Reviews from

in the past

One of the most disappointing sequels I've ever played. While Pac-Man World 2 may have its hiccups and bizarre difficulty spikes, World 3 is a monument to emptiness. Mildly amusing dialogue aside there's almost nothing to this game. Go from empty area to empty area engaging in boring overlong combat hoping something happens. It's more functional and feature interesting than a DMC2 but no less deflating and uneventful

I don't get why World haters treat this game as Satan sure it is very boring on many occasions but the great lore and few sections where it adds good ideas makes this meh.

Either that or my sense of humor has downgraded to the point of sector jokes being peak comedy

This shit horrified me when I was young, don't

Don't know why my uncle bought me this

+ Absolutely amazing atmosphere
+ Every backdrop/background is eye candy
+ Level design is really good
+ Pac-Man controls nicely (the beat-em-up sections are good I swear)
+ Unique concept
+ Really fun dialogue
- Changed things from Pac-Man World 2 that didn't need to be changed
- Pretty glitchy at times
- The DS version

I always thought this game has so much going for it. It has a great story, great atmosphere, great music, and amazing dialogue. This is such an underrated game.

Just don’t play the DS version. Don’t.

So much of this game just feels... empty. Such a let down from how good PMW2 was.

Pacman had a CURSED ass voice in this game


It isn't that bad, i mean, it has some pretty disappointing stuff such as the boss fights and some of the controls, combat is fair enough, i know that voice acting can be a little cursed but damn the dialogue in this game is awesome, like whatever if pacman has a weird ass voice, his lines are great!!!

o 2 e o 1 dão um pau nesse jogo aqui

A neat turn for the world series but the level design in large and rather uninteresting. A glorified collectathon and plays like a budget Rare game. Everything else about the game feels very meh and nothing stands out as amazing. Decent but nothing amazing.

this game begs the question, how can we make the least fun platformer imaginable

didn't succeed cuz it's still more fun than spyro

Wait y'all actually hate this?

Rejoguei esse jogo e me decepcioneirum pouco, bem fraquinho mesmo, as fases são muito longas e maçantes.

Crucified, buried, forgotten

for the sin of not having been Pac-Man World 2 2

perhaps rightly so.

The writing is pretty funny but that's about it, really. Otherwise it's a very generic melee combat platformer that doesn't deserve to have Pac-Man associated with it.

+ Pac Man is Nathan Drake
+ Soundtrack is lax and calming
+ Platforming and puzzles are solid
~ Game ends up being 2 parts boring, 1 Part good
~ You can play as the ghosts but it's never utilized to a good extent
- levels are too long
- only two bosses
- Games plot is nonsensical
- Game focuses too heavily on combat
- Game has notable audio issues
- Robot level teased in beginning and only one level 3/4ths the way through
- I literally forgot a character existed within one day of playing the game

this is absolutely atrocious. i love it

So what? It's total nostalgia blindness that gives this a 5 star and the fact I still play this game annually, and thoroughly enjoy it every time.

Yeah I'm with everyone and that it's the weakest of the trilogy, it gets tedious sometimes. But I still love it though, and it deserves credit in a few areas.

Me diverti pra caralho jogando esse jogo, joguei de novo recentemente e continuei me divertindo, talvez no futuro eu jogue novamente

Super Mario Galaxy if it was a good IP.

Pac-Man sounds like someone who would say fuck

This game has such a strange and haunting vibe to it. Very quiet. Cursed game in an interesting way. Goes on for too long though and the boss fights are really rough.

Yuck! To be fair I played the DS version so maybe this isn't the same, but I've heard it's close enough. BORING samey level themes, weird ass villain, and again, BORING AND BLAND GAMEPLAY. Certain sections made me wanna snap my DS and when they didn't I was on auto pilot. Being able to only hold 3 lives was fucking dumb, though I like that falls only take 1 chunk away not a whole life. This game's just on the lower side of mediocre but it's so boring I feel it's bad.

this game is like that one weird kid in class. everyone tries to avoid him but if you just go up and have a little chat, you might find something worth loving

This game is.....weird?
This one randomly turned into a platformer with tons of beat em' up parts and has a weird subliminal atmosphere in the game's theme. The platforming bits were actually pretty good but I was moreso really annoyed by the repetitive combat and beat em' up areas of the game because it showed up wayyyyy too much than I expected. The music feeling empty, subliminal and different from the usual Pac-Man fare felt weird, but enjoyable personally? That also went to the visuals, that felt like it came from a completely different game. The writing and dialouge however, that takes the gold in this thing! The jokes and potrayal of Pac-Man and the Ghosts got me laughing a few times, alongside their voices being good! Though overall, a mediocre-ish experience personally. Hard to recommend unless you're a real Pac-Maniac sucker or you wanna enjoy the visuals and dialouge.

Finished the main game without collecting all character cards and fruit.