Reviews from

in the past

This game revived single player shooters

I got very little enjoy from it but that's definitely just because the genre isn't for me. Even as someone that cares very little for the genre, I can tell it's a good, perhaps even great FPS, but nothing that's going change the mind of someone that dislikes the genre

Realized I never logged this, didn't really love it all that much. Felt fairly samey for most of the game, music is alright, encounters weren't usually that interesting. It's fun but didn't stick in my brain at all.

Doom 2016 is fucking awesome. I will admit a strong bias, as this game is really special to me and was one of the outlets for a really shit period in my life. But besides that Doom is just one of the most fun games I've played. The shooting and movement are precise and fluid. The large levels filled with gore nests and arenas and hundreds of secrets are pretty great as well. The music and visuals are perfectly fitting and never became eye or ear tiring. And one of the best aspects- the game keeps the same tempo throughout and never feels the need to stop or bog itself down with constant cutscenes. I guess there is a story but it's very secondary. This has made it one of my favorite go-to games that I can play just for fun and hop in and out of. Doom is by no means a masterpiece nor does it do anything special narratively but ID committed perfectly to a philosophy and it paid off with a super fun game that revived the series

Best opening sequence of all time.

One of the best soundtracks of all time.

The game is great, but I never felt the desire to finish it. I just ended up playing other games instead.

Almost too fast I don’t like the colour palette but the combat was pretty fun

replayed on switch for "LOOK AT THIS IMPOSSIBLE PORT ON OLD SMALL (lite) TEGRA TABLET" and find myself fully enjoing campaign again. even with those awful sticks and help with gyro short session full of rip and tear on public transport feels like nice strange dream.

yeah eternal is better.


While the game is excellent on PC, and the port here is well done, I just couldn't enjoy playing such a hectic shooter with a controller.

Jeu Jouer sur PS4 (j'ai la flemme de chercher la bonne entrée)
un classique sans nom

This is retro when they see yellow people

Bastante bueno, no puedo esperar a que porteen eternal

Fun at first but it's really repetitive

Did a big laugh every time a demon ripped off my arms and beat me to death with them. Good and fun.

I'm not great at FPS games but I had fun

A fantastic reimagining of the original -- all the things Doom 3 got wrong, this remake gets right. Brutal, fantastic FPS action.

I'm sure I don't really need to describe what type of game Doom is, so I'll just say it's good as hell and extremely intense. Completely recommended.

cuando adquirí esta madre en mi mente decía:
"EL GAMING REVIVIO CABRONES"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y pos ni tan equivocado estaba xd


One time my mom asked me to put on Irish music on St Patrick’s day during our family gathering so I asked Alexa to play this games soundtrack and slowly started increasing the volume, I got 8 minutes into it before anyone noticed that it wasn’t Irish music.
Game is great.

ababdabdabdaabadbadabaababaabab (guitar riff)

can we get a Doom anime. Now I would watch that