Reviews from

in the past

If you're going to make a fighting game for an extensive franchise like Persona, the appeal will be in bringing everything together. This is P4A's biggest failure. For some ridiculous reason, the game tries to justify itself within canon. This both cuts out a significant portion of the potential cast and relies on a stupid amount of retcon. What's worse is that they don't even put the full cast within canon (they save several characters for the second game, wonder why) which leaves a pretty pathetic roster even by those self-inflicted constraints. It's an all-around disappointment.

This is a hell of a package. I especially dug the single player VN component of the game, which basically plays out like more Persona 4. It evokes what's great about Persona 4 while also having enough great moments of its own such that it's not just a retread. Labryss, the new character, is introduced really well and her story is very compelling. It's also a really fun fighting game! Auto-combos are very nice, and even without them it's fun to mash my way through versus matches and arcade modes.

There really isn't a reason to play this over Ultimax, which has every character from this game plus some of the missing ones. This game's story mode is weirdly structured you have to play it like 10 times to even get the second half, but Labrys and her story are so compelling she's easily my favorite Persona 4 character despite not appearing in Persona 4. The original Arena story is bundled in Ultimax, but I still have to give this score to where it originates.

Got Bored so i speedrunned it and gotted WR

my fave fighting game! it's easy to play, fun and the art is awesome! the story mode was lots of fun too

My first Persona game ever so you can imagine I had no idea what was going on or who these people were, but it was fine. The Brooklyn toaster is cool.

No es un juego realmente largo, lo acabe en solo dos días, pero es bastante entretenido, y aunque su historia sea un desastre donde cada campaña refuta la otra, es todavía bastante interesante en muchos aspectos. Digno de ser jugado.

Got this game for xbox360 a few years ago and it's just fine. It's a great fighting game, but I'm not a fighting game guy, just bought it because of the persona franchise. The story is somewhat good, and and the gameplay is honestly pretty good.

A little repetitive but also super ambitious with a great story and fun gameplay. Great to see more of these characters.

Apesar de estar jogando o Ultimax decidi separar as histórias, acabei de terminar o do Persona 4 Arena original, e a história não é boa, tem ideias interessantes mas o jeito que escolheram contar foi o pior possível. As diferentes perspectivas poderiam funcionar se tivesse uma variedade maior na história, mas é repetitivo ao extremo. No fim eu não aguentava mais, porém, não posso negar que ele é muito bom como jogo de luta, as animações são fluidas e todos os personagens são únicos. Vamos ver agora como é a história do Ultimax, se melhora ou não.

I haven't played Persona 4 yet so I dont really have a connection to any of these characters but this game has been really fun and now I kinda wanna see if my laptop can run Golden...

(played the story through P4AU)

This game is ridiculously flawed.

most of the characters stories are identical with that character being the main focus that time around and other minor differences, which makes it entertaining at first, but boring after a while. This also makes the structuring make zero sense. which characters story is the canon one? i still have no idea.

There are only two reasons why i don't think this game is bad:

first, the gameplay. not much to say here, considering i don't play too many arcsys games, but they did a good job of turning the concept of persona combat into a fighting game. i still suck at it but i was good enough to finish the story soooo.

second, and i cannot stress this enough: Labrys. oh my god i love labrys. honestly might be one of my favorite characters in the series, her section of the story was so fucking good. legit nearly reduced me to tears.

I definitely recommend this game if you are a fan of persona 3 and 4, and brooklyn accents, but i don't think i would recommend it to anyone else. anyways, onto ultimax.

It's really cool to see what this originally looked like and what it brought to the table when it was new, but I think Ultimax is a straight upgrade in every regard.

sure wish i knew how to play fighting games

Do not play the story mode unless you want to read the Bible


Fun but ultimately made obsolete by Ultimax.

Its pretty to look at but confusing and messy to play. The story is also boring and painful to sit through. Its fine for what it is but its nothing special.

Truly the Persona game of all time

really forced fillery story and an ok fighting game. the timings for the combos are ridiculous and kanji plays like shit

Such a fun fighting game to play. Going back to the story was kind of a chore though

Pretty good fighting game. Story mode is not great.

A very basic fighting game with characters I like, and Labrys is there too