Reviews from

in the past

I may be in the minority here, but I enjoyed Outlast 2 more than its predecessors. It looked better, played better, was longer, and had a more interesting plot. The atmosphere was amazing and the voice acting was great too. A little more challenging than the first two, even on normal difficulty. You can easily cheese certain enemies, though, if you play with them enough. I was throughly disgusted and disturbed. Had a great time!

I love the atmosphere and world of Outlast 2 - but it's mission design is frustrating. Trying to slowly make your way through a level to find the one spot you can advance is all the more tedious when a monster that can kill you in one hit is constantly following you. I don't think the game does a good job of actually creating a bread crumb trail for you to follow.

As clumsily executed as it is transgressively playful. Nonetheless remains an intensely harrowing experience headlined by breathtaking sound work and a deliciously grimy visual framework. It's a striking showcase in visceral, hard hitting scares even if it doesn't really have any impact beyond the moment. There are stretches of masterful horror craft here (the mines, the river, blood rain, and the school) but there are more than enough traces of disappointing design choices (wonky level layout, tedious notes/lore bits, useless microphone option, janky controls) that only elicit frustration as the game progresses. For something built and reliant on thrilling chases and an encompassing dread filled atmosphere, issues like those can be detrimental. While it thankfully doesn't think itself to be a deeply profound statement on the innate hypocrisy of religious institution, there is something amusing about a game like this treading into those waters with such earnest pulpy flair. It's certainly a special game; one I could see myself calling great at some point.

Who the fuck plays these for the story?? This game drastically improves on just about every complaint I had with the first game, gameplay is much more fun, the overall game looks better, the environment is more fluid, and there's just more game. I loved this and did not need the story at all to enjoy it

No other horror game has made me so upset and scared that even this one

A great horror game and really liked the theme and atmosphere of the story. My only issue is the final act (which imo is pretty lackluster) and the fact that it has next to nothing to do with the first one. Would still recommend

When the game is at its best, it's one of the scariest things I've ever played. Sadly, it's just kind of a mess.

This game didn't make me pee myself but still just as good

Toma todos los elementos que ya el primer juego ejecutaba mal y EMPEORALOS.

Posee un diseño de nivel tosco y anti intuitivo, lejos de dar miedo, la mayor parte del tiempo solo te vas a querer cortar la pija por no saber a donde ir; ni siquiera su apartado visual resulta tan memorable como el del primer outlast. Uno podría decir lo mismo de los enemigos, mientras que el primer juego poseía uno que otro villano memorable, Outlast 2 brilla por la ausencia de estos; una abuela con un pico, un....enano leproso? (desentona horrible con la estética) y ehhh...una tipa cubierta de barro? las únicas zonas memorables visualmente hablando son las del colegio, pero eso no es decir mucho.

A pesar de los pequeños añadidos bienvenidos, ninguno de los cambios se ejecuta de manera correcta (te olvidaras que la mayoría existe y los recordaras solo cuando el juego te obligua a utilizarlos) y ninguno de estos cambios ofrecen algo fresco u sustancialmente diferente como para justificar la EXESIVA duración de este juego; zonas como la de la balsa se volvieron infames por esto mismo, para este punto de la aventura, uno solo quiere que este martirio termine mientras que el juego no deja de estirarse como un chicle.

En cuanto el apartado narrativo, uno podría llegar a pensar que debido del aumento en el presupuesto y la inclusión de una voz para el protagonista, este lado debería ser Bueno, déjenme decirles que Outlast, ni en sus peores momentos fue ASI de edgy y pretencioso. La historia esta tan desesperada por ser lo mas shockeante posible, que no para de bombardearnos con MUCHOS screamers (incluso mas que el anterior) y situaciones gore, que se olvida por completo de tener una historia coherente.
A pesar de que Blake tiene una voz, lejos de ser aprovechado para impulsar la narrativa, la mayoría del tiempo solo estaremos escuchando frases dignas de una película clase B; uno llega a dudar de las capacidades físicas de este tipo al ser constantemente golpeado y sometido por señoras y señores mayores, gente físicamente "normal" y literales LEPROSOS, simplemente se siente ridículo.
La narrativa cae TAN bajo que apenas nos podemos hacer una idea de que carajo esta pasando debido a notas puntuales (ocultas por cierto) y solo entenderemos el final si nos leemos comics ajenos a la experiencia jugable (creo que no hace falta que explique lo imbécil que es esta decisión)

Si eres un fan del terror simplemente aléjate de esta mierda, lo único que este juego te ara sentir es frustración por su tosco gameplay y su pésimo diseño de nivel. Incluso fans de esta franquicia están descontentos con esta mierda.

solo recomendado para streamers que necesitan views fáciles (como yo!)

Okay maybe I didn't give this one a fair shake (4 hours) but like nothing it was doing was working for me. You know what's scary and tense as hell. Being in a corn maze where if a dude catches you it's possible to just run around in circles until he loses you in the corn again. This game did at least have the audacity to have one of the villains be a sexy satanic witch who licks the protagonist though so props for that I think

É uma queda enorme entre o primeiro e esse. São os conceitos de terror mais aleatórios jogados todos no mesmo jogo. Há um momento, bem no inicio ainda, em que fica claro que Outlast 2 é mais frustrante que assustador.

Outro problema é que todo momento em que eu começava a me acostumar com o cenário, o jogo me jogava nas sessões da escola, que destroem totalmente o ritmo do jogo.

Então um jogo que facilmente poderia durar seis horas acaba se estendendo muito mais do que o necessário.

Eu não tenho problemas com gore e choque só por choque, o primeiro Outlast e a dlc Whistleblower eram cheios desses momentos, mas o gameplay e o cenário tinham uma certa harmonia que não funciona em Outlast 2.

Tenso é apelido, gameplay fluida e extremamente aterrorizante, no entanto não posso dizer o mesmo da história, já que não a compreendi completamente (caso compreenda, eu altero a nota)

The greatest horror film I've ever played. The story is intriguing and it is genuinely frightening to play, as a horror fanatic I insisted on playing it alone at night in the dark, I had to stop playing it at night halfway through because it was giving me anxiety.

Its much more ambitious than the first, evolving several locations rather than the one, the enemies/threats are vast, they vary and are unpredictable. It doesn't just rely on jump scares or chases, although both are done masterfully, it's brutal and violent and keeps a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach all the way through.

My favourite scenes were probably the flashbacks in the school where a demon is chasing you, they were genuinely horrific. The ending will divide people but I respect how ballsy it was. Literally gives everything you'd want from a true horror experience.

I love the series and this one is my favourite. The Religious horror aspect is incredible. Big fan of all it has to offer. Especially sound design

Völlig anderes Setting als in Teil 1, aber dennoch sehr interessant. Für alle die Teil 1 mögen und mit dem neuen Setting klar kommen, ist es zu empfehlen. Grafisch ist es zum Vorgänger nochmal um einiges besser geworden, was der insgesamten Atmo gut tut. Lief perfekt mit Steam controller.

Nowhere near as good as the first game. Story could not feel more cliché.

Don't really understand the mixed up rewies from everyone about this game. IMO this game kicked ass. Outlast2 is more terror than horror comparing to the first game, but still pretty scary. Kinda reminded me of silent hill in some parts, with the villages and stuff.

The story and characters were thin but I had fun playing this. Felt like they were trying too hard to make the school backstory tragic though, but I didn't mind its inclusion in the story. Also that computer room scene gave me chills.

Somehow both scarier and worse than the first game. Not sure how they pulled that off

i guess the moral of the game is "dont be a woman in the outlast universe" bc you'll exist only to be the "rape victim" bullet point on the BIG EDGY LIST OF FEATURES on the back of this box, along with "disabled people are scary and evil" and "oh my god what if my penis fell off"

Replayed this whole game today in one sitting on stream. I still think the biggest issue with this game is how much of the plot relies on shock value. I'd even argue that it's worse here than in the first game, beacuse in that one it was gore-based and in this one it uses topics like sxual abuse of minors and rpe and s*icide, which is just unneccessary.

The switch port of this game is still one of the best ports to switch I've ever seen, the differences between this and the PS4 version I played first are so minimal you'd only notice them on a side-by-side comparison.
The gameplay is a big step up from the first both in level design and player ability whilst never sacrificing strategy, puzzles and scares.

Would recommend this game with a warning.

للاسف ما كان بمستوى الجزئ الاول سئ

How do you follow up an amazimg horror game?
Well certainly not like this

(originally written 1/27/2020, revised)
Okay so, to be frank, I don't think this game merits anything more than a bullet-point review, because I don't really have anything special to say about it. That being said, I liked the first game more, but here are a few things its sequel does better:
- voiced protagonist allows you to better visualize him slowly losing his grip on reality
- better visuals and variety of environments
- story feels more personal and consequentially a LOT more disturbing
Aaand that's about it. Now for what it didn't do as well:
- less hiding and more running, doesn't feel as tense
- the microphone mechanic is useless
- sometimes feels like it's trying too hard to be darker and edgier than its predecessor
- the supposed main villains only really have a background presence
- sloppy ambiguous ending that only gets explained in an obscure-ass supplementary webcomic (ambiguous endings can be good, just not this one)

5/10 overall, at the end of the day it's just mid

this game shits on everything the first game stood for. dreadful design, shock horror AND gross out horror, terrible plot, annoying protagonist. this game sucks and sucks hard

Not scary and really laughable when it tries to have a serious story and some sort of likable protagonist.