Reviews from

in the past

Cool, yeah, I’ll just... I’ll just dodge all of these bullets. With my human reflexes. These ones, right? These pink bullets? That’s fine. Alri—oh, and these blue ones? Ok yeah the blue ones, too. I can dodge those. For sure. Oh and ALSO the red ones though. And like all at the same time, all jumbled together, forever, and it never stops. Gotcha. Gotcha.

Cool—so let me just—oh I’m dead? Because I got hit once, by one of the bullets. A single one. Oh but the hitbox is ‘small’, you say, I see. So it’s fair. And I have a shield that can protect me, but it dies in... about 5 consecutive seconds of use, right. Ok.

Cool yeah so I’ll just dodge the bullets then, no problem.

Amazing game. Beautiful artwork and sprites, great variety, and one of the most satisfying Cave games to play yet (which means something). I loved how well balanced the game is - it doesn't have infinite continues like other of their games, but it is so well balanced around the lives you get. Essential shmup.

An amazing shmup with great ideas. Cool music and characters. Great stuff here.

cave é a maior mitinha q temos n tem jeito esqueça tudo

not a big fan of the bonus system, and the hitbox really bugged me, but overall I love the aesthetic, enemy design, the power shot, and music.

So damn hot. Love the way the characters move around.

First CAVE 1CC, and I can definitely see the hype. Brimming with style, fun as hell, and hard as balls.

I think this is very cool, and like all the other Cave games I'm super terrible at it (unless I play it on Super Easy mode), I think it has some really cool art, and I'm sure the story is very interesting (I have no idea why I'm murdering all of those screaming girls in one stage), but I do find it hard tracking the bullets a lot more than in later Cave shooters. There's so much information scrolling and flashing on the screen that my mind might actually explode, I'm sure you can turn it off, but I don't know Japanese so I guess I'll deal with it. You murder a little maid girl shooting a bazillionty bullets at you in the final battle, that's four stars minimum!