Reviews from

in the past

pilha de bebês mortos!!! tryhard demais meu mano

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A sei lá, no momento que foi de um hospício abandonado pra uma vila ocultista na qual minha esposa da a luz ao bebe do demônio e o mundo acaba AI eu acho que foi meio longe

Outlast 2 es un videojuego que desea con todas sus fuerzas dar miedo. Lo necesita, pues sabe que es su única baza.

Pero para ello recurre todo el rato a jumpscares baratos y a numerosas situaciones supuestamente tensas, pero cuya tensión se basa simplemente en que algunas no es sencillo (ni lógico) superarlas y tienes que ir a base de prueba y error hasta dar con el modo, si es que no te has aburrido ya.

Outlast 2 lo llena todo de sangre, oscuridad, situaciones e imágenes macabras, temas escabrosos etc. Los desarrolladores mismos saben que como juego es muy malo, así que tienen la esperanza de que en la mente del jugador lo asqueroso y oscuro superen al aburrimiento absoluto. Pero no.

Ambientação boa, mas tem jumpscare.

Improvements on movement and graphics when compared to the first game can't make up for the fact that Outlast 2 doesn't seem to have any idea what is it it's trying to say. The religious iconography is provocative but also completely meaningless for the most part.

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While outlast 2 has all the basic elements to make a great horror game, it falls short on too many areas to make a game that's worth coming back to for more than just a few good scares.

Outlast 2 is very flawed, but to start of some of the things that are great about this game. I love the setting of this game, the desert full of crazy Christian hillbillies is so creepy and the general atmosphere is bone chilling. The basic concept for outlast of having nothing but a camera and nothing to defend yourself with for me sets it apart to make much scarier than your average horror game. Some of the transitions in this game are absolutely phenomenal and I'd absolutely reccomend going on YouTube and checking them out if you haven't seen them already, my personal favourite occurs fairly early on in the game and its when you see Jessica hanging from a tree and as you pass a branch that blocks your line of vision of seeing her and then she disappears.

While there are many things I can praise about this game, there are just as many , if not more, that they get wrong. The chase sequences are done really poorly for starters. They're tense as they should be at first but the level design for some of these chases are really bad which makes it become trial and error figuring out what way you're supposed to go as you're chased by blade weilding hillbillies and heretics. The story is very dramatic which isn't a bad thing in itself but Red Barrel overstep the line a few times where a few of the events are just a bit dumb as well as deaths of certain characters such as Papa Knoth and Martha being so anticlimactic and unfulfilling. While I thought the directional sound feature added to the camera was a good idea overall, I generally didn't find much of a justification to use it all that much other than when I'm trying to hear what an enemy is saying when talking to themself, although that's not madotory. I wish there was more of an emphasis on the use of the feature. Blake as a protagonist is honestly pretty bland and uninteresting, he's more of a bystander of horrid events rather than being someone who goes through the traumatic events. There is just a lot more characters in Outlast 2 who are much more interesting such as Papa Knoth, Jessica (more specifically the discovery of her death) and even the priest for as short of a segment he appears in the game is more interesting than Blake ever is.

For the bare bones of a horror game which is just managing to scare me, Outlast 2 does a great job, but from a gameplay and story standpoint this game could have been a lot better so overall this is just an okay game.

I loved the plot. In the rest of terms, worst than the first one.

Didn't really change up the gameplay from the first game all that much but it still works for the most part even with some flaws. The level design can be awfully unclear at times where to go since everything is so open and this lead to too many times where I'd just keep dying in a scripted chase sequence over and over again just to try to find out where to go before the enemies catch me two seconds later. That could be pretty annoying. I also gotta question why Blake doesn't even attempt to fight back at any point. Like, I know it's supposed to make it scarier that he has no weapons, but you're telling me he can't punch some dude who is already half dead and wants to kill you? Or pick up a rock or something? It made more sense in the first game since there's much less usable stuff to be found lying around in an asylum but it gets a bit hard to ignore how much of a chance the protagonist has to fight back here and just doesn't.

As for positives, I actually did like the setting and story here. Backwater Arizona isn't scary on its own but the fact that you're lost miles from any civilization besides a bunch of crazy cultists makes the circumstances pretty terrifying. And while many people may not agree, I really enjoyed the school sequences. Again, sometimes it wasn't clear what to do with strange events sometimes needing to be triggered open a random previously-locked door, but I think it sort of made thematic sense as Blake felt as if he's been trapped in this school due to his childhood trauma and that's why you would spend a good portion of the game in it. The twist was also pretty dark and impactful despite being predictable.

The game has its flaws but I still enjoyed it a decent bit. Level design has some issues but the clever moments and solid scares make this game more than worth playing in my eyes.

I really liked the aspects of the game, although the story was totally uninteresting, it's a great game for you to complete and have fun, it's challenging and daring, but I expected much more from the story.

احلم ترجع زي ما انت بعد ما تلعبها تصرع المصروع

Unnecessary and not even scary despite how desperate it tries to be. It was mostly more middle of the road, cheap, and by the books than the first game.

a liberdade que o jogo te traz, na minha opinião, o faz melhor que o claustrofóbico outlast 1

Bebeğinnn gölgesi yoooooookkkkkkk

Bastante inferior ao primeiro, me caguei com a parte da escola

junge wenn ich durchgehend vor irgendwas weg laufen will beleidige ich meine mutter..

jumpscare and non sense, that's it

Great game although it's frustating to navigate while playing sometimes considering it takes place in a more open space unlike outlast 1 which has more linear map design.

Extremely dull, boring and with little to no scares, with a nonsensical and boring story as icing on the cake. Outlast 2 is what every horror game should try to NOT be like.

esse jogo joga no lixo tudo que eu gostava em outlast

Myy friend wanted to fuck the witch thats all i remember

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A very average horror game. The gameplay itself is not bad, as it's pretty much what we had in the first one, but the story is extremely convoluted and, after finishing the game, I still have no idea what exactly the different enemy factions truly wanted. All major antagonists either die off-screen or are dealt with in indirect ways that make your character a very passive figure in the story. No motivations are truly explored and Lynn is a terribly misused character, only showing up in the beginning and at the end. No real conversations about why things are happening gives the feeling that the story is very bare bones too.

a historia desse jogo é bizarra e é mais um walking simulator que fez muito sucesso mas ele é melhor que o primeiro

Tive medo genuíno uma vez, tenho a elogiar a produção sonora por isso, de resto é um monte de esconde-esconde e pega-pega repetitivos com IA burra. A história é terrível. Os gráficos são bem melhores do que os do primeiro game e é, portanto, mais imersivo (quando o protagonista está calado)

The MC's wife cheated on him with god.....are you fucking with me?