Reviews from

in the past

This game, perhaps more than most others, is so personal to me. It's one of the first videogames I ever remember owning as a child, I even remember the day my Mother surprised me with this present on a holiday. I spent the rest of the holiday reading the little PS1 manual cover to cover and looking over the box, itching to get home and play it.

And that's exactly what this game feels like to me - home. The soundtrack, the sound effects, even the wonky dialogue, it all feels so comforting and familiar to me.

I know this game is no work of art; I know it hasn't aged in the grandest of ways, and that it can be beaten in like four hours, but there isn't a bad word I could truly say about this game, it's too close to my heart for that.

I will always love this game, jank and all.

A decent platformer which showcases some of the early wonder and mystery of the Wizarding World. Not quite as good we all remember though, platforming sections without a dedicated jump button are painful, broom controls are unstable and the graphics are laughably bad. Certainly above average for a movie game however.

who tf wants to do homework lmao, this dumb shit is for nerds gtfo with this shit

Even my pro chess playing Granddad couldn't figure out the final mission chess puzzles

Well at least it gave us PS1 Hagrid

the cover art is so fucking good holy shit

Harry Potter and the Fucking Wizard

I didn't finish, since I didn't have a Playstation 1. But it runs in Playstation 2, the thing is that I had to restart all of over every time I played. The game has an interesting redesign of Hogwarts, but the graphics are super outdated even for the time it was made. The characters look like they have Down Syndrome xD

The gameplay is extremely dull, and the levels are very repetitive and not at all creative.

Hasn't a good time...

Visually the game looks rough, hilariously so, but the game overall is solid and fun. As an adaptation of Philosopher's Stone it's not the best as it glosses over several plot points and changes the context of certain scenes for the worse but as a game it's passable but a little dull.

Gringotts is beyond frustrating for no reason though and that was annoying.

Another game that I only recall bits and pieces of, but as far as Book -> Movie -> Game adaptations go, this is probably one of the better ones.

qué juegazo por favor feel like sh*t i just want her back

I never actually played this I just want to talk about how they had this game at the hospital but I couldn’t play cuz of my IV so I wanted to stay in the hospital more to play it.

On PlayStation, Philosopher's Stone has a quirky and charming vibe that's overshadowed by its terrible controls, disjointed storytelling and laughably dated visuals.

No sé niega que intento ser fiel a la obra original e incluso expandiendo el universo de la misma, y que mejor que encarnando al mago más famoso de los últimos años, su problema radica en la burda ejecución, la nostalgia es algo que ayuda a recordarlo de forma amena, pero es poco recomendable revivir la experiencia.

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PS1 Hagrid is my spirit animal

I’m very nostalgic for this one. Used to love just running about and exploring low poly Hogwarts as a wee man. It still holds up pretty well, despite the lack of a jump button and some of the spells being locked behind frustrating QTEs. PSX Hagrid still looks fucked though like. Also fuck big terfy Rowling while we’re at it.

Ein überraschend gutes aber auch düsteres Spiel. Hier wird ein Hogwarts aufgebaut mit Abgründen und Monstern in dem jeder Schritt tödlich sein kann.
Ergänzt wird das ganze mit einem guten Soundtrack der in die gleiche düstere Stimmung einschlägt.
Insgesamt hat das Spiel aber doch noch einige Ecken und Kanten die den Spielspaß teilweise gehörig runterreißen.

Eu era muito fã de HP na época, mas joguei bem pouco. Vendo hoje em dia, meu deus que gráfico é aquele.

consigues grajeas magicas y hay pasadizos y cosas de estas mágicas

A pesar de haber envejecido terriblemente mal, tanto por sus gráficos como por su ejecución, para mí sigue siendo un videojuego entretenido y disfrutable. Se basa tanto en las películas como en los libros y te permite explorar Hogwarts; recoger grajeas de todos los sabores, coleccionar cromos de brujas y magos famosos, lanzar hechizos, montar en Nimbus 2000 e incluso perseguir a Peeves, todo esto siendo nada más y nada menos que Harry Potter.
Una de las cosas que más me gustan es su atmósfera oscura y tétrica y cómo desde su menú principal ya podías sentir ese tono inquietante y mágico que lo rodea.


I love the memes about the character's stupid faces. I had fairly good memories about exploring the castle in this game. It was developed before the film came out, so it has some stuff from the book which is nice.

Silly, enjoyable game. Has aged poorly in some aspects, but if you grew up with it, you'll still get fond memories. Worth it for Hagrid alone.