Reviews from

in the past

Actually decent enough shanghai once you turn on easy mode. Kind of insufferable on normal mode since the game doesn't even attempt to make sure that every run is solvable and you just end up losing a lot. Also anime tiddies as a bonus because why not.

Okay but why am I unironically in love with a character from a hentai mahjong game

Yes, I played yet another of these.
I paid full price for this one, too.
Am I down bad or do I just enjoy mahjong?
It's probably both.

But yeah this was fun.
Definitely features some of my least favourite character designs in the few games of this calibre I've played but it also features some cute girls and the closest I'll ever see to full on nudity in these games with bubbles and the smallest bikini I've ever seen, not to mention the camel toes.

Also I have to mention the huge titties that make even my back hurt.
God damn.

this made me want to die and convinced me that the company that made it was tied to the mafia

All the girls in the game are original characters used in VNs made by the same artist and if you like 'em or not is really up to your taste but I can't really say I'm proud of 100% it after wasting solid 9 hours with this.

This is how you make a REAL video game. Nintendo, take notes!

Starting game up: Hehe boobs.

First half of 100%ing the game: Hey Mahjong is cool, I like clearing the fields. I can match stuff!


(I don't really know how Mahjong works)

A suprisingly fun and engaging mahjong experience. Very enjoyable music and the combo system encourages fluid gameplay as you progress through each stage and mahjong match. Music is upbeat, varied, and pleasing to listen to. Even if I purchased this game several times as a joke, it is always a pleasure to revisit some of the puzzles in this game. Most games I tent to binge half awake and even with the automatic resets upon running out of matches this games shouldn't take very long to 100% complete with all the costumes and characters. Free additional content and the fufilled promise of tiddy makes it hard to bet at only 1$USD.

Buy Delicious Mahjong. Highly recommended.

Lost my sanity, got some PNGs. In the end, it doesn't even matter. I'm just happy I got 100%, didn't even care about the girls by the time I started to fail stages repeatedly, it was personal now.

Fun and simple game to score some achievements.

Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire is a simple puzzle game where all you do is solve Mahjong puzzles for almost one hundred levels. At the end you can see the girl of your stage with minimal clothes on. When you complete the game, you can look at stock .jpg images of the outfits of each girl.

The artwork in the game is nice but nothing special. The voices however are terrible and cringy and I turned them off quickly.

The Mahjong puzzles are quite good and pretty hard. It is not one of those “We all know why you play this game so why make it difficult” games where you literally need no skill. Here you do somewhat.

The main reason to play this game is for the easy achievements that you get when you are mad enough (like me) to complete all the one hundred levels.

For the low price I would recommend it if you have nothing better to do like me.