Reviews from

in the past

GOSH THIS IS SO GOOD. Such a great evolution of Centipede into a full fledged adventure. It is certainly difficult and controls are bit clunky. But a lot of stuff is varied in it. It's pretty great and is fully co-op. Thanks Wally!

the 2.7 is so undeserved, this is atleast a 3.5 game cmon guys
its a remake of something that nobody even thought would or should ever get a remake and the result is actually pretty neat!!
There's even a fucking story mode, some classic overhead camera arcade shit to be had
It kind of reminds me how in the Pac Man World games youre able to play arcadey maze levels as side content :> !!

I think the game isnt perfect ofc, it has some clunk here and there with collission and controls and i dont think it's necessarily the Prettiest game of the generation, especially not by Dreamcast standards but I dont think it looks horrendous
The real star of the show is the story mode in fucking centipede
u play as a dipshit guy named Wally thats just a humble bean-counter that gets turned into a kid friendly Doomguy and saves villagers, slaughters the centipede monsters and all
the game actually even boasts whole cgi cutscenes, they didnt skimp out with the vision they had for this and i appreciate that a lot actually

final thoughts: i mean at the end of the day its fucking Centipede so i cant praise it THAT hard, i do like centipede in its simple formula in the original and the gameplay loop at play here in the remake
there's also some.. sequel bait at the end??? Not sure how THAT worked out but it made me have the thought if there was ever a tride and true triple A crack at some shit like this again (in the real way not the usual scuffs that come with triple A gaming climate)
I think at this point though we've hit an impasse where nobody is looking at these arcadey games and seeking to brush up and embrace out of fear of excessive repetition or loathing the past
sad! oh well, play this Ray William Johnson looking ass weenie killing space dipshits, or dont
the galaxy is always waiting (heh heh heh)

Not your daddies Centipede, thats for sure. Its kinda funny how Atari was milling its properties in 1998 just like its still tryna do in 2023.