Reviews from

in the past

I played back in beta up until GvG, and I can safely say that if I had access to only this game as my sole source of entertainment on a desert island, I still wouldn't play it.

It was fun for a bit but costed so much money if you wanted to stay in the meta every season.

4.5 stars for the "story" puzzle mode thingy, pvp fucking sucks ass

I used to play the Priest, which never has been in the meta(?)

Gosto de jogos de estratégia, e esse apesar de bem simples, é bom no que se propõe

i reached legend rank in 2018 during the witchwood expansion. it's not as good as slay the spire

Having played during the beta, this game was so promising, but the paywalls just got higher and higher.

Very well made game, easy to learn, difficult to master.

Board clicking simulator. Queue ranked, let the time run out, enjoy those sweet tactile sensations.



Simply as a game, the moment to moment matches are one of the best strategic experiences I ever had in gaming.

You have your deck and your own gameplan, and you're agains someone else with their deck and their gameplan. Who can execute better? Who can make the correct plays? Knowing both your gameplan and your opponent's, and making correct plays based on that knowledge, feels amazing.

The tactile nature of the cards and their spawned minions on the board is a testament to the absurd level of polish that Blizzard can put into a game. This is a freaking card game, and even its sounds design is top-class.

People complain about the dreaded RNG, but the randomness in this game is 100% fun. It's not fun when you lose because of it, but then again nothing that makes you lose is fun. So people who complain about RNG, in my book, are just sore losers. Because at the end of the day, the randomness that's possible to be implemented in this game due to its digital nature is the life and soul of what makes Hearthstone special. It creates moments during matches that no physical card game could ever dream of creating.

If this was the end of my review, it would be a 5-star one and I'd end by saying Hearthstone is almost nothing short of a masterpiece.


It's free-to-play.

Free-to-play games, by their own design, carry inescapable bullshit with them. And Hearthstone is no different. Card packs are nothing but gacha bullshit; grinding for gold if you don't want to spend real money turns a beautiful game into a tiresome second job; trying to keep current with powerful deck strategies at every expansion gets incredibly expensive really fast (I know I've cumulatively spend way more than $60 in this game, and I spend a couple of years completely away from it); and in time you are burdened with the weight of the sunken cost of all the time and/or money you're invested in the game becoming obsolete with new expansions.

In short: Hearthstone is an absolutely incredible strategy card game if and only if you are ok with thinking about it as a subscription game that costs an average of [price of average expansion divided by 3]/month. In this case, you will have fun and the game will be highly enjoyable... until you stop paying.

Está bien jugar con un juego que además de divertido y de vérsele ganas y cariño demuestra que puede simplificar el sistema de cartas de Magic y hacerlo divertido, pero el balance nunca ha funcionado muy bien en el juego, el RNG es extremadamente alto y el disfrute más bien bajo.

a long ass math lesson about counting

this game ruined my life for like 4 years. it rocks

It's one of those games you just play out of habit, without even having fun. I put thousands of hours into it and probably 200+ euro. Do i have fun? Sometimes yeah, but not a lot. I just can't stop playing, because i would have the feeling that i lost something I put so much work into.

I'm rating this 4 stars because of the times I've had fun with it. I don't think the game is good now except the auto-battler which is decent.

I wasted hundreds of hours on this, I wish I had never played it.

Ótimo card game porém é muito pay 2 win.

Pretty solid mobile game honestly. I always liked playing Paladin and overwhelming opponents with a fuckton of mooks. I just wound up getting bored of it though. It's not a bad game, just not something I'd play consistently.

after youve skipped two expansions just move on from deck building

luckily though, arena, tavern brawl and battlegrounds are still very enjoyable. just wish we got more roguelike single player modes like witch hunts.

edit: whoopsie