Reviews from

in the past

Not much to say here except that this is a decent follow-up to X1. It doesn't quite hit the heights of X1, but it's still a damn good game with an intriguing premise of trying to rebuild Zero. The ride bike is also a fun addition for traversal.

Not as good as the original but still a good game.

s'pretty good ig, not my favorite but still a good ass game

Not terrible, but it doesn't reach the heights of the first game. Some less than stellar levels and boss fights make this meh rather than "great".



Didn't like this nearly as much as X. Feels like it's missing something.

An amazing follow up to X1, and a much better game in my opinion, I had a lot of fun with this one

Though I wish the X-Hunters weren’t as integral as they were

Another banger.

Megaman X2 brings more of the great music, fast gameplay, and satisfying combat which made its predecessor a masterpiece. The new set of Mavericks were a blast to fight, the new items were satisfying to collect, and the addition of the three optional bosses was a brilliant touch which provided and added layer of challenge and helped X2 stand out from other games in the series.

Some consider this game as good as the original, and while I'd certainly call it a worthy successor, I can't say it's as good: some of the Mavericks were a bit too goofy, many of the collectables were more frustrating to find(the heart container in Wire Sponge's lair comes to mind) and not as helpful. The intro level was weaker and SIgma had much less stage presence. And no, that last problem won't get better in later games.

Nitpicks aside, I'm giving this game two thumbs up. Play it if you haven't already.

Mi favorito de la saga x, y junto al zero 4, mis dos juegos favoritos de lo que llevo de MegaMan (me faltaría los Battle Network y starforce de los que me interesan). Me encantan sus niveles, jefes, los x hunters me parecen bastante geniales, la historia usa mucho de los elementos que dejó X1 de buena manera, casi siendo el enfrentamiento contra zero, la idea de "superar a tu ídolo". Musicalmente no tiene que envidiar nada al X1 original, de hecho, su música de los dos primeros stages de los x Hunters es de mis favoritas. El único defecto que le vería, sería algún jefe como crystal snail, por que te hace esperar, y que bueno, un problema general de la saga, que muchos jefes quedan muy vulnerables. Pero dejando eso, me encanta

Mais evoluído que o primeiro da série, tem ajustes e mudanças mais chamativas, melhorias no designs de chefes e fases. Com a adição da mecânicas de parte do Zero, que é bem interessante.
Mastered em RA:

Good X game but nothing special about it.

good game but doesn’t stand a chance against X

Mega Man X2 || 100% + Shoryuken

Entrei numa call, tentei zerar Mega Man X2 100% antes que alguém me notasse, consegui fácil fácil.

É o meu jogo favorito da série X, continua forte como sempre, musicas maravilhosas e level design FODA! O melhor jogo que já fiz speedrun.


Would like this more than x1 if the weapons were worth a damn but still a solid 9

é o megaman x1 só q sem carisma

Veredito: Igual ao primeiro, só que bem pior.

Pense em Megaman X1. Agora retire o level design genial e o ritmo extremamente bem balanceado, piore a maioria das músicas, deixe a história mais sem graça e os segredos menos intuitivos, e por último transforme o que era um desafio super equilibrado em um monte de tourobosta feita pra você passar raiva. Com pulos praticamente pixel-perfect pra dar e vender, exigência de upgrades super específicos que o jogo nunca sinaliza bem, e chefes que pra tu derrotar não precisa ter habilidade, e sim saco de repetir infinitamente o mesmo padrão arbitrário idiota enquanto a barra de vida deles diminui leeeeeeeentamente. Agora imagine isso feito por fãs incompetentes que adoram o X1 mas não entendem nada do que faz dele um jogo tão incrível e pimba, você já sabe o que esperar de X2.

Pra ser justo, o jogo tem muitos ótimos momentos... que são quando ele se parece com o X1. Mas enquanto no X1 a diversão era garantida como o estado normal das coisas, enquanto lá a serotonina era a CNTP, aqui são momentos espaçados entre as fases. Sei lá, de 1 a 3 momentos desses por fase. E olhe lá.

Fixes the only real downside to the first game by making the dash available at the start, allowing every stage to be designed around it, making for a tight, fast-paced game that's even better than the original.

My personal favorite Mega Man X game just like X1 one of the best platformers ever made. But my only problem is the power-ups they're not as fun as the X1 power ups. Honestly I have more fun spamming double charge shot.

esse é bom, passava do boss pato e depois morria em todos os outros

Fun shooty platformer. It's not quite to X1 what classic 2 was to 1, but it adds a lot more action and dynamic to the stages.

se pá eu nn zerei esse aqui pq nao lembro de nada dele, mas eu sei que ja joguei

vsf é bom mas facilitaram mt com esses boss meh

haven't played nearly as much as X1. despite that, i think the boss fights are a hell of a lot cooler, n the stages look nicer too imo

Como el anterior, pero peor.

Mega man zero 2 is also better

Better than the first one because theres not as much random bullshit (launch octopus stage). Also, it improves upon the original in all aspects.