Reviews from

in the past

In terms of gameplay, this one improves on many things from Sun and Moon, and adds a lot of cool features and new Ultra Beasts. However, the story is just a beat for beat retread of Sun/Moon except worse, downplaying and dumbing down certain character's roles. All in all, not much here that makes it worth playing over the originals.

In hindsight? I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. Dull, long ass story and poopoo postgame prevent this from being a particularly great pokemon game, but this is definitely an improvement from SuMo in basically every front.

Also highkey some of those totem fights are pretty fuckin hard

Despite having an arguably worse story the amount of content and interesting lore tidbits are far greater. Also lots of little gameplay improvements.

Slow start and lots of dialogue, still really fun to play
Also, Guzma is probably my favorite villain in the series so far

It's not bad, I guess, but why wasn't this DLC? It also makes the story active worse than the base game which absolutely blows.

This is my favorite standard Pokemon RPG to date. Happily played it again and originally the first version when that came out. Team Skull is my favorite team and the music in this gen slaps. I remember almost never leaving my room while I played this, good times.

Melhor que os normais,mas quando joguei foi super entediante por que era o mesmo jogo até chegar perto do fim,mas se for jogar o Sun/Moon ou e os Ultras,só joga os ultras.

very the same game as the other one

It's really good. The Island Challenge is way better this time around than in the original SM and the game is truly, legitimately challenging to play. The story is in some ways a step down from the original Sun and Moon, but it more than makes up for it in the fun content it has to offer, which this game has quite a bit of. It's unfortunate that it came so soon after OG SM, if only they had waited another year to release this it might have been a bit better received.

Este jogo conseguiu fazer UMA coisa direito: a história e o post-game da Team Rainbow Rocket. De resto, este jogo é um completo desastre, parece que eles nem se deram ao trabalho demudar o jogo original para este, é um insulto aos fãs da franquia

I really don't think this was necessary

First Pokemon game I played since White 2. Played the first three trials, got bored, deleted save file so my brother could play it. Maybe I'll try it again some day, but it was just kinda boring.

Story is ok, but the gyro controls in the space thing are really terrible.

More or less the same game as Sun but I enjoyed myself. The postgame is much better though here

This game couldve been a neat sequel to sun but instead it was just a worse sun story wise.

A cash grab that had to harm the story to fit the mascot Pokemon into it. However, it did have some neat stuff like the Ultra Necrozma fight and the Battle Agency.

i'm not watching the same unskippable cutscenes again, no thanks

what if we took the same games and made them less good

most of my criticisms of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are similar to Black 2 and White 2 but this game has Mantine Surf and that's legitimately fun and the postgame Rainbow Rocket stuff is cool so I have to rate it just a little higher

that being said they botched the story hardcore, which is a shame because it was one of the reasons the originals shined. Ultra Necrozma is without a doubt the worst boss fight in this entire series, and that's not even talking about how they made one of the coolest Pokemon designs into some boring light dragon. I'm not looking forward to 5 years later when people try to convince me this game is on par or better than the original Sun and Moon, which is the pair you should buy instead of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Wasn’t a big difference but the ending was amazing

it's sun and moon dlc but the content it adds does make it the definite version

Literally Pokemon Sun but better