Reviews from

in the past

Funny with friends or family, pretty boring alone, a child game that can be appreciate for everyone with the right vibe.

This is the first game I remember being truly addicted to. I played the nuts off of this on the Wii along with Lego Star Wars. Good times.


100%-ed this the other day. Took way too long. Big grind.

Big fun.


Played this as a little kid so my memories are not clear, but I remember it being alright. The villain story was a lot more fun to play than the hero story by virtue of having more villains to play as compared to just Batman and Robin.

bicho esse foi literalmente o primeiro jogo que eu joguei no ps2

I'm sure the console version is fine, but the DS version sucks my balls

batman's gadgets were cool but i think this was the point where i was starting to lose interest in lego games

Highly rated simply for the memories

My old roommate invited me to play this with her, then got annoyed with how bad I was at it and finished it without me. I am much better at games now. I wish she didn't live on the other side of the country today so I could prove my worth.

These are the Batman games that don't get old as soon as you finished the main story.

This is like a classic BATMAN comic but for kids who likes lego. I mean this game got me interested in BATMAN and i was like 4-5

El mejor juego de mi infancia, lo siento

This game is the reason i can sing the entire Batman theme start to finish. LEGO games are often wasted on me, i really don't get the full value out of them, but i love this one.

Not as good as Star Wars, from what I remember.

first game i really set myself on completing 100%

Actually impressive they managed to double the content from Indiana Jones

Mediocre roster with great classic feel

My first LEGO game, and it holds a special place in my heart. I don't know if I'd be as engaged if I played it today, but I remember it being a pretty fun package of Batman characters, locals, and gameplay.

The best part about this game is the different perspective that you get to experience with all 3 of the stories. The hub worlds are both really cool and I just love this game.

A very standard LEGO game that has little humor or interesting gameplay to make it stand out. While its still fun, it also feels like it has little focus on what it's trying to pay homage to exactly. The villain campaign is an interesting idea that's executed poorly thanks to re-using a lot of the same maps and set-pieces from the hero campaign.