Reviews from

in the past

No this isn't worth the memes. All it has is a neat concept and that's it.

Knack is simply a button smash without purpose.

Hay dos formas de hacer juegos de corte clásico: la buena y la mala. La buena consiste en hacerlo sobrepasando las limitaciones de antaño y creando nuevas experiencias de sabor familiar. La mala tiene en cuenta los fallos y límites de la época y cambia y mejora solo lo mínimo en su empeño de emular aquellas sensaciones.

Knack va un paso más allá: intenta ser una aventura clásica, no arregla los problemas de pasadas generaciones y encima lo hace todo peor que los juegos en que se basa. La trama no cumple ni en lo básico, el control es torpe de narices, la curva de dificultad es una montaña rusa incomprensible y el diseño de niveles es soso como él solo. Manteneos lejos de este mojonazo a toda costa.

i was at my cousin's house looking at their games and went "haha is that fucking Knack" and then they just gave me it and now i'm the person who gets to hear people look at my collection and say "haha is that fucking Knack", shit got passed down like in It Follows

Ape Escape ran so that Knack could walk

Knack was so epic that I had to play other games instead because it was just that epic.

this is the game that convinced me to buy a ps4

This game is genuinely fun, really confused why people hate it so much.

my favorite yet least favorite game of all time

este juego dura como 12 horas reales pero mentalmente son 56 horas

I know it’s funny to hate on it but I actually enjoyed this game haha it’s fun

I legit played this shit over 10 times when I was child and had no other PS4 games and I hate myself for that

Game of the Generation (P.S. I hated it)

Knack is pretty gud hence the Memes.

People are so mean to Knack and for what. Knack didn't deserve this. Knack is a good soul and a cool scrimblo. Be nice to Knack. Game is pretty solid too

Uma experiência extremamente divertida, o fato de ser um jogo pequeno e exclusivo é realmente um problema, porem tirando as decisões de marketing, é extremamente divertido ver os diversos tamanhos que o Knack pode atingir.

It feels like an early ps2 game with upgraded graphics.

What's the point of getting bigger and bigger if you can always get one-hit killed by any random enemy?

Genuinely hilarious that this was the art sytle they chose for a ps4 launch title lmao

Had to play this shit 5 times for the platinum. Story doesn't make sense, Knack himself doesn't make sense, graphics are pathetic considering this was a PS4 launch title. Good memes though but all the credit goes to Dunkey.