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in the past

This is where my game started to crash constantly. Thanks for your shitty, save file bloating engine Bethesda!

Very short but a nice breath of air from the Capital Wasteland and I enjoyed its characters

also very annoying with the beefy enemies

Loved the vibe and atmosphere this DLC brought to the mix, feeling even more dreadful and dark than the base game. Story is also super good.

Essa com certeza é sim a melhor DLC de Fallout 3, porém não é lá essas coisas...

Vamos por partes.

Point Lookout leva o nosso jogador à um novo tipo de área jamais visto na série até então, um pântano. Essa é uma das coisas que mais gostei da DLC, deixou de ser aquele jogo amarelo e feio que é a Capital Wasteland pra adotar uma área mais verde e azul, com mais vida, mato e etc.

A aura que essa região passa é de medo e precaução, como qualquer pântano que queira te matar. Os novos inimigos são até que interessantes, deformados e não são a triplice genérica (Raiders, Super Mutantes e Enclave), teve variações de Mirelurk e etc, que combina com o pântano. Único problema é ser esponja de dano, já que tou no nivel 30. Isso é muito rídiculo.

Gosto de como o mapa dessa DLC é grande, tendo mais de 20 localizações, enquanto a das outras mal chegavam a 6. Em tamanho é a única mais próxima das do New Vegas.

O plot principal da DLC em si é... Meio broxante, é um Old World Blues só que muito mais fraco, você não consegue criar nenhum afeto pelos dois doutores, muito menos pela tribo lá. As missões secundarias são bacaninha, principalmente a sobre o espião chinês, já do livro me decepcionou um pouco mas é bem única, parecia até Skyrim. Agora a de fazer Moonshine, o Safari e a do Submarino Ozymandias são fraquinhas, a do Submarino me decepcionou por causa do loot.

As armas novas não são lá essas coisas mas adiciona mais variedade, tendo mais rifle, mais arma melee, mais espingarda e etc. O Mesmetron 2 lá eu não cheguei a testar.

Enfim, acho que é isso, essa DLC na minha visão é Nota 5, sendo melhor que todas as outras e até mesmo que o próprio jogo normal.

Point Lookout is definitely some of the best Fallout 3 has to offer with its DLC. The new map to explore is a breath of fresh air since all the previous DLC unfortunately didn't have that much exploration and were mostly linear. Despite how good The Pitt was, it was lacking in this department as well. Point Lookout starts with you finding a Ferry Boat and a woman near by who asks you to look for her daughter that ran away to the island of Point Lookout.

Once the boatman agrees to take you to Point Lookout and arrive, the island is completely foggy and full of angry and high tribesmen, mutated residence, tribes, and two bitter rich people who have been fighting each other ever since the nukes dropped. One who became a ghoul, and the other who is a preserved brain. In the end you actually get to decide who you side with and both of the characters are really entertaining and fun to talk to, despite being assholes.

While the DLC does a great job at adding a bunch of new quests, places to explore, a decent story, and new equipment, I feel like it lacks a lot of flow and cohesion. While the characters are entertaining and the story is decent, that's just kind of it. The Pitt had a really engaging story to it, but Point Lookout I found to be lacking much of a connection to the Capital Wasteland. It's essentially just deciding which funny rich asshole to help out win in a 200 year war and finding a woman's daughter.

Hell, Fallout 4's Far Harbor actually re-used a lot of story elements from this DLC, especially with premise of finding Kasumi for her parents. However, Fallout 4 did it a lot better because after you find her, she doesn't just go home immediately. There's a much bigger mystery to it and you learn much more about her character. Meanwhile, I forgot the name of the girl you're supposed to find in Point Lookout and the reason she ran away was to become some sort of hippie and do drugs with a tribe.

Despite all that, Point Lookout is a good time. I'd definitely recommend it if you're going through your first playthrough of Fallout 3.


The highly anticipated Point Lookout is finally out and it does not disappoint. With this being the fourth DLC available for Fallout 3 you’d think Bethesda has started to run out of steam, but it seems they’ve just gotten started. The DLC starts out with a boat docking near the Jefferson Memorial and talking to a strange Tobar who tells you all about Point Lookout, Maryland and all its great treasures and adventures. Sure it sounds great for the Hero/ine of the Wasteland, but just how dangerous is it? Well extremely and especially if you are under level 25 and without the Broken Steel DLC because they bog hillbillies are extremely tough to kill even with the Tesla Cannon (you get this in the Broken Steel DLC) hell even the Rocket Launcher won’t kill them with one shot (must be all that Moonshine they drink).

While not giving too much of the story away, but you meet one AHOLE of a ghoul, try to find a woman named Nadine, a deceptive brain, a strange cult, and a woman who has you help her with her family recipe of Moonshine. The DLC is nothing short of amazing when it comes to the atmosphere since it’s just as lonely and creepy as the stuff on the disc (and The Pitt), with lots of fog, bogs, creepy hillbillies, strange buildings in the distance, and rads. Yes since most of the DLC has water in it you’ll be getting irradiated quite a bit and this means you will need to bring some RadAway, and Rad-X with you.

One mission even requires you to swim away from the island and locate a sunken submarine underwater. You have one store in the game in the carnival, there’s a motel you need to explore, a mysterious mansion, and a few other buildings, but there’s a lot to explore on this HUGE island so you’re in for about 4-6 hours of great gameplay and story. Bethesda seemed to have concentrated more on exploring this time around than weapons or anything like that. There are a few new parks, the double-barreled shotgun, lever-action rifle, but there are a TON of supplies to loot and grab. So much, in fact, you’ll have to head back to The Capital Wasteland just to sell it all. I believe this is a great DLC and is well worth the $10 (hell I’ve paid $140 into Fallout 3 already), so don’t be afraid and come down to Point Lookout and explore!

Fallout 3's test run for Fallout 4's Far Harbor. That's not to say it doesn't have its own merits - Point Lookout is decidedly more B-horror inspired, with its endless swamps and decrepit mansions providing a nice dose of self-aware schlockiness to the game. It also has the brain surgery scene, which is easily the most surreal and fascinating bit of writing Bethesda attempted in the entire Fallout 3 experience. I still have some reservations, mostly in the extreme spikes in difficulty that rear their head several times across the DLC and the somewhat underwhelming way that the narrative comes together in the end. Still, this is the best piece of added content for Fallout 3 by a good margin.

Another case of a revisit (need to revisit Fallout 3 in general, really...) but I remember this one being the best F3 DLC simply because it never crumbled under its own weight, or at the very least didn't crumble as badly when compared to the others.

Broken Steel is pretty much an Apology DLC for the ending with a thin epilogue of sorts just kinda attached at the hip, The Pitt tries to do some "moral dilemma" storyline yet ultimately fails because it uses the most hackneyed and trite quandary of "do you steal the All Important Baby or not?????" without actually digging deep as to how fucked up slavery is, Anchorage is just a dull CoD campaign with like, one or two funny moments, and Mothership Zeta is a cluster of annoying enemies, pathways, and overall structure without any real reward waiting for you.

PO, at least, offers a decent, B-movie horror-like approach to 3's setting, and the area itself is quite memorable even today. I could barely remember any of the DLCs mentioned prior, but this one I have the area down pretty well. Even the gunplay and stuff isn't too hampered from this either, which is usually the biggest fault of the game.

Still, it's in Fallout 3 so the writing is either mundane at best, woefully undercooked at worst, which leads into the main story just... being there. Still, I'd rather have this happen than deal with any of the other stuff again.

Playtime: 4 Hours
Score: 8/10

So I finally decided to go back and finish up all the Fallout 3 DLCs, as I have never really played any of them before. I played through The Pitt a while ago and was a bit underwhelmed by it but Point Lookout was more of what I wanted. I like my DLCs for these types of games to take me to a cool new area and to have some good main and side quests.

This DLC has you go to Point Lookout to find a girl that has gone missing only for you to soon be wrapped up with a Ghoul named Desmond who is being hunted by a local cult. The story was pretty wacky overall and had some action packed quests, but also a lot of twists as well. The whole vibe of Point Lookout is very ominous and creepy, with these mutated hillbilles attacking you that gave me some Deliverance vibes. The side quests as well are quite good with one of them having you get involved with a cult that links back to the Dunwich building from the base game which I thought was cool and then one having you complete a mission of an old Chinese spy from before the great war, sent to the island for a secret mission.

Overall Point Lookout is Bethesda at their absolute best, and you can tell they put a lot of effort into this one. Definitely worth playing!

the inbreds do lots of damage like fuck man

Lamest main quest I've seen in a while, "choose between 2 disrespectful motherfuckers, one of them betrays you out of NOTHING and the other one will finally give you some insight and lore AFTER the quest!!!" Bethesda was onto NOTHING.

Despite of this tho, the map is a great addition to the game, it's big enough, some good sidequests, new enemies and shit. Kinda wacky too.

The best of the Fallout 3 DLCs. Good maps with some weird and wacky side quests.

Personal favorite of the DLCs. I absolutely love the atmosphere and the side-quests.

The best of the Fallout 3 DLC's, definitely. Very creepy, honestly the creepiest that the FPS fallout games have been for me. Some fun missions, like following the breadcrumbs of a Chinese spy, or dealing with a demonic book.

Interesting setting, a good complement to the original game.

I hated that mirelurk swamp section.

The best Fallout 3 DLC. Point Lookout is an interesting area and adds some interesting lore bits to the game.

Easily the best Fallout 3 DLC. A whole new area with new enemies and items, and most of all, creepy as fuck. Don't really care about the story but Desmond is a cool character when he isn't calling you retarded.


Point Lookout was the one of two DLC for 3 I never bothered with - where Broken Steel (we'll get to you a LONG time from now buddy, relax) is a post-game DLC and honestly who wants to finish a Bethesda game, Point Lookout's THEME just didn't do it for me. You head to the LA bayou (Louisiana duh) to poke around and look for someone's missing daughter - kind of rubbish intro honestly, but what you find there is a MUCH more freeform adventure than all of the other DLC we're going over here and damn I loved it. The Bayou map isn't too big but you start off in a small coastal carnival spot that feels delightfully colorful but sadly there isn't much to do here. When you do arrive though the NPC who brings you here cheerfully points out that a mansion is on fire up on the hill...maybe go check it out? Or don't, who cares? And then you're just set loose in this little microcosm of a fallout game and the fun begins.

To be clear here, that fire IS the main story of the DLC though it very easily could not be. There's nothing really thematically going on here that ties it to the Bayou and what it is going through or even any of the side stuff - it's the just parts with the most voice acting + 'cinematic' moments. Don't get me wrong what's here is quite good: a drug fueled trip through a swamp that gets into some personal shit for your character (I'm not a wholly blank canvas! Woah!) and a horde mode section defending said burning-down mansion... it's neat honestly and worth the time. The real meat here though is this little slice of America you're wandering through.

The Bayou is TOUGH. There are inbred yokels who attack you rather than raiders who appear...mostly... human but their guttural southern twang gives them a more disturbing edge than any gory artwork display the Capital raiders can cook up back home. There's a few tough new ghoul variants here that lurk around graveyards which help them lean even more into the 'zombie' archetype and they are all suitably creepy. I do enjoy there's also a running subplot about the nearby military base and its hunt for a hidden chinese agent just before to war. This quest does help flesh out the American/Chinese relationship just before things went to shit and while it strains credibility that all of these necessary pieces of the puzzle have survived more-or-less intact after 200 years for us to piece together it still does FEEL engaging at solving these mysteries. And while Anchorage showed the very clear American propoganda to make the Chinese look like horrible monsters (but really just making the US look like racist assholes) we get to see a bit of the Chinese side here that they really weren't great themselves... but that's kind of Fallout 3's schtick right? Everyone is sorta awful?

Lookout strays very far from its On-Rails compatriot DLC in presenting just a tasty morsel of a mini-Fallout experience and I do think that helps it play much more directly into the game's strengths. The fighting just isn't good enough to hold up Anchorage or Zeta all on their own and the writing alone can't bear the brunt of The Pitt's moral 'dilemma' but the worldbuilding Bethesda engages in really can get us over the finish line here. This DLC is definitely my favorite and in a way I'm sad I missed it back in the day but... it sure was a surprising treat for today.

I had expected great things with Point Lookout's reputation as being "the best Fallout 3 DLC", but dude, what the fuck, this was terrible! The setting is a cool-looking swamp full of mire and marsh, but the enemies are either goofy-looking inbred hicks or crazy tribals that love gnawing on these psychedelic fruits (it's also pretty racist / classist to think that 'going tribal' equates to being dumb or going crazy, but yknow, not like this is the first time Fallout's done this). A lot of Point Lookout consists of empty fucking fields with a lot of mist, fog, and either Mirelurks or enemies with obnoxious shotguns that cleave away at your health.

And the glitches, holy hell, this DLC is buggy as hell. The awesome-on-paper first quest, where you play a long round of 'defend the tower' in a mansion with this well-dressed Ghoul (Desmond), is easily one of the worst quests in Fallout 3 just due to how frequently the scripting breaks or the game crashes. You have to constantly be quicksaving in case one of Desmond's lines doesn't load and thus doesn't trigger the next event, leaving you standing in place like a fucking idiot. I had performance issues with Point Lookout throughout my entire playthrough - I just ignored a lot of the interactable objects during the 'high on Punga Fruit' scene because interacting with the first bobblehead made the fucking game crash. For a game that already has huge performance issues, Point Lookout's jank is unacceptably bad.

It's also really short and focuses on a conflict that is impossible to care about. You're supposed to side with either Desmond or Calvert, but the game gives you virtually no good reason to side with either of them. Desmond makes these vague promises of making you 'rich', but you have no idea what treasure he's looking for and he treats you like the scum of the earth at all times, constantly belittling you and talking down to you. As for Mr. Brain-In-A-Jar Calvert, you get absolutely no time to learn what he's like as a person, and even if you decide to side with him because he's at least less abrasive than Desmond, Calvert betrays you at the very end for literally no reason whatsoever.

Who cares? This isn't my problem. The player is given no reason to care about or get involved in the beef between these two random guys that treat you like shit and offer no tangible or substantive rewards for siding with them. Why should I care about one shitty, random man over the other? What do I get out of this? You barely even learn anything about why these two are rivals or just how far back this rivalry goes. The world goes on unchanged regardless of who you side with, so Point Lookout's main conflict legitimately feels like filler.

At least the swamp looks cool. This was awful. 1.5/5.

the one dlc thats actually downloadble content isnt that crazeee

the story of this dlc is a joke, but i really really love the atmosphere. the setting is super cool, just avoid ever doing the main quest

el mejor dlc de fallout 3, muy buen mapa, personajes interesantes, drogas y divertido. Nada mas que añadir

Kkkkkkkk fui jogar pelas inspirações em Lovecraft e me deparei com uma história super bosta num mapa mesmo que com estética mt boa seja completamente desinteressante

A decent expansion that is slightly higher in quality than the main campaign, nothing much beyond that.

Probably my favorite of the DLC, the map was good and there was a lot to do here.

probably the best fo3 dlc. i get to live my dream of shooting hillbillies

objectively the best part of FO3 and it shocks me that this worldbuilding and writing co-exists within FO3

the best dlc of fallout 3 the new area is foggy and has interesting conflict and memorable atmosphere
voice acting is good dialogue is fun