise. The developers are somewhat knowledgeable of this to where most of the ops missions you get afterward are more gimmicky but they're not that interesting I'd argue either, and generally the most forgettable part of the whole experience.

But the multiplayer lives on another plane of reality altogether. It's pure condensed fucking mayhem. It's extremely unbalanced complete trash with extraordinarily busted options and hilariously uneven map design. And it's my favorite multiplayer of all of the series entirely for that reason. When everyone else is using disgusting trash the pretense of seriousness is fully gone, the assumptions of what a shooter or multiplayer should be are gone, and instead everyone devolves into that mayhem. The era of MW2 dominating machinima and elsewhere was a real wonderful moment of complete monkey craziness, culminating in MOM GET THE CAMERA.

Ok I've waxed enough prose on MW2 I just think that the period of calling it when COD went to shit or an extremely inferior work to MW1 gets on my nerves. Weird reason to write this I suppose but I think MW2's accidents are the most interesting thing about it, and also why it's so timeless.

had niggas crying in messages while i killed them with a rocket launcher

Modern Warfare reboot ain't got shit on this

This is one of the best call of duty campaigns in the series. I enjoyed a lot of the missions and the story is very good. I find the DC missions haunting as an American and it is my favorite set of missions. playing it as an adult i noticed that the sound track is very good and I am glad to have replayed this game.

Modern Warfare 2 is trash...and I fucking love it.

This game looks at all the gritty realism and grounded elements from the other games and goes fuck that! MORE EXPLOSIONS.

This game is set piece after set piece after set piece and it never slows down until the credits. This is the beginning of the end for Call Of Duty as a respectable series but it is still by all accounts, an enjoyable game.

No Russian, as noted in my MW review, is shit and filled with plot holes. How come the Russians never looked into the other shooters that were very much spotted by security cameras? How come they didn’t look into who the American was before declaring war? That guy was an undercover CIA agent, a whole war could have been avoided had they looked into it...but WHATEVER, here’s your shitty shocking moment to start the plot.

The plot of the game being Russia invades America is so damn weak but the way it takes itself so seriously despite how over the top and dumb it is makes it kinda funny. Call Of Duty took a turn for the worse with this game but by all accounts this game is so ridiculous that it becomes super fun, on your first playthrough you don’t know what other crazy shit the devs have come up with.

The multiplayer is the biggest clusterfuck I’ve ever seen. It’s such unbalanced trash. It’s like the perfect example of what happens when you try to make a game in which even a 2 week old baby could get a killstreak. It’s almost a spectacle. Man and if you’re playing it modded it somehow gets even worse (better*). Playing nuketown gungame on mw2 never felt so good, that's what I’ll say.

Spec Ops is also a really fun gamemode to play with friends, definitely the most underrated aspect of mw2, wish it became a staple of the series like Zombies but sadly only 2 other games in the series have this mode and neither are as good as it is here.

Overall, MW2 is a mess but it’s an extremely enjoyable mess whose multiplayer I’ll keep coming back too for no particularly good reason other than that its dumb mindless fun. Rule of cool wins with this game.

Still the high watermark for Call of Duty—the absolute peak, in my opinion. A genuine thrill-ride moving at breakneck speeds. It still looks great and runs buttery-smooth. Adopting the aesthetics and tone of Michael Bay's The Rock is probably the smartest thing Infinity Ward ever did with this game.

Top 10 traições dos animes

Ótimo FPS mesmo uma década após seu lançamento; Amei o clima caótico e quantidade de coisas acontecendo ao mesmo tempo, criando uma imersão completa na guerra.
A trilha sonora é impecável, te deixando acelerado ou emotivo dependendo da situação em que é tocada.
A gameplay é bem fluída, existem boas armas e seus controles são muito adequados; Além disso, não tive problemas com bugs ou coisas do tipo.
A campanha em si tem uma história muito boa, mas não gostei do jeito que foi contada, já que são várias missões uma em cima da outra, sem tempo pra respirar ou entender mais sobre o universo do jogo; Os personagens são muito bons, mas infelizmente o game não da tempo o suficiente pra você se apegar a eles, por mais legais que sejam.
Foi um bom jogo, e por mais que acredite que deveria ser mais prolongado, isso não tira os seus méritos.

Vignettes of manufactured outrage.

Mechanically this game has aged like shit. The gunplay is a slog that even the various vehicle setpieces can't really make up for, and the game suffers greatly for it. But as far as pure spectacle in the batshit Michael Bay vein, it's still top shelf even in 2023. There's been an unholy amount of (digital) ink spilled about What It All Means over the years and none of it really adds up to anything insightful, but it's still kinda fascinating to revisit this very particular era of American culture where we were obsessed with other countries trying to destroy us (before we could do it ourselves). The Big Moments here don't really have the same impact as in the predecessor, but they still land well enough to bolster the overall story. The conventional wisdom in some corners has long held that MW1 was the Serious And Artful entry before things went off the rails and got too silly in MW2 but what they really mean is that enjoying something this crass and vulgar makes them uncomfortable and/or embarrassed.

Ok Yah This IS The Best COD

I do not give a single fuck about the multiplayer tbh. The campaign is probably the peak of what Call of Duty campaigns are to me. Bombastic ass action, fire fucking setpieces, HANS FUCKING ZIMMER ON THE SOUNDTRACK???????? Fire, fucking fire.

on one hand this game was basically the blueprint for the Military Shooter genre that existed for the sole purpose of indoctrinating impressionable young dudes into a nationalist mindset fit for armed forces enlistment but like, on the other hand, dude have you ever played search and destroy on underpass

Got called a faggot in a lobby and it took me 3 years to realize I was bi.

i don't even think games like 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance are half as insane as this simply because this actually cost a lot of money. they spent $200m on marketing a game where you massacre civilians in an airport about two hours in; a game where you receive quotes from, among others, Confucius and Dick Cheney on your death screen; a game that climaxes with the protagonist wrenching a knife out of their gut to throw at the bad guy.

replaying this for the first time in maybe a decade and just mouth agape through the whole thing. it's not a good game. but i kinda love it. played the campaign so much as a teenager listening to Metallica's Death Magnetic that the whole thing feels glued to my being. it's a problematic fave. i'll go the grave loving it, knowing full well i am going to hell for doing so.

the bush family is playin with that voodoo bad

bogwater oil company crusader propaganda disguised as the closest to an arcade game people born after 2000 will have statistically experienced. i did try to play it with genuine video game enjoying intentions (best moment was a noobtube headshot across the river and into the house on overgrown) but that desire just went away after getting even more depressed every time i looked at my statistics on the leaderboard, friends or global, it didnt matter. pointless statistics in a scheme run by the powers that be.

in order to fight off this game's primary intent (convincing teenagers to go die for an oil company under the guise of education, in its heyday i almost succumbed to an ammosexual autism spearheaded by this very computer program) i would proceed to nearly become another statistic (victim of the opioid crisis), join a hardcore search and destroy lobby (de_ for the cstrike fiends) attach a rubber band to the right analog stick to spin around, and another rubber band to attach a shitty earbud to the 360 headset mic, load up a soundboard on a laptop and wreak havoc upon the Most Serious G*mer's, absolutely convinced there was another human on the end of that mic, as i spun around rapidly in spawn, letting the rounds drag on as i hear the degrading words degrade into sounds no longer resembling words. that was the most fun i had within the metaverse of call of duty 6 lobbies on microsoft direct-x box three hundred and sixty's Direct-X Box Live Gold Connectivity service. i wouldn't be the f[THIS USER CAN SAY IT!]got i am today without the stern encouragement of the average microsoft Direct-X Box Three Hundred And Sixty's direct-x box live gold connectivity service user.

alteriwnet was alright too

not sure if i'm just more resilient from all the other veteran cods i've played now or that this was a lot easier than the other mw games
still the best mw game

i have plenty memories of being bullied to tears by other kids in the MW2 multiplayer lobby


the fact that this game is held in the same regard as halo 3 by zoomers enrages me

Idk bro CoD is one of that series that is just CoD, god knows how to review it. Reviewing it is like reviewing room temperature water. I've played a few but I'm just gonna log this one

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A more action-movie inspired campaign compared to the first Modern Warfare, making for better, snappier, faster gameplay, with more guns and more freedom. New gameplay segments are great, and there's a lot of replayability to be found. Not to mention that Veteran is, once again, a very fun, balanced challenge. The story however, is slightly worse. It tries to be bigger, better, and in some places it succeeds, but at others it fails very, very miserably.

No Russian, obviously the most important mission culturally, is such a weird choice. It's almost comically grasping for attention from the player, the shock factor wears off fast, leaving a long, boring mission, one that achieved controversy, but is not even the most haunting, disturbing or shocking moment in the same game.

The first game had this way of showing destruction and pain with these short, quiet and poignant vignettes during certain missions. Modern Warfare 2 achieves this during the invasion of America, and especially when you hear the soldiers ask "When are we doing the same to Moscow?" They don't understand how engineered those emotions are, they can't, they're looking at their capital burning, their civilians being murdered, their history and culture crumbling from bullets and explosions. And there are others in the latter half that are equally as good. Much, much, much better than No Russian. Makes me wonder if you couldn't have played the mission from someone else's perspective, a sniper on the roof, a security guard, I don't know.

The scenario of Russia, oops sorry, ultranationalist-controlled Russia invading the US over the events of the mission is not plausible, but it makes for some of the best moments in all of CoD. I'm not American, so perhaps I wasn't as invested in the initial stages of the invasion, but the moment the emergency message appeared instead of a mission briefing and I stepped out to see these key locations burning, covered in gunfire and trenches, that's when that terror became universal.

Then, Shepherd. I understand that, in the end, he turns out to just be someone who went rogue, a deluded maniac, somewhat invalidating the message, but even then, showing the US military insert a secret agent who would shoot up civilians, having a top US military official stage a World War, murder British operatives, and try to alter how their military actions will be perceived, making the player wonder whether something like this could have already occured, all in such an INSANELY MAINSTREAM, COMMERCIAL TITLE is impressive, at least for me. Maybe they haven't exactly succeeded in getting these ideas through to their playerbase, but I found it to be quite an interesting story in the, uh, modern CoD discourse, I guess. If the first game was about the terrifying advancement in warfare technology, the second is about information warfare, and the ways in which those who can control the narrative can manipulate those affected by its flow.

MW2 has a more polished campaign when it comes to the mission structure and formula, though none reach the level of All Gillied Up. This, combined with an uneven plot, make the game less engaging, and perhaps even a bit disappointing given the expectations I had going in. However, I'd like to end this on a positive note, as all that does not detract from the fact that it is still one of the best campaigns in the series, and continues to raise the bar in many ways, just like its predecessor.

The perpetrators that hide in the shadows will destroy us all, but we still must keep fighting

Now that FPS games are well free of the contemptible familiarity of the military FPS it's easier to look at this game with a clearer perspective and find that it objectively sucks. if Call of Duty 4 tells you to search 4 buildings for a guy, it will give you a wide open area, and a variety of weapons and tools to pick from, and assuming you're playing on veteran you'll need every single thing just to cross the street. If Modern Warfare 2 tells you to search 4 buildings for a guy, you will follow your leader down a hallway and your tool will be assault rifle (except for the burgertown sequence which actually rules)

one of the best fps campaigns. broken as shit multiplayer

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For some reason, some people think this game is critical of the U.S. military because the twist at the end reveals a guy from the U.S. military orchestrated all the bad stuff. I think this is a bad read because it very much frames this as "there is a bad apple and now you, the good U.S. military guy, must stop him and restore the U.S. military to the force for good it is clearly meant to be."

Also, it is very telling that the first Modern Warfare game had scenes that were supposedly about the horrors of both the AC-130 and the nuclear bomb, and in this game they are both available as multiplayer killstreak bonuses.

Anyways, as is tradition, +2 stars for having very well designed adrenaline pumping gameplay, -3 stars for being a jingoistic propaganda piece.

Still the best FPS multiplayer game out there.

Nothing like playing this back in 09

Garbage cod that is overrated by nostalgia. Genuinely the buggiest cod game out there that made the game so bad it was fun. This cod game is not good.

This game contributed so much to racism

jogar esse jogo durante o lançamento foi maravilhoso.
experienciar a campanha cinematográfica e que tinha um plot até que legal (sim, é um fps de franquia, é óbvio que o plot não seria nada demais) mas que te prende o suficiente pra chegar até o desfecho, que foi legal!
depois de curtir a campanha, ia pros multiplayer, ouvir uma criançada falando bosta no mic, uns tiozão que com certeza batia na esposa reclamando e uns adolescente punheteiro puto da vida "pQ U CaRA ta USaNo ArmA bRoKenN", tudo isso com uma gameplay gostosa, visual bonito e cenários muito bem feitos - foi o melhor que COD fez, embora Black Ops 2 seja bem bom.