Reviews from

in the past

Ghost Trick has a perfect narrative it's amazing at keeping you hooked and the puzzles in each level are ingenious

Ghost Trick is my favorite Christmas Movie

That's it. I'm fusing myself with this copy of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective for the Nintendo DS in order to prove I'm the biggest fan of this underrated classic the west mistakenly overlooked

Ghost Trick vive de una presentación superlativa, tanto que ella, casi solita, levanta lo que sería un original y simpático pero algo insípido y reiterativo juego de puzzles con historia extra-rocambolesca.

Pienso en la fisicalidad de los personajes, siempre completos en pantalla y de lenguaje corporal expresivamente animado; pienso en sus muy claras y particulares expresiones faciales, representadas en las ilustraciones que les dan cara (y que cambian siempre acompañadas de característicos efectos de sonido); y pienso en cómo el apartado sonoro genera tanta personalidad (con pegadizas melodías asociadas a los diversos personajes) e intensidad dramática (con esos cortes y cambios y crescendos musicales, y el sonido con el que se enfatizan y exaltan las líneas de diálogo).

Y todo esto como vehículo a un efecto de constante cliffhanging, con una trama basada en plantear enigmas que se resuelven formulando otros nuevos. Uno juega Ghost Trick completamente sumergido por el ansia de obtener respuestas. Y el juego las da, solo que cuando lo hace plantea nuevas preguntas, atrapándonos en su sucesión de intrigas interconectadas espectacularmente potenciadas por la presentación, que lleva cada nueva revelación a muy altas cotas de intensidad.

a lot of fun except when it isn't. it has lots of style, a flamboyant sense of humor, some clever puzzles, (but a lot are about clicking on everything you can). a game idea i have is inspired by these puzzles, but the more i play this game the less i want to make it. shrug

i should see the end but i don't really want to

i highly recommend going into this game blind like don't look up anything regarding the plot and i guarantee that you're gonna be in for a wild and unforgettable ride

i wish so much that i could play this game for the first time again. to experience every little bit of dialogue, story, and music track as if i hadn't heard it before would be the greatest thing ever.

this game is SO good. i love the mechanics, characters, story and art. it brings me to tears everytime i play this damn game. inconsolable sobbing please play ghost trick it's one of the best games ever

One of the DS's finest. Story is fantastic and full of twists and turns that, while shocking, are cleverly foreshadowed and not just brought up out of nowhere, the characters are ridiculously lovable and have a ton of charm and depth to them, the art direction is incredible and instantly gives the game a unique sense of style, the OST is fantastic, and the gameplay is incredibly solid, giving you a series of Rube Goldberg puzzles to play through that also does an amazing job in intertwining gameplay and story together. Definitely give this game a shot if you haven't already.

One of the most creative games I've ever played, and a downright fantastic story. I don't have much to say, other than if you have any interest in puzzles, absurdity, and narrative in video games, you should play Ghost Trick. Quite possibly the most underrated game of all time.

+ "4 minute" puzzles are inventive
+ Well written mystery / story
+ Characters are quriky, fun / rememberable
+ Missle
~ Certain plot points feel too convenient
- Ghost Tricks are repeatitive

"An ideal detective doesn't shoot and kill his own wife."

Masterful from start to finish.

In Japan, this game is simply titled "Ghost Trick" which is a way better title if only for how it isn't misleading. I went into this game hoping for some good paranormal investigation, but the gameplay's actually just possessing and wiggling objects in predetermined ways to prevent people's deaths. It's a charming premise for a game and a story, but when it comes to actually playing it, it's nothing more than adequate. Just as the gameplay wasn't as nuanced as I hoped, the story doesn't trust you to figure things out and rehashes information constantly to make sure you're on track. I would have appreciated this game more if it was 25-50% shorter and gave players a chance for deduction instead of outright telling you things, but I also have to admit that it was still an overall good experience. Check it out if you're into visual novels, but not if you want something puzzley.

Takumi please grace us with your greatness once again.

Shu Takumi is a god amongst men.

A very good puzzle game elevated by its twisty plot. You play as a ghost who can jump back four minutes into the past to prevent other people's deaths with your 'ghost tricks', in the hope that they will lead to unravelling the mystery of your own murder. I have played this game several times, and the finale - which inexplicably sticks the landing after twisting back and forth all game - has made me tear up every time, and for some reason I'm making a permanent record of this fact.

A great example of a story that can only be told via a video game; the way the plot moves and develops is so interconnected with the game's mechanics that it's hard to imagine this really existing in any other form, and that in itself is already enough to make the game worth experiencing.

I love the characters, humour, and the way the animations compliment both of these aspects so well. The story itself is largely enjoyable and very engaging, though so relentlessly full of twists and turns, and constantly asking you to suspend your disbelief even further, that I never really gained my footing for long enough to form much of an emotional connection with what was happening.

The actual puzzles in the game are generally pretty easy, especially with the game's habit of pushing hints on to you, and sometimes they struggle to elevate far beyond "interact with everything you can see", but the way they're so deeply integrated with the story, and the manner in which the game uses them to express its humour, is so satisfying that I largely think of them fondly anyways.

Also; Missile is really good.

A hidden gem of the Nintendo DS. Superb writing comes together with a gorgeous aesthetic. One stylistic night that will keep you glued to your screen.

Very fun puzzler, with one simple mechanic it turns into a bunch of fantastic scenes bolstered by world class character writing. Missile is the adorable sidekick every BB-8 type mascot is trying to be but unlike those annoying Funko ass things, Missile is a valiant little guy you can't help but love. The revelations in the final cutscene had me reeling in the best way.

NOW THIS IS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME BABY! I laughed, I cried, I fell in love. All of the wonders of life contained in a 12 hour long DS game. It was so engaging from start to finish with one of the most creative and fun stories that I've ever experienced. Every aspect of this game was so unbelievably joyful, from the animation to the music to the art style, and I just really had such a great time. The only reason that I don't give it a perfect score is because a couple times the story went just a little too far outside the realm of logic for me and lost me for a second but I was brought back in every time. Biggest recommend for this video game from me. Check it out!

One of the most interesting games I've ever played.

More or less perfect, no wasted time or mechanics, endlessly funny and endearing

Ghost Trick better ghost trick me into making 70 alternate accounts to rate this game 100 stars out of 10.