Reviews from

in the past

A classic that I used to play all the time when I was very young, the extreme damage model was quite impressive for the time. Not really much reason to get it today as you can play the remaster.

oh flatout 2, what did your successor do to your franchises reputation..

Envelheceu bem. Seleção muito boa de músicas. Pra quem tem placa da NVIDIA recomendo usar o DSR em 4k,deixa o jogo muito bonito, mesmo em monitor 900p ou 1080p.

divertido pra caralho, por incrível q pareça tinha jogado pra krl na mesma época do DoD

Had a lot of fun with this game as a kid, fun arcade style racing game with awesome soundtrack & plenty of modes. Gets borning pretty quickly due to small car variety.

sofia martinez on her way to claim first place after you've failed to roll the ramp rng and tumbled into a stationary stone at the last lap

um dos meus jogos favoritos. rejoguei uns 10 anos depois e continua super divertido. a galera tem q entender que jogabilidade e gráficos perfeitos não torna um jogo de carro bom. tanto que nao gosto de nenhum forza ou nfs atual. flatout é simples mas DIVERTIDO

Almost better then burnout 3

Spaßiges Arcade-Rennspiel mit Fokus auf Crashen. Neben den klassischen Rennen bietet Flatout außerdem noch eine handvoll spaßiger Minispiele, die in größeren Gruppen sehr witzig sind.

Demolition Derby the game featuring Nickelback

a nata dos jogos de corrida do ps2 , impressionante como graficos e jogabilidade simples pode gerar tantas horas de gameplay

One of my favorite games, the moments of car crashes are truly spectacular and I'm really glad that I experienced such a game.

idek how i ended up playing this one considering sports games are extremely not my wheelhouse but all the different modes it had were so fun???

J'avais une femme dans ce jeu et elle était blonde

Easily one of the most overrated racing games of all time imo. The only good thing about This game is the soundtrack but even then if I wanted a fast paced arcade racer with a theme of destruction with a kickass soundtrack I would just play burnout 3 or revenge lmao

The BEST game to play at a LAN party.

a maior felicidade de uma criança

İnternet kafeci abinin, pc'ye format attıktan sonra bilgisayara yüklü olarak gelen birkaç oyundan biriydi. Şu an oynanmaz.

Edit: Şu an da oynanır. Oç Jack Benton ve Sofia Martinez

pretty fun game for demolition derby stuff, this is a VAST improvement over the first game. While i dont think the first flatout is unplayable by any means this one is totally an improvement on every front from physics to track variety and feel.
Final thoughts: i fuckin' LOVE smashing shit

One of the best ps2 racing games along with nfs and burnout. the car destruction physics in this aren't found in any other ps2 game and it's just so much fun to wreck the whole car selection in spectacular fashion, all along a absolutely banging ost that lives rent free in my head.

Druga część jednej z ulubionych serii ścigałek mojego dzieciństwa, w której zostało ulepszone chyba wszystko względem pierwowzoru. Dużo ładniejsza grafika (współczesną oczywiście bym jej nie nazwał, ale wygląda moim zdaniem ok), przyjemniejszy model jazdy (choć nadal jedyne auta, w których czuję się komfortowo to te z napędem na 4 koła :D), więcej bardziej różnorodnych tras, nadal dająca frajdę rozwałka i zwariowane minigry z wyrzucaniem kierowcy przez przednią szybę, a w rockowym soundtracku usłyszymy już nieco bardziej znanych wykonawców jak Rob Zombie, Rise Against czy... Nickelback. Wiadomo, że połowa z tej składanki to "komercha" na którą bym kiedyś nie spojrzał, ale dzisiaj mam do tej muzyki sentyment i tęsknię za czasami, gdy nawet to durne Nickelback leciało w radiu non stop zamiast dzisiejszego Eda Sheerana czy Drejka. Chyba już jestem stary. ;) Jedynymi minusami jakie mi przychodzą do głowy jest niska jakość dźwięku przy wybuchach, zderzeniach itd (trochę "syczy") i niepasująca waga niektórych rzeczy, które z łatwością spychamy z trasy, tzn np. cały wielki silnik samolotu przy zderzeniu nie powinien się od nas odbijać leciutko niczym styropian. Na steam decku gra działa bardzo dobrze, po pierwszym dostosowaniu sterowania (żaden układ społeczności mi nie pasował, więc zrobiłem swój) już do końca był spokój i nie miałem żadnych problemów.

Probably the best demo derby game ever.

This along with Urban Reign and Mashed form the holy trinty of local multiplayer games for the PS2.

8 Player Flatout 2 Minigames on Home Parties a good time. But be prepared to yell the name of the person who's turn it is through the entire house many times. Because nobody will wait 7 turns and just watch. They'll go get drinks or be playing another game in the meantime... it's just a hassle... but thats not the games fault.

There is racing too... doesn't affect me any.

This game was my childhood.

The cars, the music, the physics, the silly minigames, eveyrhing felt too 2000's. Sadly, it lacks variety and it's as basic as it gets.

But for what it is, it's a great Derby-Type game.

This game is one of the coolest and stranger car games out there. I loved spending hours and hours with friends destroying the cars and playing the minigames to try and throw away the driver as far as possble in addition to all of the other crazy things. Games like this will probably never come back because they were too much fun for the industry.

Best arcade racing game right next to the Underground duo. at least when you're thirteen and the sheer scale of fucking shit up overwhelms you just right