Reviews from

in the past

Is it perfect? By no means, but it sure was fun either way.

"this is a good game but a BAD DOOM GAME" no its just mid man. imo the only thing of like real note about this is that it was the best looking game ever made until half life 2 came out. the concept had been done FAR better before in half life 1 and the gameplay was done better in fear. however i will admit that the menu music is fire and i do really want to see vaseline slathered barney calhoun doom marine return in the modern doom games somehow

"Tio me empresta o Doom, vou jogar no meu PC"

Depois disso é só história.
Jogo exemplar de bom, me apaixonei pela série Doom graças ao contato com esses games de PC.

is a great game. Not necessarily for the gameplay aspects, but for the fact that my eyes and ears never went a moment without being completely entertained. DOOM 3 is extremely immersive with about as perfect a presentation as I've ever seen in a game. Visually, it has no peer at the moment. Even Far Cry's impressive vistas and wonderful environments can't stand up to the artistic and technical might of this sensory feast. Playing this on a 5.1 surround sound in the dark is an intense experience that, if possible, must be enjoyed.

Jogo underrated. Um bocado longo demais (algumas missões do Lost Mission e talvez do Resurrection podiam substituir alguns momentos mais parados deste jogo). O final do jogo é um bocado anticlimático visto que vamos para o inferno e depois voltamos para a base e depois voltamos para o inferno. O enredo perde um bocado o fio à meada por volta dessa parte.

The french voice-acting for this game is absolutely hilarious.

Doom but also some Half-Life makes this a great game

SUCH a weird direction for doom, but im not super mad at it. pretty fun to play through as an intro to singleplayer fps games. more faithful to the original doom than 2016 and eternal, which a lot of people don't want to admit.

A fairly run-of-the-mill horror FPS that was unfortunately saddled with the worst possible title. While it was quite an impressive tech demo in its day, it's neither scary enough to stand out as a horror game, nor engaging enough as a pure shooter to live up to the Doom name. In the era of Doom 2016 and the boomer shooter writ large, it's an interesting curiosity, but I highly doubt that it'll keep most people's attention past the first hour or so.

Although the control is just fine, it feels like almost everything else in that game doesn't line up with what DOOM is supposed to be. I don't want a realistic, horror DOOM where I'M SCARED MOMMY. All the other DOOMs got it right, this one doesn't. Plus some frustrating design choices like unskippable cutscenes, most enemy designs feel like a different game, and slow pacing. I don't recommend this at all.

Felt like Half Life 1, but a lot worse.

Doom 3 is mechanically more faithful to the original games than nuDoom in a way that makes the bland monster closet level design all the more obviously bad

For me, this is no DOOM game. They tried something different from the first 2 and they failed. The "survival horror" thing doesn't suit the DOOM series and it felt like a bad, generic survival horror game with a "hellish" scenery. I had counted every minute that was left to end the game. Won't play again.

Ehhh. I think if I had played it on release it might have made a stronger impact. It's okay. It's just so repetitive after a while, same environments, same ten enemies, same basic objectives. It set up for the awesome remake but compared to 1+2 and 64 it's by far my least favorite entry in the series. Even the final battle feels like a major letdown after 8 or so hours. Meh. Mostly finished for completions sake. Now all I need to play is Doom Eternal and I'll be up to date on the series!

just constant glimpses of something that could have been great but it doesn't commit to anything ever. the end result is something that's half boneless half life and half mediocre horror game and god does it feel like it goes on forever

I just couldn't get myself to enjoy this game

Doom 3 is not sure if it wants to be a horror game or an action game so it tries to be both and it ends up being a very miserable experience. A real shame because this game had potential for a great horror game.

The same as I wrote in DOOM (2016), but ... Less complete. It's not bad, it just isn't as fun as the other ones.

This game scared me when i was a kid and it bored me when i was an adult. 3 stars i guess?

DOOM 3 is such an odd entry in the series compared to how it later went much more towards the arcade action style, and I think between this and the notorious Doom comic that this series was going through a strange personality crisis where people didn't know whether to emphasise horror or the action.

This was a technological marvel at its time and I remember particularly being terrified at just how creepy certain segments of this game were - especially the first time you encountered an imp, and it's an odd experiment with trying to add just a bit more realism to something which was much more known for being much more cartoon like.

And way more emphasis is placed on the game being intensely claustrophobic, which is effective but it feels really odd considering that this is a Doom game - and there's all of the notorious memes about how dark everything is in this game (in terms of light) and the incredibly high spread short-ranged shotgun, and just how this felt way more like something like Half-Life or System Shock rather than a Doom game.

Regardless, I liked this game quite a bit - especially with the detail that went into crafting all of the hellish visuals which predominate throughout the whole thing, which I really liked but then this game felt a bit inconsistent in terms of story. The visuals are excellent, but then the plot involves some sort of government agency building a hell-portal - and there's these overly-long and dramatic cinematic cutscenes to top it all off, and lots of it confines you within the Mars facility and it just wasn't all that interesting.

Also, it's really funny at the beginning when you're told "Don't get excited and shoot anybody." so then I just punched people to death instead. The fact that people literally disintegrate into a flesh, gobby mess when you punch their corpses is so strange - but then the whole game sort of feels like that.

It's a good game, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

Catched up to what half life and ss2 did years before, enemies are so few it's never very exciting

If it weren't for the Doom name attached to it, Doom 3 would have already been forgotten about along with every other mediocre first person shooter from the 2000s.

In some ways Doom 3 is a logical progression from iD Software's Doom 64 - Furthering the dark and horror aesthetic of that game and sprinkling it into the mechanics themselves. Perhaps if Doom 3 committed to being a true survival horror shooter, it could have worked, but the end result is "Kind of Doom, But Slow" instead.

After the allure of the horror aesthetic quickly dissipates within the first 30 minutes, you find yourself trudging through hours of same-looking dark sci-fi corridors, shooting awfully unsatisfying guns at bullet spongy enemies that result in even less satisfying death animations.

The game improves as more demon types show up, but even appreciating those comes with a few asterisks. Most enemies have a radical redesign, and very few of those land. The coolest monsters in Doom 3 are those original to this entry, though I still can't tell if it was their raw cool factor, or their novelty that charmed me.

Doom 3 weaves together all of its levels in a somewhat seamless-feeling progression throughout a UAC Mars base. This is part of the reason so much of the game's levels look and feel the same, and in some ways it reminds me of a poor man's Half-Life. Doom 3 also introduces cutscenes and voiced characters in an attempt to weave together a narrative, though honestly I fail to see the value in the attempt, as Doom 3 practically doesn't have a story anyway.

At times Doom 3's environments boast impressive detail and interactivity, but that too gets old quick. Scouring through emails to find codes, or fiddling with janky control panels to control various contraptions once again feels like extra, unnecessary steps to the Doom formula of Hit Button, Find Key.

Doom 3 experiments with a lot of things new for Doom, but never fully commits to its new ideas. Anything that I can almost appreciate comes with some sort of caveat. Sure, for the time on a technical level, Doom 3 was graphically impressive. But aesthetically it looks like a fake video game you might see someone playing in a movie or TV show.

Doom 3 is ugly, slow, and unsatisfying. It is the perfect companion to the 2005 Doom movie.

Weird little period piece. Kind of the epitome of FPSes circa 2004 – emphatic on technical advancements, weird shoehorned horror elements, vaguely sci-fi backdrop, kind of plateau'd gameplay mechanics that don't get much deeper than "run and shoot."

I like the noise that the plasma gun makes.

Eu sempre via muitas pessoas que consideravam esse jogo ruim, e outras que consideravam muito bom, o que dificultava pra saber se valia a pena ou não jogar. Agora eu finalmente zerei e... é bem decepcionante. Antes de tudo, saiba que não é um jogo PÉSSIMO, só que absurdamente repetitivo e entediante. A história é até que interessante, mas nada demais, a gameplay no começo é interessante mas logo enjoa, sem ter muitas coisas que mudem ela pra melhor ou algo do tipo, justo pelo contrário. Eu senti que o jogo ficou ainda pior na reta final, mais especificamente quando você chega no Inferno pela primeira vez. A gameplay é boa, mas não tanto quanto em outros jogos da franquia DOOM. De fato, esse jogo se difere bastante dos outros da franquia, e eu recomendaria que jogasse por ÚLTIMO. Minha curiosidade me fez jogá-lo antes de terminar todos os outros, e ele foi uma experiência interessante, porém decepcionante