Reviews from

in the past

[Open Beta gespielt]
Amazing! Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!
Großartige Grafik, super Musik, coole Charaktere und ein Kampfsystem bei dem ich das Gefühl habe die Basics schon nach nur ein paar Stündchen nachvollziehen zu können.

Ich habe jetzt schon Online mehr Spaß als mit den meisten Fightern und auch wenn ich all die Kritikpunkte der Hardcore Community (und ihren Nachplapperern die Guilty Gear selbst nie gespielt haben) verstehe und ich komplett dem Zorn zustimme, dass ihnen eines der letzten großen Hardcorespiele "genommen" wurde, profitier ich von den ganzen Änderungen halt so wie sonst nirgends.

Wird definitiv gekauft und ich hoffe darauf dass wir noch ein paar wohlverdiente Tweaks für Lobby und Trainingmode bekommen werden.

One of the best fighting games i've ever played. The music is great, the new roman canceling and graphics are awesome. And despite what people say, i personally think the combo system despite being drastically changed compared to older titles, can still be very enjoyable.

The BBTAG of its franchise and nobody wants to believe that's true.

Worst fighting game out. Just fuck off

rollback carries this game, what the fuck happened here??

Game is very fun but the online lobbies are kind of a dumpster fire. I’ll fix my rating when/if those get fixed.

played at a friends house. Need to play more before rating but ky kiske is fun

The tagline is know the smell of the game because the people who play it don't bathe, but that's okay because I never have to be face to face with them

Ky Kiske: Jaja Sol Badguy te estoy ganando a tu apellido, te estoy ganando en Guilty Gear Strive
Corrupted Sun: Ah y que pasa si te hago el mixup: agarre?
Quique: No hombre tampoco es eso

A fighting game made me cry now god damn

The online is great but the combo routes are so fuckin narrow, the lobbies and menus make it so you have to navigate for an ungodly amount of time before you even get to experience the flawless online, idk man I have extremely mixed feelings. The game gives you such and in depth breakdown of the plethora of mechanics but HAS NO TRIALS OR SAMPLE COMBOS WHAT THE FUCK

Fantastic fighter that is very accessible for new comers of the series. Pair that with amazing netcode and a decent amount of single player content this is a VERY good entry into this god tier series.

Game's really fun to play, the netcode is fantastic, visuals are great and the soundtrack bangs. It's still a little janky in parts but that's to be expected in a vanilla fighting game.

They really need to fix these fucking lobbies though.

It may be too early to call it, but from the beta alone I can say that this game is fantastic. The visuals, the music, the combat, the characters are all so on point. Every character I've played so far has been ridiculously fun, even though I have gravitated towards Giovanna the most. This has quickly gone from a game I was morbidly curious about to one of my most anticipated titles of the year. I will rerate and re-review it once I play the full version. The beta is open and free for anybody to try so get on that if you haven't already.

Fun fact I can potemkin buster people in real life

Arcsys knew that they cannot fix the user experience. So, instead of releasing a patch, they've blamed the modders

I-no is such a fine woman oh my god

It's not as good as AC+R. I don't think it's particularly close, even. The lobbies barely work, the combat system is a bit too simplified, the wallbreak system is dumb, and frankly, there isnt that much do actually do in the game.

But it is very, very fun. When you actually get the game going, all the little niggles and issues strive has get washed out by the sheer wave of positive energy that comes when the battles get going, when the music's loud and the presentation is absolutely glorious.

I know its easy to enjoy anything with friends, but doing sets with Friends in strive, and for that matter, AC+R is just special. There's something about the sheer positivity and dedication to rule of cool about the series, along with the awesome characters and music, that just makes for an absolute whale of a time, ensuing with laughs, trying to avoid singing along with Chipp's theme in the discord call, and going "ooo" as your friend dunks you in the corner with an awesome Zato combo.

Particularly in these grim times, Guilty Gear has been special for me. Maybe the only thing i've played where even for a little bit, the worries of the world truly just give way to the sheer personality and fun of it all. And whilst Strive may not be truly as good as AC+R - it still has it's energy. And that's all that really matters to me.

To anyone who i've played Guilty Gear with in the past few months - Thank you.

A triumphant evolution of the series. Easier to play and more strategic than Xrd. Arc Systems' trademark cell shaded graphics are noticeably improved and take the crown for this visual style.

When playing online, the lobbies are a bizarre and unpleasant side scrolling environment where players move their avatars around. It ruins one of the nice things about the previous Guilty Gear game, which had a similar concept with much better execution. However, once you are in a match the net code is impeccable. The quality of these one-on-one connections is better than almost anything else out there and make up for any other online deficiencies. Skip the strange lobbies and wait for a quick match in training mode.

Seventh review change

Finally made celestial and my life is still shit so nothing is different

the story mode is basically a batshit insane borderline incoherent 5 hour anime movie and its great. also the gameplay is insanely fun.

never played a guilty gear game but had disaster of passion on loop for probably 100+ hours in total so a easy 10

los japoneses de arcsys pusieron al primer personaje negro y le metieron una IA que te hace input read al final del modo arcade para generar racismo