Reviews from

in the past

This game is 1,000 hours too long and the writing gets progressively worse as it goes. But the visual style and music are absolute fire, so it’s at least worth experiencing the first handful of dungeons.

Most fanserviced game of the saga and feels really rushed at the end.

it has its problems but i had tons of fun playing it

My favorite game ever, it real good

still waiting for my copy of royal to come in but i fully expect to give it 5 stars

Phenomenal game but a little too long

It's a great game with some flaws. Despite that, it's revolutionary for Persona, just because of how many new features it introduced, and how many new fans it brought into the series. Persona 5 was well worth the wait, but in my opinion, this game has the worst ending of the modern Persona games. Now that Royal is out, there is no reason to play this over that.

Although this game has some really weird weeb trash, the over all charm of the game is amazing.

I'd probably give this game 5 stars if not for the handful of openly homophobic scenes that both make me ashamed that I like any of it and also run directly counter to the story's themes of marginalized people rebelling against an oppressive hegemony. If I were writing a story about cool teens battling corrupt right wing politicians I would simply not be an unabashed bigot about it.

best 150+ hours of my life. loved it

Overly long, loaded with anime cliches, and Mementos is the single greatest stain on RPG games.

10/10, one of the best games ever made.

Stylish, rebellious, emotional. The gameplay is excellent, its smooth, rhythmic movement accentuated by what is only the best UI design gaming has ever seen. While the story falters at some points and can drone on for far longer than I'd like it to, the message conveyed is powerfully supported by the ideologies of the main cast, supporting cast, and even the villains and makes for an extremely uplifting experience when completed.

Gay teens rebelling against the state, what more do you want?

A thoroughly enjoyable experience that I'm sad its over. Memorable characters, a very interesting turn based combat, lovely visuals even in the menus, which are a joy to look at, and some very fucking good music (even if it repeats a lot, I can't deny the game could've used some more tracks), all were enough to keep me interesting for the 70 odd hours it lasted me, without being particularly completionist. I might even replay it at some point

Loved every second of my 122 hour playthrough.

Style for days. Love the whole cast. Bringing back demon negotiation was super awesome, too. The soundtrack is also stellar. I had some issues with the game but overall I adore it.

I got my mom to call me out of school early to play this game, it was the last month of my senior year. Thanks mom.

Un rpg por turnos más que decente en los tiempos modernos, es eso posible? Pues sí, y persona 5 es una muestra de ello.
En persona 5 pulen tanto la formula de la saga que hace que parezca imposible mejorarla más; los confidents están puestos de una manera en la que sea más fácil ubicarlos, la vida cotidiana del personaje tiene más peso que antes, el juego carga con una estética y diseño increíble que hace que no se vuelva monótono andar por los menús y en líneas generales, es explendido.
Los combates son como en la mayoría de la saga, teniendo que aprovechar debilidades para ganar, pero se han metido muchas mejoras para que fluya mejor, y no sólo eso, el menú empleado para ejecutar acciones en medio de un combate, es muy intuitivo, situándose los botones en donde irían en el mando físico. Los palacios ya no son mazmorras aleatorias sino que ahora, están prediseñadas, eso conlleva que ahora, haya mejorado mucho el diseño de niveles y sea más variado ir por los diferentes lugares.
En general es un juego excelente, pero la historia es un problema, es demasiado poco sutil.
Muestra no lo cuentes, es algo que siempre a funcionado a la hora de transmitir algo, pero persona 5 se lo salta y te mete sobre exposición que queda artificial y se hace pesada, por que me tienen que tratar como idiota?

absolutely incredible, just ignore everything atlus has done with it since

there are honestly so many issues with this game but i still love it with my entire being. easily a favourite, just so fun to play.

first persona game i finished. best music. would play royal.

The most millennial game I have ever played. If only a wandering band of heart stealing rogues were around to subconsciously kill the evil that lies in the hearts of boomers irl.

I had never played a persona game before this and just thought JRPG's weren't for me but this game has opened me up to the genre. An untouchable soundtrack and with menus that really pop, the aesthetic of this game is top notch.

I was generally invested in the characters and core plot of the game, thought I found large chunks of time were spent retelling events that had just happened. Despite this gripe, this game is great and I think its a great launching off point for anyone looking to try their hand at a chunky JRPG.

Someday I want to drink a coffee in a rainy Tokyo cafe while listening to Beneath The Mask

This game has issues on several levels and many of them I would never even begin to defend, like the FUN gay panic, but I have played 3 times (including my current Royal run), love it to death and it is one of my all time faves.

Really Long Game, but from the couple hours I played I enjoyed it/

i wish the okumara arc didn't happen

I was more excited for Persona 5 than for any other game announced so far in my lifetime. I had only just fallen for the series two years earlier, but I had fallen hard. Persona 4 struck my life at such a time and in such a way that I cannot conceive of any other video game that could supplant it in my life. It is irreparably important to me.

I knew better than to knowingly burden Persona 5 with that sort of expectation. In the intervening years I had played Persona 3 and found it enjoyable, but it was hardly any sort of religious experience. It helped me to calibrate my expectations for Persona 5. However, even with these compensations, my hopes could not be fully contained. On my first playthrough they mostly manifested as a constant anxiety. Persona 5 continuously glanced toward paths that I did not want it to take, and passed by several that I did.

Despite all of this, I walked away from Persona 5 content and satisfied. It is, in many respects (dungeons, UI, OST) a superior game to its predecessor. In others, like its catastrophically bloated script, it is not.

Persona 5 did not surpass the ridiculous, unreasonable expectations that I couldn't help but place upon it, but the fact that it met them well enough to leave me undisappointed is a full blown miracle.

i love this game but the PS3 is Not Usually at my house so i'm putting it on hold

I enjoyed this throughout, but the ending felt kind of meh for me.