Reviews from

in the past

Best game made by a Youtuber I've played to date.

I saw this game from SBN3 of course I as gonna pick it up.

I got an ending but then got curious. it's the kind of short VN you can easily replay after all...all in all I got 6 endings before calling it. I may get the others another time. Its short bite structure makes it friendly to replay which I kinda prefer in VNs: Shorter story, many endings.

As expected from SBN3, the writing and voice acting are absolutely top notch. I've been a fan since his Arthur dub days and seeing what his skill and evolution has come to here was absolutely worth it. Nicole is such a bitch and I love her for that. The writing is really good and worth a read for that alone.

However, the VN itself could use more polish. Sometimes characters will come in on your route and you're expected to already know them, even if it makes no sense for Nicole to. For example I got on seriously pushing Mr. White for his story with Nicole and Jeska then all of a sudden I'm on a completely different route with no rhyme or reason and suddenly she's friends with a bunch of people she profusely rejected before? What? I thought I was trying to end racism here.

In addition while the texts are nice for endings, I do wish they had photos attached so you could see the ending CGs at any time. It lacks a lot of QoL from modern VNs like a fast forward button or a checkmark saying you made that choice before. I even got an annoying bug where the ending audio wouldn't stop despite starting a new game already, or one time where I somehow got an ending without seeing the ending CG and dialogue.

It's a solid story with a fantastic script and voice acting, but it needs a lot of polish. The serious lack of polish really holds this one back from me liking it more than I already do, but it's just a diamond in the rough. Really rough.

the protagonist immediately outs herself as a sociopath, but she's by far the most righteous out of the entire cast. this is also one of the few pieces of media i can think of that accurately displays how fucked in the head white supremacists are... among other things

if that makes your head tilt in a positive way, check it out. i don't even have to hesitate giving this a 10. i laughed way too hard at the godlike voicework (some of the best va of any game/vn/whatever) to care about the shitty renpy engine

I'll never understand the need visual novel developers have to claim they're subverting the genre only to make a regular old visual novel, but this one was pretty good.

The voice acting is absolutely spectacular and made the experience for me alone even if the script it was following didn't always hit. I'll be picking up the sequel whenever it goes on sale, adjusting for the last 14 years of inflation got me fucked up


proceeds to make a game that's a pretty standard visual novel

This one is really funny though so its okay.

Basically Heathers for the Bush generation

it's like mean girls if it was realistic and better. or nightmare temptation academy without the graphic sex. or subarashiki hibi if yuki beat takuji's scrawny ass and the central philosophy was "manipulate people because you will never live happily". point is it's better than everything ever made. the only reason i have this at a 9 and not a 10 is because i'm sure whatever the devs cook up next will be even better.

also nicole is a Certified Trauma Bitch, we love her for it.
also i was definitely a Jeffery in 8th grade, i deserved to get bullied

This was some of the edgelordiest shit I have ever attempted to play.

Thank you Instagram for putting this vn on my radar xD

Probably the funniest visual novels or game in general to come out in a long time. The game format and the fact that they look like bad early internet anime character makers really adds to it since the game constantly makes fun of the typical player of these genre.

Really funny dialogue, if you're worried its going to be a "meta" visual novel, don't be. It plays it straight for the most part and just happens to have an anime artstyle despite just being set in an american highschool.

I think this genuinely might be the worst game I've ever played, EVERYONE LIKES THIS??? WHAT??? I WOULD GIVE THIS 0/5 IF I COULD! WHAT THE HELL MAN!

Why did I stay up late to see the "true ending."
You see everything the game has to throw at you in the first 30 minutes. 1 ending is all it takes. Don't repeat me and my friends' mistake. Don't 100% it- Don't play it.
Spiteful and ugly. You will not come out of this a better person or even a happy person.

SBN3's writing and the voice acting really carry this as both working hand in hand make the humor land more than it would if it were purely text. I don't remember much from the 2000s as I was quite young at that point, so I always find media in that era very interesting. Despite that it's a bit depressing how certain elements were relevant back when I was in high school and even partially still now in college.

an absolute masterclass in vn economy: while it takes most run of the mill visual novels dozens upon dozens of hours to touch on topics of white supremacy, sexual assault, pedophilia and breakcore, this one only needed 30 minutes

played basically only because of the names attached to it, been a big fan of SBN3s youtube content for a while so i figured his forray into "ironic vns" would be pretty good. a big part of why it works is because its less ironic and more just caustic; doesn't care about dissecting some kind of framework or tropes of dating sims or whatever and cares more about just being funny. the lower art production values are more than made up by how much effort was put into the sound design, both the general audio and the voice acting are absurdly fucking high quality, better than 99% of AAA productions. also helped along by the fact that the writing quality is very good and consistently funny. got a couple of the endings immediately but definitely gonna come back to get the rest.

how did they get the rights to multiple fall out boy songs for the trailers for this, genuinely confused by that

It's fascinating to see SBN3's take on a visual novel as someone who definitely hates the typical VN reader, it's kinda like outsider art. The ren'py engine usage here is lackluster, but the script is soulbro in peak form, and forcing autoplay to make sure the excellent VA work is delivering lines with the perfect comedic timing is a feature many VNs could benefit from.

I have to say its a testament to how well done the voice acting is when I forget while playing that all the characters look like they were made in a newgrounds dress up porn game

Needy Streamer Overload but for feminism instead of Borderline Personality Disorder

A great visual novel with some underdeveloped concepts, but still a blast all the way through. Voice Acting is superb, scenarios are hilarious, and some good writing carry you along the way.

I played this because I saw some wild shit in some Instagram Reel and what happened was batshit insane but what really stayed with me after the reel was the voice acting.

I really like how much effort goes into the voice acting, even the intentionally bad voice acting. This has a sort of "I don't give a shit and made this whole thing in 5 minutes" kinda vibe but it still manages to be entertaining.

I occasionally consume Visual Novels but I really recommend this one because it looks like something you and your homie would cook up high on some Adderall at 3 am.

Gonna go play the sequel now.

A funny VN in which the joke writing and incredible voice acting more than makes up for the standard renpy fare. The touch of the dialogue going automatically actually works really well, and the game is much better enjoyed with friends. If you can stomach the edgelord humour, the whole thing is mostly a hilarious blast, with a very few dry spells. The point is to not take anything seriously, which, for some reason, people have done that with this game. Nobody is good in this story, and although there are some intruiging concepts and "morals" at play with some of the endings they're not something to ponder on at all, so they don't lessen the experience in any way. Docked marks go to the untouched save system and some other mild renpy quirks of trying to find your way to the endings, and a central ending for closure would've been nice but what you get is already great. A must-play if you want to have a good giggle fit for a few hours compared to whatever you'll see in theatres.

A VN that acknowledges school students aren't old enough to shag?? Based

im just going to steal my review off of itch here:
this is... interesting. saw some fanart for this game on tumblr and decided to check it out and play for myself. i've only got 4 endings as of now, i'll be sure to collect more as im enticed to see what all the different messages i'll get and that 1 special thing. i thought this game was just going to be a visual novel with really raunchy and edgy late 2000's humor. and it sure as hell was that! but that isn't all it is??? in fact i think a lot of the stuff that happens in this game, while exaggerated is quite sad and real to what happens to women in real life. so some of the events and the endings made me a lil sad if im being honest lol. the voice acting is top notch, and i loved seeing the characters different shirts changing. nicole's "suicidal pregnancies" shirt is top tier! great game!

Rides such a fine line of stuff that is familiar to me as someone who went to high school in the US (the cop assigned to my high school was arrested for soliciting minors) but is also so incredibly ridiculous in so many other ways. Just a little bit too overly negative for me but it def hit a handful of nostalgia/oh yeah so true points.

This game is... just complicated. It's edgy, it's vulgar, and pretty sexist. I don't think the game itself is racist, but man 3 white supremacist endings, huh? I think that goes to show the problem with this game. It hammers it's edginess too hard to the point where it's not shocking or funny. It's just gross and hamfisted and it NEVER stops. I held on to this game thinking that the final "video" in the phone menu would be something genuine and sincere and have a thought out message... It wasn't. "We will never understand each other"....
Ok man. I think anyone raving reviews for this game is probably bigoted in some way.

You'd expect an american visual novel would not make me feel the same way a japanese visual novel would make me feel but here we are.

100% the whole game because why the hell not, the anime on youtube was funny so let's try it on.

Now of COURSE, some jokes did lend, in general the game is of great quality and the acting is really fun to listen to.

BUT COME ON, in a game that's presented has a rejection sim, having to date my gym teacher to get one ending (my last one, and probably the worst one), really blows.

I had some laughs, but i have to say it, i would NOT recommend this. Unless you want to waste 3 hours on a game about the sexual harrasment of women, not written by a woman.

Can't BELIEVE i'm going to play the update.

è stranamente ok, non capisco bene le accuse di sessismo e tutto il resto quando ogni cosa è palesemente utilizzata in maniera ironica per mostrare tra le altre cose lo stereotipo che conosciamo pure qua in europa della scuola americana (ecco perchè i vari finali da suprematista hanno un senso). I dialoghi sono comunque divertenti ma non sempre, talvolta funzionano e altre volte non molto e purtroppo ha solo questo da offrire ed è questo il problema principale. Potrei anche lamentarmi della costante edgy che nasconde la povertà di analisi di certi contenuti, ma volendo uno può pure rimanere sul superficiale se si mantiene divertente in qualche modo (per una vn è molto difficile)