Reviews from

in the past

é bem limitado e chato o emerald vale muito mais apena

Meine Lieblingsgeneration und mein meistgespieltes Pokémon Spiel. Ich kann garnicht rational erklären warum mir Rubin besser gefallen hat als Silber

Pokemon Emerald, mas piorado

My personal favourite entry in the series. Still haven't played Emerald though...

Sei lá, gosto do pokemon mexicano

What an excellent continuation to the previous generation, while keeping things fresh. Super underrated set of three games (with Emerald as the pinnacle).

gosto muito, mas meh... jogo de pokemon é quase sempre isso então..

The pokemon team always consistently delivers in art and style, other than the major series-defining changes brought to the game in abilities, double battles, and marking the moment they cared about putting a story into pokemon (which is a mixed bag when you think about it), its one of the more mid games in Pokemon's history.

The Pokemon contest was fun little thing that most people kind of forget is thing and bases is another thing that was nice and fun, which both of those will be revisted soon in later installments without actually becoming permanent features. Pokemon designs and character designs are as solid as always but for a game that wanted to make story more of a thing, they really shafted rivals for what was just a quick catalyst to make the game longer and to make the legendary pokemon relevant.

Its Map design is atrocious though, hands down one of the worst overworlds in pokemon, especially with the amount of sea that looks all the same, and how much time youre on it. Shit man that IGN "Too much water" review seems like a massive joke until you actually sit down and play this game yourself, its absolutely insane anybody thought this was okay. The amount of HMs you need to use all at once also make this game's pokemon team customization a HUGE chore. Otherwise solid game, id say its with the other Mid games like Sun and Moon, Sword and Shield, and Platinum (specifically platinum)

>ToO MuCH wAteR
>General map Designs just ass
>returns to static sprits after crystal's animation (didnt dock it for this though)
>The encounter rate in caves and water was absolutely insane especially for the amount of time youre not only in water but in caves as well.

This isn't the one I played as a kid, so it will be reviewed in Adult's Eyes. For childhood eyes see Sapphire.

While tricky to go back to due to lacking things from later gens like Physical Special split, Gen 3 is still at least replayable today. The new mons (like my all time favorite Jirachi) are great. Double Battles are also fun, but they're used way too sparingly in the base games, and the one Doubles Boss is a joke. Abilities give mons much more variety among similarly typed mons and natures help make mons more unique among the same species (but catching optimally more frustrating). Also Running Shoes thank the lord.

A huge improvement over GSC.

Primeiro Pokémon que joguei, meu Pokémon favorito, joguei eles muitas vezes, todos os Pokémons de gb color e gba que joguei foi por emulador

I played this when I was 12 so this was peak childhood for me. Such a cool game, cool story, cool setting.

But now, you may as well play ORAS.

Meu primeiro contato com emulador e joguei este, antes era só pokemon stadium na casa de amigo. Gostei bastante, mas depois que peguei o emerald eu me questionei do porque da falta de animação dos sprites.

Eu lembro-me de jogar este jogo pela primeira vez num emulador mobile e adorá-lo como criança. E ainda hoje eu gosto dele, é balanceado, o mapa é bom e os bichinhos disponíveis para se capturar são variados

Minha primeira experiência com a terceira geração. Achei sua mecânica um pouco confusa na primeira vista, demorei-me para acostumar com o jogo. Mas me diverti bastante.

Finalmente fechei, jogo legalzinho, batalhas quase que cansativas se for famar(minha dica é ficar upando na torre da elite dos 4, com mais o item Exp Shared upa os pokémons fracos rápido), a próxima vez que fechar jogarei pelo retroarchievements.
Finally closed, cool game, battles almost tiring if fame (my tip is to stay leveling in the elite tower of the 4, with the Exp Shared item raises the weak Pokemons fast), the next time I close I'll play by retroarchievements.

até hoje tentando escapar das garras desse jogo


Um dos pokémons que mais joguei até hoje, recomendo!

Pokemon Ruby was the first Pokemon game I played. I remember choosing my starter, Treeco, but I also remember deleting all the save data when I was around nine years old. This game, to young me, and also adult me, was vibrant, exciting, and fast paced. Oh, and the story was cool. And LOTS of super cool Pokemon from this gen. 7/10

É um jogo divertido, mas a história é estúpida até demais, o que torna o jogo pouco recompensador no final. Os ideiais de cada equipe são simplesmente a maior burrice que eu já vi em um jogo

I only played this because I wanted to get Pokémon that I was unable to get in Pokémon Emerald. It is the same game as Pokémon Sapphire.