Reviews from

in the past

Jackass é simplesmente um jogo descompromissado com o proposito de entreter por alguns minutos por dia e nada alem disso, porem acredito que essas jogatinas rápidas que torna-o tão divertido, mas sou suspeito a falar por ser fã de Jackass :D.

better than how i thought it would be

When I was a kid my best friend gave me this for my birthday but I thought it was shit and got bored of the minigames after one sitting and went to the store to change it for something else, and all my friends thought the game was the funniest shit and that I was crazy.
My best friend was so mad about this that he went and did the same thing with the game I had given him 5 days earlier on HIS birthday.

Hi, this is my only experience with the entire Jackass franchise so far, I bought it as a teen because my friend was into it. It consists of a ton of minigames, some are pretty fun, including one where you roll down a hill getting slowly mutilated on the way down. It's fun to play with friends.

This game is intense. Really intense.
Well, not really intense... but pretty intense.

The most appropriate way to turn the Jackass series into a video game is through a minigame collection, with each game representing a stunt. As is the case with any minigame collection, some of the games feel like they were made on a single Sunday, but the ones that work are legit fun and hilarious. It's amazing seeing how the wonders of video gaming can make cartoony, absurd stunts even more cartoony and absurd.

Also, why does Knoxville's game model looks barely anything like him?

Captures the spirit of the show really well. Great OST, and the ad-libs make for a hilarious experience.

I played and finished this game.Really good work.Similar with Jackass series(dont like downgrade games)

um dos melhores jogos do PS2.

The fact that this even kind of works is a miracle.

era meu segundo jogo favorito na época mas rejoguei esses dias e vsfkkkkkkkkk engraçado mas sei la antigamente era mais foda quebrar os ossos

Jackass en videojuego. Decente cantidad de minijuegos.

omg Mario Party: Everson Zoio Edition hi.

watching soo much viva la bam/jackass/etc growing up rlly did do strange things to my sexuality lmao

wtf they made raving rabbids but w scary 3d models of real life hot guys !!

Oh boy this game was real bad but endearing in it's own janky way. If you thought ragdoll physics were the funniest thing back in the day this is for you

não entendia nada e continuo sem entender como joga

jeff tremaine crushes his balls on a fire hydrant and it's up to you to step in and direct a season of jackass

CONS: - misses some of the homoerotic camaraderie that defines the franchise in favour of an assortment of kind of puerile minigames that you chuckle at once or twice before they become grating and lose a lot of their potency. no breakneck editing and no physicality (both of which are replaced by a kind of virtual uncanniness) render a great deal of its charm null. youre just here to see steve-o's tattoo rendered in sixth-generation glory
- bam was contractually barred from appearing so he could not manifest as a force of evil in the game

PROS: - this game is nostradamic in that it predicted twitch streamers and v-tubers years before their inception by often placing the character model of your chosen jackass in the bottom left where they face react to the havoc they wreak. this also functions as a health bar. steve-o looks the happiest ive ever seen a human be, and also the most totally cognizant of his own mortal coil.
- bam was contractually barred from appearing so he could not manifest as a force of evil in the game

incrivelmente foi um jogos que mais me marcou na era do ps2.
era na época onde eu gostava bastante de jackass, especialmente o terceiro filme.
btw, o minigame da catapulta é o melhor disparado.

uno de los mejores juegos de play 2

Juego divertido pero estúpidamente programado como la serie en si.
Está bueno para pasar el rato, es un juego de Party con los personajes de jakass.
Además tiene vídeos de la serie que son un cagué de risa y solo por eso vale la pena.

Divertido demais, que lembrança boa

It's a funny party game but only half of the games are fun.

Um dos games mais divertidos e engraçados que já joguei, conseguiram captar bem o espírito dos filmes e da série.

Cada minigame mais bizarro que o outro e era top demais

kinda a logical progression from number 2's tone and overall wonky they're-gonna-die mood, with many minigames where if the game were minimally realistic they'd result in 3 or more people dying by your hand and then you killing yourself. alas this is jackass fantasy land, minus any spark of actual humanity that's not in the music (i like most of the music but i wish it didn't just loop one song for when you retry a stage), with the dialogue being kinda painfully scripted both in the sense it's clearly so and that it's really bad, with not even pontius having a single good line. knoxville villain arc. literally every cutscene is bad it's impressive.
anyway gameplay wise most minigames are at least fine! wow! but that they repeat the shticks somewhat often, with two bumper car stages, many races etc or sometimes go to really shovelware places like party boy or the whack a mole one makes it not a very impressive package in this aspect either. i appreciate the really dumb non-win goals that are like KILL YOURSELF IN THIS SPECIFIC SPOT! though