Reviews from

in the past

Weak mini games, weak boards, on the 3DS too so you have the added bonus of not even being something you can play multiplayer unless you have 2 consoles.

This sucks

I wouldn't know if it's good because the multiplayer never works...

This isn't just the worst Mario Party game it's the worst game Mario has ever starred in. It's such a miserable slog, and when it's not it's just forgettable. There's not one great mini-game in here, the board and modes are stale. It's just a terrible time.

In my opinion, this is the worst Mario Party game. It might have the actual best lineup of minigames to date, but that doesn't change that everything else is kind of... uh, bad. Supposedly the only good boards are locked behind multiplayer, so I've never been able to play them. Maybe one day.

My actual worst take is that Island Tour is still the most fun I've had with a Mario Party game

shit everything besides minigames ofc

meh don't even remember playing this

I don't have any friends to play with

The worst part of Island Tour is the actual boards themselves. The fact the boards are straight lines defeats the purpose of the game. As well as the fact that the mini-games are too generous by rewarding everyone except for the 4th place player. On one of the boards, it doesn't matter who gets to the end first since it will bring the 4th place player to the front of the back for free.

The mini-games are probably the best part of the entire game. I love playing the mini-games without the boards and a lot of them I consider to be the best in the series. If the boards were normal, then it would be a good game.

idk why people hate this one it’s not too shabby. far from perfect but i like a lot of the minigames and a few of the boards are cool

for what it's worth, island tour is a standard, no-frills addition to the flatlining franchise that is mario party. unfortunately that is also why it's kinda mid

Not the worst game in the series but it might be the most forgettable. The boards are unmemorable, some of the mini-games are actually really good and it uses the format of MP 9-10 which is not a good thing. It is playable and there is some fun to be had if you take the game by itself. If you compare it to the rest of the series, then there is no reason to play this.

Great portable 3DS Mario Party game. Some ingenious boards like Bowser's Peculiar Peak and Rocket Ride (which is so short it's only 20 spaces long). Get it if you have a 3DS and don't mind tilt stick controls.

I loved this when I was younger so I'm definitely biased lol

Great minigames can't save what is the gaming equivalent of a wet fart.

Bowsers Turm war ganz spaßig der Rest war eher so neeee

Yea this game is like a watered down Mario Party 9. I have so few memories of this game. I remember one of the maps, it was like whoever was first to the podium received the most mini stars. Meh, this game stunk tbh. I'm sure me as a kid still had some fun with it.

Better than the car games but it's no replacement for a real, proper Mario Party

The the third portable Mario Party is certainly an odd one to say the least

Boss fights were so much fun and it's style of the party mode was splendid imo. The only 3DS Mario Party game I played and it was great.

Felt like a wii mario party to go.

I played the hell out of this for some reason. I would just sit and play every minigame. So in that case I'm bias. I know this game has problems I just remember it fondly

I don't remember anything that happened in this game