Reviews from

in the past

pouring one out for my homeboy. taken from us too soon.

Very sad to see this one go the way it did. If it was still alive and well it probably would have been one of the best mobas ever made and I mean that wholeheartedly. There's still a small community that hosts private servers for the game, but it's not the same.

Could've been amazing but bad timing

A fun MOBA I wish I could play again

This one deserved better. Imaginative character designs and an intriguing branching character progression system always made Gigantic interesting, even if you were losing. Like many games in the oversaturated MOBA/hero shooter space, it shut down shortly after launch, maybe proof that this genre was never sustainable beyond a few major titles.

an ugly loser told me to download this

An amazing moba that could've been so great. A game I truly am saddened to see go

Excellent game that left us too soon.

I wish this hadn't been Xbox/PC exclusive since maybe having it be cross platform with PS might have saved it?

I just know it showed up yesterday in my Steam shop's featured items and I felt a surge of joy at the idea it might have come back, followed by deep sorrow as I saw that wasn't the case. RIP, we lost this game too soon.

was a good game, i miss this gem

An actually good MOBA (kinda, it blurred the lines, you could call it hero-shooter-adjacent)... they did the impossible and were punished for it...

Fuck Microsoft. Goodnight sweet prince

sad about this one. super unique in so many ways

Would have been so great, upset the development stopped

This game has some real cool ideas for online gaming, but no one really cared about so I think it's dead

this game did not deserve death.

There is nothing fair in this world

God I loved this game when I could still play it... I've had so much fun with all of the different characters and maps, even though I usually never play MOBAs. It was pure and simple fun to me. The presentation was top-notch as well, Gigantic looked and sounded amazing! Life was good, when Gigantic came out...

It's really weird that we live in a time where games like these can just... die out... Even if you payed for it, it's gone now. There may just be a lesson to be learned here about the fleeting nature of time and... things.

No one can play Gigantic anymore and it makes me so sad.

one of those games i wish more people had played - it had such fantastic potential and the artstyle was gorgeous! very very solid moba that im suprised failed

Too bad, I thought this had a chance at success. Loved the art style.

A satisfying mix between a MOBA and a third-person hero shooter, this game was a perfect mix of gameplay elements that made it easy to pick up and satisfying right from the start. A shame it never made it in the MOBA market, even though its fun-factor was top tier in the genre.