Reviews from

in the past

miserable, on purpose
anti-state, as game design
discrimination, as ludonarrative
absolutely astounding

This game was so depressing I stopped playing. I don't think that detracts from it though.

Bro I already have anxiety don't do this to me

An aesthetically beautiful game that melds storytelling, history, sound design, survivalism, and organization into a true work of art. I can't say that I've completed even half of the endings, but this game has been a huge inspiration for my own game ideas. You can check out I game I made that was quite inspired by it here:

Hits different when I get to roleplay as ICE

i played this instead of studying for my history exam

short and sweet. enjoyed it but don't remember much besides the funny guy

Didn't made all of the endings, but what I played was totally good enough.

Story is boring that gameplay makes me really stressed out so i kinda fw it

youve definitely heard of papers please and what youve heard is probably absolutely correct. turns something extremely mundane to something intensely engaging and shockingly emotional, making for one of the best examples of games as art. may god bless lucas pope and may those little pixel russians forgive me for what ive done

Haven't ever beat but one of the most unique and intriguing games I've ever played.

A gem of a game that makes sifting through paperwork an enjoyable pastime, need i say more?

Sucks you in and does not relent. Without a doubt a worthwhile title.

A paperwork simulator that somehow isn't absolute garbage, unlike real world paperwork

fun and enjoyable, would recommend it to anyone whose time i respect

Who knew playing as an immigration inspector at a border checkpoint could be so fun?
Plus there's a great short film about this game:

This is a great game that I have zero desire to ever play.

The fact that it can weave a thoughtful and engaging story through its gameplay is why this game is so good. Glory to Arstotzka!

Would love a sequel where the revolutionarties are revealed to be USA psyops and you have the same job, but for a puppet government now

Awesome game that created a genre.

hey its the funny guy with his fake passport i love the funny guy

really good game mechanics but the story is lacking a bit

crumbles on account of being built atop the mistaken premise arstotzka did something wrong. lycos tells me its developer modded quake and married a japanese maiden so i guess it's true that absolute gamer power corrupts absolutely and leads you to the bottom of the effete ludum dare bottle

This is the only time I'll ever want to sort through paperwork.

It is shocking how entertaining reviewing legal documents can be

"as an american living in japan"