Reviews from

in the past

Great touch up to the originals, looks beautiful and it's great to play it on my TV rather my handheld device. I hope they bring Apollo Justice to PC with the same love they did this.

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When I first played this game back in 2015, I came away disappointed by the drop in quality in terms of story and music compared to the first game (which I believe to be a classic). Replaying it today, while I still hold to that assessment, I think the game shines many respects and makes cool improvements to the first game. The Psylocke system is a cool way of bringing the cross examination gameplay to the investigation part of the game, while also being more forgiving than the regular trials. Maintaining a health bar throughout the entire case is also a good change, as it forces the player to be more thoughtful in presenting evidence.

As for the storylines and characters themselves, I think that, as a whole, they are still generally weaker than the first game, but there are still some standouts still mixed in. Turnabout Big Top has a fun cast with a pretty engaging story and Reunion and Turnabout, while feeling redundant at times, does a good job in digging into Maya's background and family (Pearl is especially a fun and cute addition to the cast).

My biggest complaint is that the final case, while interesting and a decent attempt to mix up the formula, I feel leaves a lot to be desired. I like the idea of having to defend a real perpetrator, but the binary guilty/not guilty system kind of exposes the limits of exploring what it means to be a Defense Attorney and how to act ethically in such a position. Having Maya be held captive also cheapens the ethical questions being asked, as it all just gets reduced to a "stall long enough until the situation turns in your favor" which I guess isn't new for AA, but you'd think the writers would try to changes things up a bit.

Another complaint I have about the story is how they handle Fraziska Von Karma. I think the idea of the character is interesting, but outside of some cheap laughs with her whip and her condescending and arrogant personality, she lacks a lot of the depth of Edgeworth or presence of Von Karma. The story's willingness to replace her with Edgeworth in the final case feels like when Mando came back in the middle of The Book of Boba Fett: It instantly made the story better, but also exposed how shallow the original story was in the first place. Which is a shame because I think they could've done a lot more with her.

I'm also disappointed with the music in this entry. It's not awful, but it lacks memorable tunes from the last game that emphasized the emotions in the moment. To understand my point, one only needs to compare how the Pursuit theme in this game compares to the last one. Again, It's not a bad soundtrack, but it leaves a lot to be desired.

My one final complaint is that the game lacks a extra case like the last game. This is largely a minor complaint, but I found Rise From the Ashes case in the first game to be so good that I wished the devs would've done more for this game when it was brought to the DS.

Overall, despite my complaints, I enjoyed my time with it. It's clearly the weaker entry in the original trilogy, but it still has plenty of bright spots that make it still worth playing

Not my favorite Ace Attorney game but still pretty good. It's just overshadowed by other good games.

O jogo segue a mesma base do primeiro, adiciona uma nova mecânica, que é bem legal por sinal e segue a risca quase tudo do anterior.

Nessa parte me incomodou um pouco, pois alguns casos tem bastante semelhanças com os do primeiro jogo, então senti falta de uma inovação. O último caso achei bem cansativo, mas como ele desenvolve bastante a relação Wright/Miles acho que ele compensa.

Basicamente é a mesma receita de bolo, mas um pouco pior.

This was a replay on PlayStation 4.

Es como el primero pero peor en todo. Los casos son peores, el gameplay y la narrativa casan peor y el soundtrack no es tan bueno....

6/10 (But it deserves 7.)

Surprisingly, this was the first Ace Attorney game I ever played. Picking up the DS copy as a kid meant that I didn't read the subtitle as a sequel, but just thought this was the first game in the series. Imagine my confusion going into case 2 of this game.

This is a weird entry in the trilogy because it has a lot of lows, but one of the best high points in the OT.

The introductory/tutorial case is about as goofy as it can get. The other tutorial cases in the OT have that air of mystery and beginnings to them. This one has... Amnesia and Bananas. Turnabout Big Top is kind of in its own little closed off world, but it has a very meh buildup and ending. I wanted to be more lenient to it nowadays, since it's been a while, but it just comes and goes and character motivations/actions are not really believable.

Now, the second case is actually a lot better than the previous two I've mentioned. It builds up the lore of the world, and introduces everyone's favorite little sister character: Nanako. Oh, wrong franchise. I mean, Pearl. Pearl is great. I love her so much and I want to see her smile. The case has a lot of mystery to it and introduces some great new mechanics (first instance of the Psyche-Lock system.) I feel like this one is on par with The Steel Samurai case from AA1. I still have a problem with the plothole of Maya's fingerprints not being followed up on, but whatever.

But then we get to my biggest surprise upon replaying the game: The final case.

This is, without a doubt, still one of the most hype cases in the franchise. I consider this one even better than the already stellar DL-6 case and Return to The Ashes from AA1. Everything works so well, from all the cast being used to their full capacity, to the stakes, to the twists and revelations along the way. This feels like a perfect case. Probably one of the best, if not -the- best in the trilogy.

Would give it 4 stars, due to the fun second case and the fantastic finale... But you're gonna have to pass the Berry Big Circus and a Banana Glove in order to get there.

Case 4 > Case 2 > Case 3 > Case 1

Replayed AA JFA. Pretty good probably not as good as the first but it brings great stuff to the franchise and its final case is absolutely fucking masterclass

a step up in gameplay, but about 4 steps down in writing; about a third of the game is frankly upsetting to play (and you know which third).

Achei os casos do Justice for All mais fracos que os do primeiro. O caso 3 do circo lá principalmente é bem bobinho e previsível e tem um negócio que é tão esquisito que até removeram isso na adaptação em anime. O segundo é melhor mas ainda assim a resolução é bem simples também. O quarto caso dá uma compensada porque é realmente muito melhor que os outros, mas ainda assim achei o primeiro jogo melhor no geral, até porque ele tem 5 casos e tanto o 4 como o 5 são muito bons

acts 1 - 3 are really rough. 1 is just super forgettable and basic. 2 has really awful investigations due to so many rooms close together (phoenix makes one funny british joke tho), and i am not big fan of the characters. 3 has worst characters and writing. and von karma thru out all 3 is super annoying bc of her whip. These 3 are very very boring and made me almost stop playing.

act 4 is so so good. the writing is witty and funny and emotionally charged. edgeworth is great as always. the new characters are all developed very interestingly. not as many twists and turns as last two cases of the first game, but unlike the first game, the investigation here is much more consistent (but still not great). there is still issues with really specific answers that require a guide, and the fact that you cant skip intro texts, among other things. the ending of the case caps everything off nicely. so far this case is in top 3 for me among these two games.

so how do u rate a game that is 75% trash and 25% godlike? really prob more than 25 percent but estimation. well idk. im not replaying those parts of the game again if i ever play this again. it sucks, if the game was just act 4 it would get a very very high rating. ah well.

Not as good as the first (that damn circus case…) but still fairly decent!

Very good indeed, although for me it is inferior to the first, everything remains in a very high quality, in addition to adding new mechanics to the gameplay, the story is also very good. Anyway, a beautiful game.

More of the same from the previous game, none of the cases were too special, and one of them I really disliked (case 3). Also the cases got really formulaic, and it got kind of boring doing the same type of trial every time.
>First witness
>Find out about some mystery in the past
>Mystery in the past reveals the perpetrator

Case 4 was a little bit of a shakeup, which was nice.

The second game in the Ace Attorney series, Justice for All plays very much like the first game, with four new cases for our heroes to investigate in the field and debate in the courtroom. Most of the mechanics are the same as the original game, with the exception of the new "Psyche-lock" mechanic. This forces the player to present several pieces of evidence at once to unlock further dialogue options. It's a somewhat interesting mechanic, although it's fundamentally not really that different than a typical discussion. While the first game had five cases (including the extra case added in later releases), this game has only four, and to be honest the first three were just okay. I didn't hate any of them, but between them, one is a short introductory case, the second was rather obvious to me, and the third is just a bit silly. However, I found the final case to be very engaging, which breaks the pattern the previous cases used to keep the drama high. I don't think it feels as impactful as the last cases from the first game, but that might change if some of its characters return in the next title. All in all, a fun visual novel with some highs and lows, but good enough that I plan on finishing out the trilogy.

So I'm gonna write this here as very basic early thoughts. Most of this game's cases feel like kind of lesser versions of the first game's. There are new things done, a new mechanic introduced, new people and places important to the cases and the character shown or discussed, but for the most part, it's sort of just a lesser version of the first. But goddammit, that final case just had to be the best one yet.

Case 1: The Lost Turnabout - 5/10
Case 2: Reunion, and Turnabout - 7/10
Case 3: Turnabout Big Top - 4/10
Case 4: Farewell, my Turnabout - 10/10

This is a Major draw back from the First game,

Episode 1 Is basically a Mid tutorial, Not much really going on other than showing you the new game mechanics.

Episode 3 shouldn't exist in Any Video game Ever,
It's a disaster in terms of writing and characters,
It is so bad that it made me quit video games for a while

Episode 2 is just trash,
Extremely rushed in the script with many events that make 0 sense ! And logic is often thrown out of the window for the sake of a Plot twist

The final episode is the only "good" episode in this game and it is the only episode that actually feels engaging, And even this one feels abit rushed in some times

Overall you can feel how cheap and rushed this game is, It doesn't even come close to the quality of the first game

yes then yes then no then OMFGYES

Ok now we're getting somewhere, the cases are more interesting, your known information evolves over time, the overarching plot is solid. First game that feels like the Phoenix Wright I know, even with all the corny and cheesy stuff

Case 1 is forgettable for good reason, case 2 is alright with good evolving information but bad plot, case 3 is funny (derogatory), and case 4 is THE BEST CASE out of the original trilogy especially when it comes to the major theme of realistic compromise for an unyeilding search for truth.

Great game. There's a bit of a lull in the middle but as always, a pleasant experience, cool characters, and great cases, especially the last one.

this game is so messy and all over the place in quality it fucking HURTS man lmfao. highest of highs, lowest of lows, and nowhere inbetween

on the positives before i do a case by case breakdown:
- pacing is SO good, 2 days becomes the standard for a reason
- very little fluff or filler in cases
- the two good mysteries are really fucking solid
- great world building and lore additions
- phoenix gets a much more defined personality
- generally great charas as always
- great writing FOR THE MOST PART
- apart from like one or two songs, fantastic soundtrack and maybe the most underrated in the series tbh

- 4 cases feels a little short
- the lack of an overarching plot sucks tbh
- the bad characters are VERY bad
- i love franziska but she really does only properly go from good to amazing right at da end of the game sadly
- you can 100% tell how rushed the script was for this game in comparison to how solid 1 and 3 are
- inconsistent quality of cases

ok case by case basis time! 1 didnt get it cause it was consistent mostly

first case sucks; amnesia is stupid and doing it just to make it a tutorial for new players is stinky! and the case is annoying. but at least it gave us richard wellington's big bananas which is great

second case!! better than i remembered. like. significantly. gets better every time i replay it. great lore additions, great character drama, great mystery, fun witnesses and killer, great breakdown

bro has it all. why did i ever think this was mid filler!!

turnabout big top is the worst case in the series. even without the paedophilia. it's just a mystery that makes no sense with annoying characters. also everyone's a fucking paedo. it's bad. it's so bad. it never gets better. it never will. this was a mistake. it drags down a good game!!! it's so fucking dogshit!!! it's worthless and it's bad and i think it's so goddamn awful!!!! raging. anyone who wants to drop the series because of this case i totally can understand. i dont see any positives in this.

thankfully though theres something good acomin.....

2-4 is peak. 2-4 is a top 2 case in the series. 2-4 has a great mystery, the best twists in the series, great character writing and development, a new level of darkness, great comedy, great EVERYTHING

it's peak. it's so peak. shame it and 2-2 are stuck with 2-1 and 2-3

overall JFA is a fantastic game dragged down into being one of the messiest games I've ever played, and such a hard experience to rate. deffo the weakest of the trilogy for sure, all thanks to 2-1 and 2-3.

Playing this immediately after the original shows its flaws a little. The cases and pacing aren't as strong so I found this even harder to enjoy than the original. Possibly should have waited before coming back for more.

Definitely not as good as the first one, but at the same time I think its such a vast improvement in the writing departament compared to the first (Honestly only the circus case drags it down SUPER BADLY but other than that this game is ACTUALLY GOOD)

not quite as strong as the first game overall but the last case is peak fiction so it balances out

القضية الرابعة شالت اللعبة كلها ورا ظهرها

For a while I was with the majority opinion on this one in saying that while good, this game was the weakest of the trilogy, but then I realized I actually like this one more than the first game. The game boasts two of the best cases in the series with 2-2 and 2-4, and two pretty decent cases in 2-1 and 2-3, which are way overhated in my opinion (even if there are genuine reasons to dislike those cases, I think Richard Wellington/Maggey Byrde and Moe the Clown respectively are funny enough characters to hold them up). Thus, when you mix two top-tier cases with two decent cases, you've got a pretty darn good game on your hands, and that's what this title ends up being.