Reviews from

in the past

i suck at fighters but lemme tell you that the night i started and finished labrys' story in that game has lodged itself in my brain so comfortably. I don't know if I'd love it now, but I loved it 12 years ago, and it's why I love this game.

Elizabeth, too, she's like so perfectly eccentric in this game, even compared to 3. Loved the glow up.

For what it's worth, decently fun.

First played multiplayer with my friends, I love the graphics in this. The sprite art for every hero and Persona is really cool, and I love the environments.

I played the storymode, which is what I'm logging here. EXTREMELY interesting seeing the P3 and 4 casts meeting, I loved seeing what SEES was up to since The Answer, and seeing the two casts interact was really fun.

Something that I really enjoyed was the fact that The Answer is EXPLICITELY mentioned in this, moreso than the events of 3 and 4. Elizabeth entering her Fools Journey to free Makoto, showing her actually fighting Erebus, and seeing the door Makoto is sealing... oh my god!!! So cool!!!

Also cool every reference they make to their own games. Labrys was a cool inclusion, I like the fact that they are delving more into Persona 3 lore in this Persona 4 spin-off lol.

I am spoiled on the real villain, but if I didn't know any better I'd have thought it was Nyarlathotep!!

One fucked up thing was how non-linear the story was? I pretty much thought that the character stories would continue from one another but they seem to all tell slightly varied stories, which is kinda weird? I'm mostly focused on Yu's, Aigis's, Labrys's, and Elizabeth's.

I enjoyed the story, I'm not sure I loved the visual novel type of whatever that it is, but yeah. It was serviceable. It was pretty much more than I bargained for, lore wise, so I'm actually very satisfied at the end of the day. Feels like a proper sequel to both.

Overall decent, kinda hope Ultimax's story is presented a little better. Weird as hell that we leave off not having a proper resolution to this story lol.