Reviews from

in the past

Era mi PoP favorito, la secuencia final me gusta mucho. Necesito re-jugar la trilogía (y de paso todos los juegos que derivaron de este)

The main transformation gimmick is more annoying than anything

Muito irado, ótima jogabilidade, a história é muito boa e os gráficos são bons também

2. oyundan sonra beklentilerin yüksek olması ve yeniliğe kapalı oyuncuların önerisi ile içine edilen bir oyun. Oynamayın, değmez.

I'm going to be honest, while I do think the game is the best in handling the combat, aesthetic and level designs, the length of the game wasn't enough. I wish Prince and Farah's character developments were not halted and that the game having more unique bosses, especially when this game is the best in the trilogy to have bosses. I kinda don't like how this series has a lot of ideas scrapped due to limitations, with the fact Kindred Blades was the most ambitious PoP game. It ended alright. Series is worth respecting.

Pc port sucks, again. Good boss battles overrall and I particularly like the stealth sessions

Una de las mejores sagas perdidas que existen

I don't know what happened. I lost interest half way through and never ever got back to it, even though I loved the first one.

o combate desse jogo pode ser muito frustrante de vez em quando, mas quando vc só tá pulando por aí e resolvendo uns puzzle relativamente simples é muito bom

Por fin me lo pasé después de TRECE años. Qué trilogía tan estupenda y qué final más redondo. Ojalá le hagan un remaster o un remake a la altura.

Perfect ending for a top notch trilogy.

Eu gosto tanto quanto o Warrior.

I can be your angle or yuor devil

This review contains spoilers

I can never decide if I prefer Sands Of Time or Two Thrones, but I think the first game wins in terms of visuals, cause this one is too... bright, I think. But I love the interactions of the prince with his dark half, the return of Farah, and the bosses are way more creative than the previous two.

The culmination of the legendary Prince of Persia trilogy, which absorbed the best combinations of the first two parts, completed them and added many good innovations. Super dynamic diverse gameplay, cool acrobatics, exciting boss battles, fatalities with the dagger of time, DARK SIDE, interesting story, and epic finale. The game keeps you in suspense from start to finish and does not let you get bored even for a minute.

Не прошёл. Меня хватило только на 2 часа — до первого босса.

Занятная трилогия. Все части построены на неизменных механиках, но в разных пропорциях, а разительно отличаются только настроением. Первая часть была детской сказкой. Вторая — крутым боевиком для подростков, с кровищей, мрачняком и расчлененкой. Третья — иллюстрирует кризис среднего возраста.

Про сюжет мне сказать, очевидно, нечего. Разве что напомнить, что выбирать каноном для продолжения бонусную концовку прошлой части — это гадство.

«Два трона» явно сделана наспех, и пытается использовать лучшие элементы двух предыдущих игр. Но получается не очень. Боёвка как в «Схватке с судьбой», с кровищей, но без расчлененки. Окружение выглядит лучше, модельки и анимация персонажей — хуже. Вернули Фару, но она мелькает на вторых ролях. Убрали мрачняк и серость и снова дали света, но Вавилон всё равно смотрится скучнее дворца из первой части.

Все новинки в геймплее этой части вымученные и делают игру не интереснее, а примитивнее. Принц в определенные моменты превращается в свою «злую» версию. В «злом» виде он постоянно теряет здоровье, которое восстанавливается песком, а ещё может при помощи цепи хвататься за разные светильники и дальше прыгать. В итоге, каждое превращение Принца означает повышенное количество драк и быстрые зрелищные забеги, в духе погонь с Дахакой.

Из других новинок у нас настенные трамплины для прыжков по диагонали и «розетки», за которые можно цепляться во время пробежок по стенам. Дурацкие стелс-убийства при помощи QTE, которые можно объединять в цепочки. И убогие заезды на колесницах с ужасным управлением.

Всё это, по идее, нужно для динамики и зрелищности, но ощущается как безыдейность и лень. Акробатика в серии всегда была про нахождение правильных маршрутов, а здесь её меняют на полёты в духе китайских боевиков вроде «Героя».

Битвы с боссами — God of War для бедных. Ещё и с дико неудобной камерой и кривыми хитбоксами.

«Два трона» не ужасная игра, если рассматривать её отдельно. Но на фоне прошлых частей она очень разочаровывает: странный монстр Франкенштейна, который никак не может решить — копировать ли ему самого себя или других.

The Sands of Time started this Prince of Persia trilogy with exquisite, undeniable charm, with gameplay that was as fun as it was unique. However, many people felt that it lacked severely where combat was concerned, as it had a very repetitive, button-mashing approach to combat. The length of the single-player mission was also a bit on the short side. The second part of the trilogy, Warrior Within, set out to right those apparent wrongs. Combat was definitely a lot more engaging, and had a lot more to offer, what with the ability to hold two weapons and use them efficiently with the help of combos. A rather small playable environment was on offer, but all the backtracking (which ultimately ended up being quite a bit annoying at times) helped in making the game that much longer. There were also voices of dissent regarding the new meaner, rougher, battle-scarred Prince, and the use of hard rock music.

The Two Thrones, therefore, was probably designed trying to incorporate the best of both games. The real question is, does it manage to live up to what it set out to be?

Undeniably, the game regains some of its lost charm from the Sands of Time. The Prince is now voiced by the same person who voiced him in The Sands of Time. Well, a part of him anyway. In order to include the meaner Prince from Warrior Within, a darker Prince is unveiled here, supposedly a split personality of our Prince Charming. And guess who voices him? The same voice-actor from The Warrior Within. Does it work? Yes, it does, sometimes, especially when the Dark Prince whispers witty little comments during the Prince's conversations with Farah.

Speaking of Farah, guess who's back? Farah! (You saw that coming, didn't you?) And she's not the only thing to have made a comeback from The Sands of Time. This time, too, the game progresses in the form of story-telling, a tale being told by Kaileena. While the voice acting in the game is generally of a superlative quality, the voice-over for Kaileena, I felt was terrible, especially when you pause. It's almost as if the story-teller is not interested in telling you the story at all. "I can wait, I have all the time in the world" delivered in the sleepiest, sorriest voice you've heard doesn't really make you feel like you oughta jump right back into the action. That puts Sands of Time at least one point ahead of The Two Thrones. While we're on the topic of comparing the two, let it also be known that the chemistry between the Prince and Farah in SOT was what made that game so much fun for me, but the chemistry here appears to fall short. It feels like their lives have already been scripted, and they're just acting them out for us, rather than the spontaneous, gradual shift in feelings that appears in SOT.

Moving on, let's compare TTT (wow, that looks like a 3-headed pi...completely irrelevant, of course, so let's return to the review) with Warrior Within (WW). Combat, in my opinion, is a little more fun in WW, especially because your primary weapon is always some type of badass sword. Your primary weapon in TTT is the revamped dagger of time. However, every time you have to do battle as the Dark Prince, your secondary weapon becomes the daggertail-a chain that is attached to the Prince's left arm. Combo moves involving the dark prince and his daggertail are particularly satisfying, especially when you see a perfectly pulled off combo getting rid of 4 enemies at once. RAWR! Sadly, your life meter keeps decreasing when you play as the Dark Prince, and you'll have to keep collecting sand (either by killing, or by crashing pots and other articles that might have sand in them) to replenish lost life.

TTT also introduces "stealth kill", which lets you quickly and silently kill enemies without having to engage them in free-form combat. These basically involve hitting the secondary attack button at just the right moment, so while they may not be particularly challenging, they do provide some cinematic moments. Boss battles, too, are a lot more fun, and require more thought than the "block-block-ATTACK-block-ATTACK-block-block-block" approach. They mostly involve the use of the previously mentioned stealth kill, although it might take you a little while to figure out how exactly you need to approach a particular boss.

The sometimes very frustrating Dahaka chase sequences are gone, to be replaced by a couple of sections of chariot races. These are unlike the Dahaka sequences though, for you just have to guide your chariot along without hitting into walls. The handling is not perfect, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem, particularly for those who might have played any driving games at all.

Before I begin the conclusion, let me write one more paragraph about the characterization. I believe SOT to be one of the finest games as far as storyline and characterization are concerned. The Prince himself was an extremely likeable character, not too preachy, and just the right mix of pride and naivety. WW turned him into an angry, violent fighting machine. While TTT tries to return the prince to his SOT charm, it doesn't quite work. The sarcasm certainly is classy here, but the prince comes across as being just a little bit dull, a little bit less than heroic here, perhaps thanks to Kaileena's dull recital of the story. The idea behind trying to show his progression from being the naive young prince of SOT to the more mature one at the end of TTT is laudable, but doesn't completely succeed in making him so very likeable. Farah, too, is not nearly as likeable or attractive as she was in SOT. Kaileena, dressed a little more like the Empress of Time this time around, has a shorter role to play, so apart from the bit about her voice-acting being a shoddy job, there's nothing more to add.

And so we reach the conclusion. As I said, The Two Thrones set out to bring the best of its fore-runners into a single game. Did it succeed? To some extent, it has succeeded in doing so, but the rough edge was better in Warrior Within, and the charm was definitely a few notches higher in The Sands of Time. What you get is a game that tries real hard, and almost makes it. Rest assured that all ends well with the Prince, and while the closing cutscene is nowhere near as good as the one at the end of either of the two previous games, it provides a closure in the form of the circle of life (I refuse to divulge any more). I strongly suggest playing this game through, just to wrap up one of the most fun platformer game trilogies of all time.

La vida es eso que pasa mientras escalas la torre de Babilonia...

Que digo que os presento mi PoP favorito.

Fechou a trilogia sendo o mais fraco de todos, apesar da narrativa interessante do prince com seu dark prince, é um jogo bem fraco em aspecto geral, repetindo aquelas tranqueiras de parkour durante 15 minutos e acontecendo algum evento.
As bossfight desse jogo são buxa demais kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, é tudo tão previsível e fácil que em algumas tentativas, você já entende como matar o monstro.
A Luta com o Vizier é extremamente brochante também, rejoguei porque na minha cabeça quando era criança, era um jogo fenomenal, agora pensando bem, é só mediano mesmo.

To end the trilogy, Ubisoft tried new ideas with this entry. Great game overall, two different gameplays to the main character and his dark side, boss battles and even chariot races. The combat still good, controls still good, but the graphics somehow not that much. The art style tries to bring back the magic visuals from the first entry (that they abandoned in the second). There are some good puzzles and Babylon looks very different from the first game. Still a great game, not quite good as the first two entries.

7.5/10, just the right amount of edgelord

Fraquinho, mas esperado para o último jogo de uma franquia que começou bem.

A great sequel to the Warrior within. They reinvented the wheel again with unique story and plot. Ubisoft was legendary at those times.