Reviews from

in the past

a great series when it came out but I could never recommend this over its later entries because of how incredibly frustrating it was to actually capture Pokemon in Ranger

rlly wish we had another game but I think ranger is shelved for good....

I don't want to break my touch screen please Steelix have mercy

Thanks for the Manaphy Egg tho that was perfect.

Super fucking fun, loved this game back in the day and the manaphy egg was SLAPPER for Diamond n Pearl. Need to play again

this entire game is just drawing circles around pokemon but like a lot

I have this game. I think I thought Manaphee was cute. What does that make me?

Remembering this game is enough to make my arm hurt. Don't enjoy the consecutive-circles mechanic, but fortunately it was improved in the two later games. Other than that, cool game with a cool story.

I had to draw 100 continuous circles for that goddamn Salamancer that shit took me days to beat.

Such a weird concept for a Pokémon spin-off, but I enjoyed my time with it.
Seeing Pokémon walking around in the wild and following you in the overworld felt mindblowing at the time.

For a game released during the content drought between the release of the DS and the release of the actual 4th generation of Pokémon, Pokémon Ranger was actually a pretty nifty idea.

The game has you controlling an eponymous Pokémon Ranger in Fiore, a land without trainers. Here, Rangers use tools called capture stylers to temporarily recruit wild Pokémon to help them in tasks, such as putting out fires and unblocking roads. The capture styler is a beyblade of sorts controlled by your stylus, and the main mechanic in the game is drawing circles around Pokémon in sequence to add them to your team.

I, for one, am very favorable to experimentation with the world of Pokémon, and this idea was pretty fun. It's too bad the actual execution was sort of barebones. Once the sequels came around, this would become even more apparent, as their mechanics are fleshed out and they're superior games as a result.

The way the game is, where you have to catch Pokémon without lifting the stylus, is asking for an RSI and a ruined touch screen. I played through it a few times as a kid, but I probably wouldn't do so again as an adult. Grab the sequels instead, they're much better.

Loop go swoop, water assists are the best, Garret is kinda hot tho

A shout-out and a hearty "fuck you" to Nintendo for making sure that it was impossible to get the Manaphy Egg if you bought this game used. It's been years but I'm still bitter.


I remember owning this game when I was a kid, but I never recalled finishing it. So I decided to pop it in for the first time in a REALLY long time. It's fun....for the most part. I'll admit it's genuinely fun for a good chunk of the time, I do enjoy how the game looks at the time, they utilize the DS screen a lot while also giving the player the options to use the control stick and buttons, you have to use a lot of strategy to figure out how to capture certain Pokemon and get through the levels. However the thing that drags the game is easily how bullshit how hard some of the Pokemon are to catch. There were several times where the Pokemon are too fast, move way too much, and there's more than one Pokemon getting in your way. Sometimes it's understandable how difficult some Pokemon are to capture, like say at the end of the level, but for the most part there are just some Pokemon that are irritating to deal with. The thing that drives me up the wall is how often some, not all, of the Pokemon that will get to the edges of the DS screen making it literally impossible to capture them. That happened way too often. But for the most part it's still a alright game. I wouldn't say it's anywhere close to some of the best Pokemon games, but it's still fun. I hear there are more Pokemon Ranger games that were released that I was not aware of, but I hope they got better and fixed some of these issues.

this was my favorite lil pokemon game as a kid i just remember aggressively circling pokemon

god i miss the good old days when i first played this..

this is a cute game but if you're looking to play a ranger game dont play this one. it is playable, but extremely frustrating as the combat system is ridiculous to the point where it just isnt done well. the story is also pretty average. if youre looking for a ranger game with decent plot and reasonable gameplay, go for almia. stay away from the original.

Uno de los juegos de mi infancia aunque las secuelas le superan en prácticamente todo.

Honestly, the main reason I got this back in the day was just for the Manaphy.

There is a lot of frustration in this game. Save states help. The localization is great. The difficulty curve is all over the place and it feels like your options for most bosses in the latter half of the game boil down to cheesing the boss with the right assists and nearly bypassing the whole fight, or suffering through agonizing challenges. Honestly, I would not bother playing this in current year. Almost everything you would hope to get out of this experience is served up better in the sequels.

fun game that deserves a revisit

Fun, if not gimmicky, spinoff series that died after not many installments. Oh well.

wow! that was just like breaking bad

Really enjoyable game that doesn't overstay its welcome. Prone to difficulty spikes, but nevertheless a fun adventure with a great postgame.

It's been years I last played this game, but the memories of it are great and I need to play again.

The first game in the series. Nothing super memorable, but a good time. A decent start to a really good subseries.