Reviews from

in the past

I'm willing to give this a smidge more leeway from the occasional bad hit detection, strange difficulty spikes (albeit it's a SNES game so kinda comes with the territory), and the grinding of it all because goddamn, what a premise.

Um dos jogos mais únicos e interessantes do super nintendo, o jogo é sobre evolução, você começa controlando um simples peixe que vai se alimentando de outros animais para ganhar pontos, com esses pontos você pode comprar upgrades para seu personagem, dentes mais fortes, nadadeiras melhores e o seu personagem vai evoluindo com o tempo e ao decorrer do jogo você vai evoluir para outros animais como mamíferos, repteis e até mesmo dinossauros.

O controle dos personagens são bem simples e as vezes chega ser irritante.

A trilha sonora é maravilhosa e o jogo consegue contar uma historia bem cativante e interessante, eu realmente recomendo esse jogo para todos que quiserem dá uma olhada.

Joguinho difícil do caralho, mas o conceito é muito bom pra época.

Fast forward is a must have and it'd honestly be a lot more fun with a couple of difficulty-altering cheats.
The clunky controls and contact damage make me want to scream after a while.

Not great, extremely grindy even when you’re like me and you play on an emulator and with higher exp cheat codes cause you don’t give a dang. But the dinosaurs going extinct! It messed me up. Seeing the dead bodies of the triceratops and his child huddled together after the meteor falls, when only a few moments before you rescued that child and reunited them, and then seeing their ghosts later on, are the kinds of things I hope to see and feel when I play games

the "E.V.O" in the title stands for evolution

The grinding isn't as bad as people claim it to be. It only takes about 5-6 hours to beat the game and it offers a good challenge imo. But still after playing it 4 times, and trying out nearly every combo, you're literally done with this game.

apesar de ser uma boa ideia, foi um tanto mal executada, melhor ficar na versão original (chefe final foi muito trampo pra tankar e tem muito farming nessa porcaria)

In theory, this sounds like an amazing game. In practice, this unfortunately isn't the case.
Controls feel a little rough, hitboxes are sometimes weird, the puzzle by the end of the game felt more annoying than satisfactory to beat, the difficulty seems to be inconsistent and there is a fair amount of grinding.
On the positive side, the choices you have at your disposal add plenty of replay value and cater to different types of playstyles.
This game would've really benefitted from being released in the era of the PS1 or PS2 rather than the SNES.


A fun little game from my childhood that I could never finish in one Blockbuster rental. Finally sat down and played the whole thing. It's a unique concept for a very simple platformer/brawler. Not the best game I've ever played, but I still had some fun playing it.

Not really a bad time but it's a lot less distinctive than Shinka Ron and its soundtrack is a lot worse (they slaughtered The Coast in particular).

Interesting and original. If it wasn't for the grind and poor interface this could be one of the classics.

Emotionally fragile adult VS game where after you kill a boss, their child comes looking for them 😥

The gimmick behind this game is kind of stupid, but the game is a lot of fun even if certain areas of the game spike pretty crazy on their difficulty.

Joguei no emulador há um tempo atrás, é muito bom. A mecânica de evolução é muito legal.

This game is awesome. Now I want to play it again (and then play Spore)

I have a lot to say about this game. I should mention beforehand that I played on emulator, using fast-forward for grinding and using action replay to beat the Yeti Mother, Yeti Son, and Bolbox.

I'm a paleo nerd and always have been. Spore is my all-time favorite game. So when I found this obscure gem, I immediately got it and went in blind. Though the evolution and portrayals of some species are inaccurate, it's easy to ignore (it's a game from 1992 focused on fun so I don't think it's anything to care about). Seeing non-dinosaur extinct species like ammonites, trilobites, and even some very obscure picks like cladoselache sharks, was incredibly neat.

I think the worst problem with this game is that there's no form of invincibility frames, but you do get stunned. This makes it very easy to get pinned down and demolished when it comes to the boss fights with no chance of escape, most of which are incredibly cheesy. This also goes for enemies. Strategy for the bosses usually goes out the window once you find a way to lock them down and keep them in the stun animation. An interesting trick I wish I learned sooner was to stock up on evo points to do small evolutions like neck extentions to regain your health during these boss segments. Birds make a lot of the bosses broken.

The best parts of the game, in my opinion, are the Chapter 1: Age of Fishes (Devonian) and Chapter 4: Early Man (Pleistocene). The first stage is good at showing you the ropes of the game and has great music, and the last stage is all-around incredibly solid.

Overall, it's a very creative game and incredibly underrated, but it's not for everyone. I got very frustrated with it at times, and I probably would've quit if it weren't for the evolution aspects and the other design aspects. If you can put up with the frustrations I listed, I definitely recommend it.

What a nice idea 💡 for an old game... Wonderful 👍

VERY flawed but also very charming

E.V.O. : Search for Eden is a really interesting game conceptually, but it's not very good in practice. The thing that ruins the game for me is the hit detection. The game feels unfinished because of how lousy it feels at times. It's incredibly hard to hit enemies, but they can hit you extremely easily. It feels like whenever I die, it's not my fault, which is when you know the game isn't very good. I love challenging games, but this one just sucks. Plus, the underwater sections are very repetitive, and the hit detection issues are at their most rampant in those parts. I'd avoid this one.

Otro de mis juegos favoritos de la SNES.

Iremos a través de la historia del planeta Tierra, evolucionando con el resto de las especies. En sí en su platformer con toques de RPG. Es muy simple: Tu puedes saltar, morder o atacar dependiendo de las habilidades que tenga la especie que hayas creado.

Lamentablemente tiene cosas que considero "baratas" en un juego así, como la posibilidad de que 2 enemigos te "tranquen" y quedes en un loop siendo golpeado hasta morir.

De todas formas me parece un juego muy divertido y que además tiene muchos secretos (el cómo desbloquear la transformación en Ave es épico).

It's kind of sad how this game turned out considering how cool the idea is.

My problem with E.V.O is that the majority of the gameplay consists of grinding, only a handful of levels are interesting in any capacity gameplay wise, and all of those said levels are mazes... so not the most exciting. The existence of most levels is meant to let you grind more, but the ONLY payoff for grinding is either faster/easier grinding or a boss fight.

This might've been fine if the bosses themselves were good but they just weren't. At least when going through the game as a bird, most of the fights just felt like "how do you cheese the hitstun" and not much else. This persists with the combat in general but I guess I could understand it for normal enemies to not make grinding unbearable, but when the focus of your gameplay is bosses those bosses better be damn good or else your game just turns very bland.

I liked the concept, the potential replayability is there but I just do not see myself going through this one again. I probably wouldn't have finished it if I didn't have a friend urging me to.

Ok I'm pretty chuffed that in the course of playing this game I thought several times "hey, this soundtrack sounds pretty Dragon Quest-y", and when I get to the credits it turns out than a certain Mr Sugiyama did the music for this.

There's a lot of things I like about this - I'm just really amused that this evolution-themed game also includes the Garden of Eden, and thanks to its outlandishly nonsensical plot would probably piss off both evolutionists and creationists. Seriously, as far as I can tell, the plot is "primitive fish evolves into mammal and then enters the Garden of Eden to have kids with Earth-chan and give rise to civilization". WHAT?!

On a more serious note, E.V.O. boasts a pretty robust (if scientifically inaccurate) evolution system especially considering the hardware constraints of the time. Eating fallen enemies nets you 'evolution points' which you can use to modify various parts of your body to create any number of mix-and-match forms, and there is no one 'best' build especially in the later eras where you can either be a bird, mammal, or even stay as a dinosaur from the previous era! I also like the presence of 'prestige classes' (like the human and mermaid) that are difficult but not impossible to evolve into and involve a noticeably different approach and playstyle.

The game's main weakness is in its general structure - the stages are generally very easy and the bosses brutally difficult, meaning that you will need a lot of evolution points to spend on upgrades which translates into a lot of time spent in the stages finding an easy, frictionless (and boring) spot to grind. The game also has other issues that are commonplace in early 16-bit games: wonky hit detection that makes certain boss fights an even bigger pain in the ass, and a clumsy translation that robs many 'wham' scenes of their narrative heft.

Unrefined as a lot of it was, I do see a lot of potential in this game and wish it would get a remake or at least a spiritual sequel on a current-gen console that would do the premise justice. Such an interesting and unique idea deserves more than to just be an evolutionary dead end.

It was fun for a few hours then I got stuck as if the game softlocked and I am not sure exactly what I was supposed to do to keep going. I need to give it another chance.

Pode ser um pouco cansativo, mas se você estiver na vibe, voa! MASTERPIECE!

Eu como biólogo sou muito fã desse jogo e o tenho como uma grande referência e inspiração por ter o prazer de ter jogado na minha infância. Uma das maiores obras-primas dos videogames, jóia raríssima perdida no super nintendo, mais uma que merecia um reconhecimento maior pelo seu caráter único e execução magnífica. Além de ser de um tema que gosto muito, a jogabilidade é incrível, as opções de evoluções são variadas, passando por vários estágios evolutivos que certamente não são tão precisos, apesar de didáticos, porém equilibram bem a diversão com a veracidade e deixam vc montar o seu próprio ser vivo do jeito que preferir. A imersão é sem dúvidas um ponto forte que te põe bem nos trilhos do caminho da maravilhosa história da vida na terra, te guiando por todas as fases da evolução e com um final épico e desafiador. Um dos jogos da minha vida que com certeza irei zerar mais vezes de tempos em tempos.