Reviews from

in the past

The quintessential LEGO game. If you haven't played this before, then you should give it a shot. Thanks to its wonderful and humorous homage to the Star Wars saga as well as its simple and addicting gameplay loop, the game has charm and entertainment to spare for fans and non-fans alike

This game was my childhood. I would play this, Lego Batman, and Mario Kart Wii all the time. Was still pretty fun when I played it recently. Don't get the mobile version though

lightsaber wii attachment goes wooosh

Good game, LSW 3 does it better and refines it so well. Having said that, this game gives it the great foundations to work with.

Peak of the Lego video games. Witty and a fun time to play through. Tons of content for the package too - it does the franchise the justice it deserves

Goated in every sense of the word. Best Lego game ever created bar none. Tremendous game that really pushed the boundaries in terms of what you can do with Lego games at the time. One of my childhood favourites

star wars is lame af and modern licensed lego games are meh so it's a wonder this isn't a complete dumpster fire

The only lego game anyone really would ever need.

Probably the best Lego game that'll ever be made if not in part of the time at which it was released. The cutscenes were well made enough to tell a narrative without any dialogue and somehow feels more connected than the actual Star Wars franchise.

It's the best Lego game, one of the best co-op games, and one of the best collectathons of all times. It's witty, fun, and Plo Koon

A cute charming take on the classic franchise mostly filled with mediocre to bad films outside of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.

childhood 2 electric boogaloo

its weird they havent remade this game yet for full price

Literally taking 2 games and slapping them together to make one of the best Lego games ever made. A classic for the ages

If you don’t love this game, then you probably haven’t played it. One of the best Lego games that has been created.

i dont like star wars that much but damn does lego know how to make me slightly interested towards it

Basically a completely different game on the Dsi. The minigames slap

One of the greatest achievements in gaming history, being able to recreate and tell the star wars story without speaking and with legos. Also lego recreation of the prequels is ironically better than the prequels themselves

didn't have a wii growing up, ds port was still fun tho