Reviews from

in the past

Free anime Sekiro rip-off. Some movesets and animations are straight up copies. But it's free and feels nice enough so it was a fun use of an hour. False advertising though, there's no nudity at all...

fun plagiarised bunny girl Sekiro. personal favs were Niten Usagi and Guard of Mist. it's free and takes an hour or two depending on whether you're fresh off actual Sekiro

Pretty fucking good for a free game, it makes me wish we got more "sekiro-like" games instead of souls-like.

Very faithful, albeit simplified, recreation of Sekiro combat mechanics with some pretty fun combos to learn. Just a little bit too stripped down to earn it a ranking any higher than this.

Literalmente sekiro com mocas, e é grátis


Pretty impressive clone of Sekiro. It's more of a homage than its own game (many boss attacks and motions are taken directly from Sekiro), but it's a free game using entirely royalty free assets so I don't think you can complain too much.


Cute little Sekiro-style boss rush. Definitely feels like paying homage to Sekiro, as it's very like-for-like in the mechanics. A lot of fun though.

Pra quem gosta de sekiro e de visuais de anime é um prato cheio. Bem competente para o que se propõe.

É basicamente o combate de Sekiro em um jogo com gráfico de anime , achei bem divertido , o jogo entrega o q propõe ele é bem curtinho , mas bom pra passar o tempo , não espere muito nem pouco . Gostaria bastante q tivesse uma versão desse jogo com uma lore mais aprofundada , e com mais inimigos para enfrentar .

It's a fun way to play the sekiro combat in a different fashion.

honestly more devs should just rip off sekiro's combat system

30 minutes of fun with hot anime girls in your area

joguei 10 minutos a 20 fps e crashou meu pc................ anyway, masterpiece.

As a fan of Sekiro, this game has my name written on it. The basic mechanics of just the sword are to the letter where it feels like playing a DLC. Since this is a free game and perhaps a test game for something bigger, I do not have much comments or suggestions unless it is a more complete product. The bosses are fine though and I do like the simple rating system.

I only have a few issues with it. On my Steam Deck, it was running around 40 FPS, so I wish it had more performance or graphics options to maintain a solid 60 FPS for an action game. Perhaps an unfair comparison, I feel the controls and animation could be more responsive as sometimes attacking or blocking does not trigger exactly. Lastly, the child aesthetics can be problematic with having the ability to look up skirts without more clothing.

Nonetheless, I can easily recommend this game as it is free.

Maybe I should actually get Sekiro now.

If you reaaally love Sekiro's combat, you'll like this too, but not having anything else to do besides fighting bosses leaves me a little empty. Despite being a free game, it's actually well made and the battles have interesting patterns, but there's one fight that was a straight copy from a Sekiro boss, which I felt was pointless. Either way, there's no reason not to play this.

I think that this game achieves something that no other non-FromSoft souls-like hast ever achieved, and that is being truly sincere. Most of the times when a new soulslike is released it always goes something like "this is like dark souls, but..." and I just think that is kind of lame. Games that want to be a souls but add some modifications so it it is not exactly the same, without really noticing if its something that adds or substracts to the experience. Kannagi Usagi does something different: It uses almost the exact same combat as sekiro, but changes everything around it. The developer knew they could not just make a copy of sekiro by themselves, so instead of trying to do something that resembles Sekiro but it's just worse, he focused on only one and the best part of these games: The bosses. This game only has the bosses. No levels, no progression, only a couple of anime girls with big swords that have a really varied and incredibly satisfactory to learn move set. This game is truly made with a lot of love, it looks like the dev wanted to do something and just did it without thinking on what others would think about it, and that is something to apreciate.

Best replica of sekiro combat in the market to date. Also completely free.

I loved it. I could never beat Sekiro, but I'm glad I was able to learn, adapt and overcome all the 8 bosses of 巫兎 KANNAGI USAGI.


Having not played Sekiro, I have no clue what I'm getting into.

Stopped at the Mist Princess girl, I was getting way to angry at this very well done game.
The music is just one track over and over and the aesthetic is clearly "Sekiro but with waifus" but I had my fun and my fill of Souls-Like bosses that kick my ass constantly.
Maybe someday I'll finish it.

the sekiro formula works much better as a boss rush. the visuals and music are bland, but its free so who cares. unfortunately has typical sexist anime stuff tho