Reviews from

in the past

I'm a big stealth fan, and this is one of the best.

Great stealth game play with satisfying ways to kill your enemies. Levels are great and have a lot of unique ways of progressing.

Significantly more interesting to me than Assassin's Creed.

Some parts were pretty slow, but thats also the only bad thing I can say about this game. This is THE stealth game.

Dios hizo las ratas para que la sociedad no colapse

Writing: 3/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 4/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 4/5

First person stealth action done right. Cool graphical art style.

Look, this was my first stealth game and I hate first person so the game really had the odds stacked against it.

Played it because I found it cheap and fell in love with the game play and art style. The story is...well, there. ABsolute lack of female characters that actually matter and the non lethal option for one of the enemies was really creepy. You now the one. Thing is that the developers recognized this and fixed this in the second game.

Sometimes the game really frustrated me but that had more to do with me not being patient than the game itself I think. I actually had the feeling that I got rewarded when I didn't just jump in but waited and watched and learned about the routes the people would take and where I could hide so they couldn't see me. That was nice!

I like rats so it was no fun to kill them though. Oh well. :/

The limited interaction with nonlethal playstyles sometimes gets in the way, but otherwise a great game, due in large part to the amazing worldbuilding and the modern approach to the immersive sim.

great story! great gameplay! unfortunately i suck so bad.

Spaßige Steampunk-Stealth-Action: "Dishonored" lebt von einer dichten Welt, einer spannenden Geschichte von Verrat und Rache und der Freiheit, die es Spieler:Innen beim Vorgehen gibt.

Gives you all these tools to do dope murder but then you get bad ending if you use them

Narrativamente no es nada del otro mundo ni parece interesante, pero el mundo y el karma está muy bien hecho, expandiendo el lore en notas y haciendo rico el lore. La jugabilidad no se queda atrás, el juego te deja tomar diferentes rutas para cumplir tu objetivo y es increíble la variedad de las mismas. Puedes afrontar la misma situación de muchas maneras y está muy bien nivelado el usar sigilo o ir a espadazos como un loco, no se siente disconexo ninguna forma de jugar de la otra y hacer maniobras o moverte por el mapa es increíblemente satisfactorio con el sistema de magias que usa este juego. Estéticamente es muy bueno y el concepto de la historia, un tanto original, ambientando la peste negra en un mundo steampunk muy puctoriano que recuerda a la Inglaterra del siglo 15

I sold a vast majority of my childhood Wii and DS games to get this, and I regret that deeply

Amazing gameplay and level design aside this game will always have such a special place in my heart for keeping me sane after my Dad passed away. The game requires a lot of exploring and focus and that helped me so much during such a horrible time. And the sequel was even damn better.

probly the best gameplay... probly

So immensely satisfying and well-built. A perfect balance between Thief and later stealth games, having the fun jank parts to play with but with well-made systems that make it equal parts engaging over a long term.

I'll never forget playing this as a kid and discovering Corvo was Emily's dad on accident from a couple of the books hidden about the Dunwall Tower map.

One of the best stealth games you can play. Get it.

Don't get me wrong, it's really atmospheric and the game is fun... when you aren't using stealth. The AI is braindead and the powercreep you get from all the powers you use just breaks the game over it's knee. Despite the wealth of options the game feels really repetitive. Not to mention a dry, personality barren plot.

This game really surprised me. The art of this game is unique, beautiful and filthy at the same time. I love it!

te podes mandar altas plays y hay varias formas de hacer las misiones dependiendo de como te guste jugar

let this emo steampunk dad and his child live!!!

wish i could pinpoint what makes me so feral about these games

Hmmm. An empire in its dying days with a horrifying class divides, in the middle of a horrifying pandemic, reliant and obviously cruel and unsustainable fuel... wonder what that's about!

Glad that the whole "binary moral choice" trend has died down, because it's a mistake here. I felt compelled to hinder myself and play the game in a less fun, non-lethal fashion up until the betrayal, at which point I thought it might be interesting to start killing people. Didn't matter - I still got the lame ending where everything is roses and all the robot people love you. It's a credit to the sturdy blink mechanic and open-ended map design that I still liked this game.