Reviews from

in the past

I need to replay this, but if I can't remember it, then was it all too amazing?

Tive o primeiro contato com esse game pelo primeiro Xbox. Mas tive o prazer de finalizar o game todo pelo Playstation 2.
Enredo bacana, mecânicas iguais aos anteriores mas teve o "plus" de poder se transformar na versão "diabólica" do Prince Rsrs.

Jogo muito bem feito e que faz o segundo game da trilogia destoar ainda mais dos outros.

I can't believe I actually spent 10+ hours to beat The Twins

After the lukewarm result of the second game, Ubisoft realized their mistake and tried to return to the spirit of the first game.
It was a decent attempt, but still lacked some of the first game's magic. Visuals were also janky at times, especially during cutscenes

When you realise try and supress the edgy factor but its still able to creep out from under the floorboards

Loved this one, story was solid but left a lot to be desired but gameplay wise I had a great time. It felt like the perfect blend of what the previous two installments brought to the table

one of the better prince of persia game, more edgy

Not my first time actually, I played this one way back on the PS2 - it was actually the first game in the series I've played. Though I believe it's my first time actually completing it, I never got to the end on the PS2 for one reason or another.

I actually prefer this one over Sands of Time, mostly due to combat. Sands' combat is soooo lame, this one is slightly better and I can avoid it at several points. Is there nostalgia involved? Maybe, but it just delivers what I expect from the series: fun platforming. That's all I ask.

There's also much less of an emphasis on the dull combat, in part thanks to the inclusion of the stealth kills - and since I'm a sucker for stealth, I greatly enjoy it. The bosses (of which there are four I think) are all cool, choosing to focus on other aspects of the game and not the combat. That's smart, but one of the bosses is a traditional "boss arena" against two guys and WOW: this game's combat system is not good enough for that, sweet mercy.

About the Dark Prince: the health-always-depleting thing is kind of a non-issue, because the game bombards you with enemies and vases, all of which replenish your health while transformed. My issue with it is another: I don't see much of a point. Those sections are fairly short and sporadic, and I can't help but feel it'd make much more sense to either let the player transform at will, or give the chain as a permanent upgrade to the Prince, so that you can incorporate it on the level design as a whole. Apparently, this game was made in only 12 months, which would explain quite a bit.

Just as a closing thought, the Prince's arc is basic as shit, but satisfying. That applies to the whole plot actually, and it delivers a rather satisfying conclusion to the whole trilogy.

Hard as shit. I remember the difficulty more than anything else. Partly a fun challenge, partly bullshit. Some cool scenery and not too kiddie.

Warrior within is better than this but this game is ok though

Story wise it's the best prince of Persia and worth playing.

I never beat this I just liked using cheat codes to give myself an inflatable fish sword.

A fine enough finish to the trilogy.

Um final digno para a trilogia depois do bizarro meio de percurso que foi Warrior Within.

It's another year and it's another Prince of Persia game. This is now a mainstream IP which means that Ubisoft has expectations to meet with it, did they reach them? Since you can see the rating I'm sure you know what my opinion is.

This is basically Sands of Time 2, with a couple of additions (Dark Prince and some optional stealth). It is Sands of Time almost exactly, complete with having a character narrating the story in the background and asking you if you wish to save the game. Understandable approach considering they had a year to make this and Warrior Within was fairly polarizing.

Playing it safe and smart is pretty much the point of Two Thrones. It gives a satisfying, polished ending to the trilogy and gives more of the at this point familiar but still really fun Prince of Persia gameplay, the platforming is really good, the puzzles, bosses and gameplay diversions are fun and inventive, and it all goes down very smoothly. It may not have the creative spark that Sands of Time had, but it's hard to complain about a game that is so consistently fun to play.

O terceiro jogo do reboot e terceiro episódio da trilogia das areias traz mais movimentação do príncipe com habilidades e liberdade que permite seções por locais mais abertos.

A segunda personalidade do príncipe, o Dark Prince, é outra novidade que traz momentos de transformação que alteram um pouco a jogabilidade, dando habilidades únicas da forma dark e é responsável por trazer maravilhosos momentos de comédia nos diálogos "internos", onde as duas personalidades ficam trocando farpas e discutindo sobre moralidade.

É um jogo que traz inevitavelmente a sensação de mais do mesmo, mas com novidades específicas que tornam a experiência bastante agradável, ocasionalmente estragada por bugs.

Muito bom, a história era legal, a gameplay stealh e a ideia de ter o príncipe normal e o lado dele possuído além dos seus muitos parkour. Grandioso e um dos meus favoritos do PS2.

finishing this with my cousin was fucking insane

Veredito: a própria definição de marromenos.

É um jogo de ação decente, apesar da estética e combate genéricos. A história e puzzles são legalzinhos, e as acrobacias entre uma sala e outra são bacanas.

Mas impossível não comparar com outros jogos daquele momento. É um péssimo Prince of Persia, PRINCIPALMENTE depois de Sands of Time, que era incrível 2 anos antes. E na época vários jogos de ação já eram bem melhores. Não tem por que jogar, fora a curiosidade. É o clássico 'aluga por um finde, aproveita muito, e depois nunca mais'.

Não sou muito fan de príncipe da Pérsia

Mi favo de la saga pero el combate es un poco clunky

The series' formula was getting a little stale with this one.

Still, pretty damn fun game.

Me parece algo inferior a la segunda parte pero aun así una excelente continuación.

i don't remember this game so much :(

What if we gave the players an exciting new dark version of the prince to play as, with a cool weapon and special powers to enjoy, but then—get this!—we also give him a time limit