Reviews from

in the past

The Drought Music Give me Chills.
My Team For This Game:
Zbat (Crobat)
Qr (Lileep)
Chunky (Swampert)
Mawre (Mawile)
Nilce (Wobbuffet)
Ednaldo (Groundon)

The first pokemon game I ever played. Felt cool to me even if I didn't care much about the mechanics.

it has mudkip I like that little fella:)

this game kinda went backwards from crystal.

Anyone who complains about the amount of walkable terrain in this game should simply become earth-pilled.

Oceancels seething over landchads.

This generation was my start to the series and it holds up very well. The region is really awesome and I enjoy so many of the designs in this one. The gym leaders were really great and the music was outstanding.

Começando uma shiny hunt mds me ajude

A childhood favourite of mine, plugging this into the front of my DS and merrily skipping my way through Hoenn. While they don't feel like TOO much of a full-on revolution for the franchise (well, back when they were new, anyway), it's still a solid game in its own right.

Foi o primeiro pokemon q joguei ent claramente tem um lugar especial, conhecer Hoenn e o sistema de batalha dos jogos pela primeira vez foi algo incrível. Torchic foi meu primeiro pokémon.

>> Prós
• SOUNDTRACK : Acho o game de pokémon com as melhores músicas de cidades, bate a nostalgia ao ouvir Littleroot Town.
• BRENDAN E MAY : São 2 ótimos protagonistas para se escolher.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Brendan e Steven.

These are a lot better than I remember! I love the visuals, it’s got a great selection of Pokémon, and the evil goons are actually somewhat threatening here.
I think “too much water” is accurate, though. There are too many water types, which negatively affects the composition of your team to balance around fighting them so often, and it gets a little exhausting.

Mesmo caso do DP, só que melhor, pois o jogo em si não tem muitos problemas, mas quando vc vê o Emerald não tem como, esse jogo tem muitas coisas inferiores a ele, mas ainda se sustenta muito bem e nos apresenta a MARAVILHOSA região de Hoenn, e o Steven é o campeão viva amo ele

Narrative: 4.5 - Gameplay: 5 - Visuals: 5 - Soundtrack: 5 - Time: 5
Stars: 5

played this a bit on Simo's NDS

Gen 3 is kinda overrated in my opinion. Felt unfinished to me.

I loved the story from the game to be honest and the new and updated graphics and animations felt great. Also, the third generation of Pokemon was great.

The entry that really revolutionized the series. New abilities and natures were added in to help change up the gameplay. The new story was pretty good and had a pretty decent environmental message. Double battles were still a bit gimmicky and not used much, but still a welcome addition. Whether you're playing Ruby or Omega Ruby, you're getting a solid experience with a lot to do in it.

Played over a period of 20 days. I'm not an experienced Pokemon player, having only played through Blue/Red in the past previously, but damn, while the game was pretty easy for a while it got harder in the last third. The last Elite Four + Champion match was surprisingly tough. Victory Road was also a bit tricky finding your way through.

I played the final battle with a team of Milotic, Groudon, Salamence, Breloom, Gardevoir and Manectric, and with Max Potions and Revives in the bag. Especially Milotic and Salamence takes quite some effort getting. Which I researched my way to recognize would be a pretty damn OP team. I thought I would sweep through it all.

Not completely. In my first couple of attempts I failed. Only in my third attempt I managed to do it successfully. Milotic's Ice Beam and Hydro Pump, and Manectric's Thunderbolt would be deal breakers, but, wow, it was quite challenging. I'm impressed if people beat it with weaker and more random Pokemons.

Anyway! If you like Pokemon it's a pretty good game. It's quite like Red and Blue but with more additional features, basically. Most notably (except colors) berries, Pokemon items, "nature" elements like weather, the Pokeblock contest (which was a bit odd), and 2 vs 2 matches, and a couple of other things. Also, a bunch of new Pokemons, even if there was quite a few of the original generation here too.

My only problem with games like these is they can get a bit too addicting, and depending a little too much on grinding. Which can be timeconsuming, and tiring, yet weirdly addicting at the same time. However, it's pretty good escapism if that's what you're after. I quite understand the success of this franchise.

I loved playing though this game as a teenager.

Time has been fairly kind to generation 3. While at the time it felt like more of the same, just bigger and prettier - it now feels like a pleasantly polished Pokémon adventure with its gameplay still very rooted in the series origins.
Lots of distractions in farming ash for flutes, Pokémon beauty contests, pokeblocks, secret hideouts. Not all to my tastes, but they make the world feel distinct and more alive.
My taste here might be clouded by a sweet-spot in my nostalgia, but if anything I've grown fonder of this generation as years go by.

My very first entry into Pokemon mainline. I recently finished the story after 17 years later. Currently Working on catching them all then onto the battle tower.

Growing up playing gen 3 means absolutely no critical opinions I might or might not have are completely invalid. I pretty much grew up in Hoenn. I used to pretend the houses in Rustboro were my house and the trainer school was.. a school. But that wasn't this game,it was Emerald instead. Later my mom got me a copy of Sapphire second-hand and words could not describe my fascination about how these games were actually pretty much the same, but this one had some stranger's savefile with a freshly caught Kyogre and a Blaziken instead of Swampert.

Eventually,early Youtube rolled around and by this point, I must have known Ruby was the same as Sapphire, but that's not what those early videos showed at all. Apparently Ruby was used as a base for every romhack made at that point so in my mind Ruby occupied every space inbetween hyperrealistic blood to a cutscene with Latias roaring in a puddle atop a white mountain tileset. You could catch Agumon, Weegee, Yoshi and other trainer's Pokémon in Ruby. There's probably a tech reason why Ruby was used over other games but in my head, Groudon was both cooler and all these fucked up and silly events happened ingame concurrently.

I did realize at some point that obviously, this was all made up. In fact, the exact same rumours were also made about the gen 1,2 and 4. And I beat the Elite 4 50 times and NO JIRACHI SPAWNED? Even if there's video evidence, everything online has to be bullshit. And why would anyone care about Ruby when Emerald was right there? It has all these amazing features like, uh.. your character wears green, a vastly superior colour to red. And the Battle Frontier, even if nobody actually beat it or really cared about anything other than its presence. I even picked up Alpha Sapphire instead of Omega Ruby; Primal Kyogre is just bound to be way stronger; remember how overpowered Drizzle Politoed was in Gen 5? Groudon might look cool,but it'll suck in comparison...

Years went by and wander was lost. Between all the fucked up shit,Covid and memory loss, I frankly don't know if I ever played Ruby version itself; I remember playing either it or Sapphire and being mesmerized at all the small changes Emerald had made me grow accustomed to. This playthrough was no different; it's death by a thousand papercuts to think about what they eventually improved,like how the contest halls are not in order so even if you'd like to invest time into this one feature they clearly wanted to be a big thing moving forward,it'd be frustrating to do so early game. There really is less of a point to play these games over the improved versions comparatively to all generations both moving forward and back... but in my mind and anyone who's grown up in a pre-Battle Frontier, early internet world, they're pretty special. After all, you can catch Agumon in this one.