Reviews from

in the past

It's basically james bond-flavored virtua cop. Plays exactly the same, down to the whole score bonus for shooting disarming "justice shots". The setpieces and levels are even more dynamic here than even virtua cop 2, with the second level on a train being a standout example. The enemy placement is also a lot more interesting here, definitely keeping me on my toes the whole time. Levels also have little mid-section minigames like shooting a grappling gun or breaking a chain or something, and performance on those changes the level path. It's not only neat to provide a little shooting variety but also is a bit more dynamic than virtua cop 2s midpoint signs to give replay value. Don't mess up the last minigame though otherwise that's an instant game over, it's one of those games. My only major gripe with this game is that it's particularly inaccurate when it comes to using an actual lightgun. My Dreamcast light gun is already extremely jittery to begin with, and the problem is a lot worse on this game. It's hard to do some of the more precise shots when the accuracy is that bad. If your lightgun works and you've had your fill of house of the dead 2, this is a very solid alternative.

Love the vibe of this game, with its chunky early 2000s Sega character models, questionable voice acting, and silly Bond-rip off story. The rail shooting is fun and challenging, while I didn't have a light gun to get the real experience, it played well enough with a controller. The shooting is satisfying, enemies sort of flail back when getting shot giving each successful shot a really satisfying feel. It also has these blend of quick-time event / minigames where you have to do a spy action like block poison vents or shoot a grappling hook, these are a nice mix-up from the main loop and have fun win-states and lose-states attached to each, with slight branching path variations depending on whether you succeed or fail.

The game is comprised of three missions. The first mission is excellent, chasing this very wide mafioso kingpin sort of character through a museum(?) - the lighting effects are really nice and while there isn't much in terms of character variation, the bosses make up for it with very silly and over the top style. I love the cut-scenes here too, they're so hokey but have such a distinct style that I was left wanting more. The second mission is a bit of a miss, with a chase on a train through a snowy locale, but there's still fun to be had with your hokey eye-patched villain and our superspy disguised as a chef complete with a very tall hat. The third and final mission is at a sort of industrial warehouse base, while the art style is a bit generic, it makes up for it with some excellent level design and a really fun transformation of our eye-patched big bad into a sort of Lawnmower Man-esque cyber man.

Overall the game is really brief at around 45 minutes and while it can be a bit challenging to complete, especially with a controller, still left me wanting more. A fun little game with a great Virtua Cop - style aesthetic. Worth a try if you're looking for a non-Zombie light gun game or you want to try something short and unique for the Dreamcast.

Also during the end credits there's a sort of "blooper reel" of the characters messing up key cutscene moments, it's really slapstick and fun.

Classic shooter on rails! Takes me back to my middle school days at the local arcade shooting at the same 3 enemies over and over.

I really wish they had taken a few more minutes to port it to Dreamcast, because the controls are not easy with a little joystick. The story is super simple off brand James Bond, but who cares when you’re just meant to aim at the baddies.

Over it’s a really good time-crisis game, but would be waaay better with a gun controller.

loved this little slice of light gun fun! usually i struggle a bit with arcade shooters. despite their short lengths, they always have a section that drags a bit. not here. the pacing was absolutely breakneck, and the hilarious enemy sounds helped lighten the experience.

that isn’t to say it wasn’t challenging, especially the event mini games. i had to play it twice because i was so frustrated that i failed the final, game-winning event! will definitely grab a copy for my dreamcast