Reviews from

in the past

The writing in this game is incredibly good and really makes you care about all the characters and such. I especially liked the relationship between the protagonist and his daughter.

Replayed with a friend who had the same first impression as me: The clash of art styles is unnerving. Holds up impressively for an indie game, but the character builder simply isn't good and would frequently break my immersion.
One or two routes are pretty cute, but this game simply doesn't know who their audience is: Is it for gay men? Is it for straight women?
I am of the firm belief that, were it not for Epsee/Shanen's masterful art and Game Grumps' notoriety, this visual novel/dating simulator wouldn't have the fame it has today.

Beautiful game! I could tell that a lot of love and passion was put into every aspect of this project. I wish Matt's route in particular was a little more developed, but I was very glad I downloaded this game on day 1

I wonder how many gay people actually worked on this. It's rare you see a work that makes such a big show of being LGBT themed yet is so uncomfortable with its own sexuality.

dont judge me its actually a really cute game

homophobic but the character design is cute. they shouldntve put a cult leader that kills you into the game code

It was really sweet, and made me want to be a dad.

Pretty good game, I liked the Naruto and Sasuke cameo. Loved that it let me be trans :)

Annoying, antiseptic and twee is no way to go through life, dad. also no one who made this cared enough to patch out the jokes about how hot sexual harasser mario batali is, huh

the closest thing to a hate crime in video game form short of playing literal nazi propaganda

I thought it was pretty entertaining at first, but thinking back on it I was very incorrect.

I loved it but I'm still angry you couldn't smash the white boy

I am a simple girl, I see a Catcher in the Rye reference and I immediately smile.

as a gay man: this game is a homophobic nightmare and i cannot fucking stand it.

cute and fun! some routes are stronger than others but that's fine.

it's noticeable that straight people worked on this

one of the most uncomfortable games ive ever played

this game made me feel fine at like age 14 now i feel like i should've been held under the tap of a sink

mascotizing, de-eroticized, de-humanizing wooby doo-doo that started out as a low key homophobic ~sooo randim~ joke about how funny gay cultural nomenclature is to its straight creators but then got agonizingly retconned into game grumps' (ugh) flailing attempt at a self-serious inclusivity project. Too ignorant and afraid of offending anyone to portray anything resembling adult human intimacy or eroticism, and reeks with the no homo!!!! creator's fears of depicting anything messy, hot, or specific about icky degenerate gay sexuality. Never overtly cruel and clearly interested in playacting safeness and inclusivity, but the placid smoothness of everything feels like its own form of erasure--and it's a smug, self congratulatory one. This is clearly not really trying to provide anything meaningful or substantive for gay audiences: it's for obnoxious straight "allies" to play and have fuzzy wuzzies about how great they are for wubbing the cutesy wootsie daddy poos--they're smol pastel beans just like us!!! Heinous. I dont want to yuck anyones yum too hard or whatever but if you're a queer adult and love this game I kind of think you're a fucking idiot

Literally the only good thing about this game is Robert

finished it. but don't think about it too often.

robert was the only good part of this... i miss him....

tbh I came into this blind and had fun with it but afterward felt like I got called a slur :/

Sweet dad, Sparticus Snowglobe, loves his hip daughter and all of his daddy boyfriends.