Reviews from

in the past

This game made me racist against hosidoans

Fates is the black sheep of Fire Emblem, even in comparison to the other recent titles. The characters are quite bland and it doesn't expand much on the introduced mechanics in Awakening. The story is also pretty dumb, to be honest.

fuck this game. technically this is the best story of the three but even then that just means it's mediocre generic fantasy story with some nonsense. bad.

i hate the way the routes are split up into different games lmao so im just copy pasting my review with minor changes. fates is the weakest of the recent games and its good for mindless fun if you ignore the main story which... sucks. both in terms of it being bad AND it being a shame that it's bad and you're better off ignoring it. i like reading supports and some of these are good and better than the main story LMAO. others feel INCREDIBLY flat and like a waste of space, especially when you find out the localization team DESTROYED many of the supports and changed them entirely, sometimes making characters completely unlikable. this is particularly sad in that they did this to the only gay option for women; her jpn supports were actually rather sweet if a bit basic, unlike in the english where they... changed it entirely and made her very unsettling? i know she's a tharja clone, but come on. the original jp version at least tried to make the relationship actually likable?

i think birthright has the best story of the three routes but unfortunately that isn't saying much LOL

i'm going to copy/paste my review of conquest here:

not a lot in terms of story but the gameplay is nice, art direction and atmosphere is solid and some of the characters are great. it's not a masterpiece for sure but not as bad as some make it out to be.

birthright is simpler than conquest but has mostly the same strengths and weaknesses. overall i didn't love it but i didn't regret my time spent playing it either. conquest is definitely the better entry though

May like this game more than I'm "supposed to" but it's aight

i guess there's room for everything, let's just say that :)

Felicia is cute that's the best thing I can say about this game (and the two others).

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God why did I spend 400+ hours on this and the rest of fates in middle school

It's literally just awakening but bad

Better than Conquest because it has Sakura

the best lord was a character that was added last minute and had almost no impact on the story which is a bad sign

This was the version I got when it came out, probably because it was Japanese themed. Even in the hype I thought it was kind of boring, especially compared to it's counterpart. A boring plot, and some of the worst siblings, Takumi, and just a flat cast in general, make this one the inferior version.

Birthright is one of the weakest games in the series. It lacks most of what I like about Fire Emblem in the first place. The game isn't very challenging, especially normal mode, which is a complete cakewalk. Sadly, the storyline and characters are completely unremarkable. The final chapter is the only one that stood out to me as great, and even then, it just reminded me of how much better Fire Emblem usually is than this. The new bells and whistles did little to please me.

not the best game but still my favorite out of the three routes bc i don't like nohr. the plot falls apart for the sake of shipping like,,, c'mon

i hate takumi as much as any villain in a video game ive ever played

This game is unremarkable, but Hinoka's thighs being on screen more often give it the edge over the other two parts.

Hinoka is best girl but that's all you're gonna get out of this game

Everyone in this game sucks and they tried to pander to me by making Tharja again. It didn't work.

Can you fall asleep out of boredom while playing games?

I have a hard time saying that Birthright is as good as Conquest, because it really isn't as far as I'm concerned. Conquest had the better characters and maps, while Birthright has the better story... but it still isn't a great story. Don't play the Fates games for the story. With that said, I've still had a ton of fun with these games, so Birthright still gets a really high ranking despite not deserving it.