Reviews from

in the past

Neat little Lynchian fable. Love the voice acting, especially from the titular owl. Really only like one puzzle to solve and you're done, though. Wish there was a bit more to it, though looking forward to anything else the creators make.

A free short horror adventure with fantastic presentation and quality voice acting. A young clerk travels to an old mansion in order to attend to the needs of a client... who reveals himself to have the head of an owl, and that's only where the weirdness begins. Will he make it out alive? Will someone else?

There is fundamentally only one puzzle in this, and that's really the one problem with the game. A couple more brain teasers, or an alternate way to reach the end goal would have gone a long way.

Still worth playing for the creepy atmosphere alone.

A very nice point-and-click game. Maybe I could have the solved the puzzle a bit quicker if I was smarter, so what should have been 5 minutes maybe turned into a good 30.

Para lo corto que es me resultó muy divertido e intrigante.

Truly have no idea why this moody Victorian horror game uses a synthwave musical number to tell you how to solve the puzzle.

infelizmente o jogo é muito curto, se tivesse pelo menos umas 2 horas de gameplay mantendo o ritmo como é, seria muito foda!
recomendo, é curtinho e é legal.

An interesting short game that you can finish under an hour or less than half an hour if you figure things out faster. aside from getting annoyed at repetitiveness of the dialogue. (Took me 15 days from where I messed up at a certain point, so hearing it all again just kind of annoyed me, I ended up skipping the text)

Other than that, the visuals are nice, I love the feel of them, the voice acting is good, and the original song made for this was good I liked it! :D If you have some time to spare, I'd recommend playing it!

Sweet and concise point-and-click game, with charming visuals and great voice acting! I'm in love with the style of the game, the sprites look great! It's only around half an hour on your first playthrough, and it's free, so you have no reason not to play it!

Dinner with an Owl - A Review

Let’s have dinner! - A line I couldn’t have ever fathomed to haunt me, even in my wildest dreams.

It’s a short point-and-click adventure/puzzle game, depending on how fast you crack it. I admit it took me a couple tries as I had a hard time understanding the gameplay, initially.

On a conceptual level, it's like a short lived yet endless nightmare on loop with an eerie soundtrack and a psychological undertone. The art style is somewhat interesting though not the best and the mechanics could have been much better.

Still, it was ‘free’ and to certain extent establishes itself as a unique experience. I believe the game has the potential to become even more sinister and exciting, so it’s not the worst, and entertaining at the very least.