Reviews from

in the past

the jerma birthday rats song is used in this

For a free steam game made almost entirely by one person, this was really great. It was charming, constantly funny and was entertaining the whole way through. The story is really interesting and I wanna know more about the universe, I'd definitely pay for a sequel of sorts. Other than that I don't really have many complaints. I feel like more then three save slots would of been nice and the endings had a little bit more closure with the whole crew but at this point all I can do Is suggest things that would make it even better when it was already an experience I loved every second of (and its free!) Also it has a hatoful boyfriend reference which is mega pog.

Also Kat is best girl but Allie, Violet and Scarlett stole my heart too

Nothing mind blowing, but just a solid experience.

The game does feel like it drags on just a tad too long near the end, (granted I played it in one sitting), though I feel the length does wonders for establishing characterization.

Each character is far more then what their basic archetype would suggest, and the game forces you to do every character's route, which I honestly really like. Besides the fact that the story wouldn't quite work without it, it was sorta refreshing to be pushed out of my normal comfort zone.

The story is interesting enough, and the beginning leaves you with a bunch of mysterious, which work well as a hook. The game also gives you a fair amount of choices, even if its more of an illusion sometimes.

The only real complaint I have is the score, and that I feel there could've been just a few more character sprites, but other than that, I'd fully recommend to anyone with 4 or so hours to spare

This game mistaken in much things, like the timing of musics and jokes and some dates are boring. The story and heroines are ok, it's only it.

i love women

plots good same with all the characters violet best girl

It was a decent visual novel for being free, so no complaints. Character designs were solid.

Lo seguí desde que se anunció e incluso llegue a hablar con el desarrollador en un foro, pero cuando salió fue un poco desepcionante... Pero meh, es gratis, que se le podía pedir?

Si tus standares son tan bajos como para haberte gustado DDLC, entonces probablemente disfrutes de este.

This is a really solid effort for one developer, two artists and a musician! The characters feel a little archetypal but the romantic scenes were very sweet, and I did like the undercurrent of wrongness sprinkled in here and there. Some group scenes feel like they're going through the motions but I appreciate that it was a very fast paced VN, none of those scenes lasted for very long and I liked that a lot of them referred to events from the previous day instead of each event being separate. On the technical side, this desperately could've used some scene transitions and music transitions too. The bad trumpet playing at the start of the game was funny but I mostly didn't really enjoy the music too much either. But in the end, it's a free game from a tiny team. I enjoyed my time here and that is all I could ask for.

Actually an awesome first game from the developer. I enjoyed all the characters, the MC doesn't fall into the trope of being either a fumbling idiot or creep, and I liked the story. Obligatory mention that Violet was best girl.

The initial premise was quite intriguing and had me interested in trying out all the love interests but as the mysteries unfolded and the story got unnecessarily complex I lost interest.

I was ready to just shut it down but the plot became... increasingly interesting!
The VN is short and I finished it in a couple of hours but the art looks good, the plot it nice with some extremely interesting curve balls and the characters are a lot of fun when they are together.
Clearly most of the love went to Kat and Violet who feel like the better written characters and while Violet was a very good choice I did feel like the "canonical" route, the one the story organically leads to, would be Kat's.
Then again, I simped over Scarlet the second I saw her even if she is under developed.

It has good concepts but could have been better with bigger budget and better CGs. Also Kat romance felt rushed. I love the enemies to lovers troupe but the pacing near the end felt too quick too make it believable.


short n sweet n family friendly

Are there any other visual novel/dating sim games that have a part where you go on a date as a virtual pigeon?

Didn't think so.

7 banana zombies out of 10

Esperaba algo que intentase ser el nuevo Doki Doki y aunque el comienzo es lo esperable y algunos giritos se ven venir, el juego está muy bien planteado y bastante bien escrito. Buena historia, un sentido del humor bien buscado y personajes que no caen en clichés (excepto Terra, la chica gamer)

Yo this is good. This is also the beginning of The Legend of El Chaperon Malo. You don't need to understand, El Chaperon Malo is an incorporeal concept.

i had fun
a good visual novel with good plot twists, especially if you're bored on a sunday or something

Really high quality for a free game. The visuals are great, plus the story is really original and intresting. My only criticisms would be that there wasnt as many choices as id like, so the first half of the game felt a bit slow. And the pronoun option didn't work for me, so the game kept calling me he/him but thats probably just a minor bug. Also more expressions and art of the characters would have been awesome, but thats just a nit-pick because I really like the designs and personalities they gave the characters.

Me when actual effort is put in a free visual novel

This should've been worth money eve though I've never read a VN before this.

Makes me think I might actually be a VN enjoyer.

Drawn in by the interesting concept (but mostly cuz it's free) with a story that had more depth than I was expecting. Was ready to drop it at any second but ended up playing till the end.

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The Truman Show but with anime women

murder is okay, but god forbid someone shows their tits

cool game that sometimes gets a little too convoluted for its own good. still a good time tho, dont regret playing it. i got it when it was free but even for its 5 dollar price tag i can confidently recommend it. scarlett best girl