Reviews from

in the past

Enquanto é um bom jogo, é o mais fraquinho dos Layton. A história é ok mas dá muita dica do que tá pra rolar que fica óbvio e a mudança pro 3D fez o jogo ficar bem mais lento e os puzzles tomaram uma forma meio diferentes. De toda forma, recomendo sim, principalmente se for pra jogar tudo!

solid contender for most predictable plot twist in any game in existence

Miracle Mask has absolutely no right being my favorite Professor Layton game. As a Layton game it's just not that great. But as a Hershel Layton Childhood Trauma Simulator, well, it's pretty rad.

this was a cool game! i remember enjoying the story and the puzzles were as always fun and enjoyable.

Miracle Mask is easily the best out of all the Layton prequels, and I think a lot of it has to do with the new animations and exploring more of Layton's past. While we have gotten some of Layton's past before, Miracle Mask does a really nice job of driving the current story and past story together to really make for a nice build up when the two become relative to each other. By having these two stories coexist they can often pick up the slack or give a nice break between one another when things start getting really interesting and overall makes for some great pacing. Not to say that nothing else is good about Miracle Mask, as always Layton provides for a lot of good puzzles that tease the brain in just the right way, and Layton nearly always got a soundtrack that not only knows the mood, but can be very calming when under some stress of some of the harder puzzles. Overall this is one of the better Layton games to get into, and something that feels like it takes full advantage of the system at play.

Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask is not only the first 3D installment in there series but also marks the first 3DS game. The transition to 3D is as graceful as it could've been I suppose but that doesn't mean it's perfect. The core fundamentals of the Layton gameplay style we have become accustom to for the last four games remain largely the same, but have been turned on their head in such a minor way that it can throw anyone off. Previously the main visuals resided on the bottom screen of the DS while in this entry the main visuals find their home on the top screen, also the navigation has been completely overhauled as movement has been changed from tapping corners of the screen to instead tapping locales on the map. This in of itself is not a fault of the game in anyway and functionally works as intended but leaping from four games that function that exact same way into a new take on the control scheme is sure to throw anyone off. Also this game tries to mix up the Layton formula further by adding things such as on rail horse back riding, and dungeon crawling which is actually a welcome addition in my eyes to help break up the regular point and click and puzzle solving. Going back to the visuals for a second, while seeing the wonderful and zany character designs of Layton portrayed in 3D certainly is novel, I can't help but feel in this entry that some of the 2D artwork lose some of it's finer detail in translation. It's certainly not game breaking or ruins the rest of the series for me but I will kind of miss the illustrated character portraits from the first four entries. The story this time around tries to give us an emotional look back on the life of Layton much in a similar vain to Unwound Future, and while there are certainly some emotionally impactful stuff in here, a lot of it kinda falls flat thanks to the inconsistent pacing throughout the entirety of the story. I will say however my favorite chapters in the game are the ones where we get to live in the shoes of a teenage Layton as he attends school and lives in his small village, in fact I wouldn't mind a whole game like that but I digress. The main plot twist at the end of the game is perhaps the most predictable out of the whole series, certainly doesn't mean it's bad, in fact I quite liked it, but you can definitely see it coming a mile away. All in All Miracle Mask isn't the most smooth transition to 3D i've ever seen but it isn't a failure by any means. It is still up there as one of the better Professor Layton titles, and I strongly recommend it to any fan of the series who may have missed out on it on release as it certainly does not disappoint.

Kniffliges Rätselspiel im netten Anime Gewand. Perfekt zum Entspannen.

madre mia el final de este juego

Great game, I adore this series so so much and the story here is excellent. Also an amazing way of transitioning Layton to 3D, good job Lvl5!

Pueees me ha sorprendido y me ha gustado más de lo que esperaba ya que la llamada del espectro me pareció muy flojo. He previsto muchos puntos de la trama pero en general creo que es el segundo Layton que más me gusta.

i liked the horse minigame, it was the best part

Une véritable révélation! Quel bon jeu! J'aimerais tellement que la série continue!

I’m assuming the Zionist parable was accidental.

not as fun as the DS games; i also really dont like the 3ds models because these guys were clearly intended to remain 2D but i guess for the 3DS they wanted to make them be 3D as well. the 3D-ness adds some new interesting mechanics but overall i think the DS games are better

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i run into a unique problem with professor layton games. it would unquestionably be to the game's detriment to be just a collection of puzzles with no characters or plot. when was the last time someone sang the praises of those generic puzzle collection games that you can find on steam?

at the same time, we're on game 5 and consistently every layton game's plot has failed to be even passably sensible to me. often times the mysteries have convoluted answers (oh everyone levitated away because they hid balloons that lifted them and we didn't see these balloons that we are already assuming could've lifted the victims in question because of the neon sky. sure.) or they're just genuinely unsolvable from the audience perspective (how were you supposed to know that layton found angela offscreen and therefore the angela that was with us was descole? you weren't). i try to be forgiving to these games but we're this far in and we're still doing asspulls and nonsensical plot resolutions? i think unwound future is the only game in this series that resonated with me on any level and that was mostly because it wasn't caught up in story beats or minutiae of the mystery and instead went all in on making the character struggles compelling. i didn't care who don paolo was until unwound future, then i felt sorta bad for him. the writing wasn't astounding, but at least i remember it. the plot still fell apart in the final hour, but i still think about that final cutscene of layton saying goodbye to his dead lover and feel something. these are the moments i wish layton games provided more of!

unfortunately, miracle mask doesn't even really give us that, either. there's maybe one moment that i could say works (layton's immediate reaction to randall's "death"), but it's completely sunken by the fact that randall being the masked gentleman is such a flagrantly obvious twist that i question if it was even meant to be a reveal. there is literally no established character who would've had the mask that randall had when he "died" so by process of elimination, the plot twist has to be "randall didn't die and instead is stirring shit as the masked gentleman because he feels betrayed. . . for some reason?". while we're on the subject of randall, i do not find the dude sympathetic and question the game's urge to give him redemption. he's a rich kid who does a very reckless thing despite several people warning him not to do it, he suffers consequences from it, and then gets mad because randall thinks he should be above consequences. in randall's world, angela was just supposed to wait for him forever despite all evidence suggesting he was dead. it's incel behavior. and sure, let's all forgive randall for trying to kill hundreds if not thousands of people in this game's version of las vegas and causing who knows how much structural damage and injuring an untold amount of people. we're given time to know randall, and all it does is illustrate that he is a foolish, immature, and entitled brat. the game rooted the big emotional moments on this character and the whole time i was playing the game, i was just going "i'm supposed to find this guy compelling and sympathetic?" lmfao. also, it sucks huge shit that randall in the flashbacks has extremely fair and pale skin but then when he's the Villain he suddenly has dark skin. like that is incredibly shitty.

beyond that, the game itself is fine. again, it'd be lesser without the presentation, but the gameplay does save this from being something i just outright dislike. the side-games are the best so far in the series for me, and i enjoyed all of them (even if the rabbit theatre one desperately needed some way to speed up repeat attempts). i don't feel quite comfortable saying if this game has the best batch of puzzles yet, but i will say that it has the least amount of outright bad ones. there's still awful ones, mind you (the floor panel mummies one is dreadful, and the chessboard ones were nightmareish for me), but overall it was a solid effort. and visually, i think this game transitions the series from 2D to 3D effortlessly. i wouldn't say the game is eye candy or anything, but i do feel as though monte d'or is a highlight of the series in creativity, design, and execution.

i wonder if professor layton just isn't a series for me. i've tried very hard to force myself to like these games, but the story elements are garbage and bring the whole experience down. it's like i hit a glass ceiling where i just cannot give a fuck about mysteries or any foreshadowing in this game because half the time i can guess the reveal and the other half of the time it's just poor writing. i don't need these games to give me agatha christie, but i do wish they'd stop trying. bank on the characters, they're the only parts of these games that stick with me. i struggle to find what people really adore about these games. at best, they're cute little puzzle games that sometimes have a funny line or good character moment, and at worst, they're wastes of time. i've probably said this before in another review for the series, but these are games i would struggle to feel strongly about.

i don't think i could see myself ever hating a professor layton game, but, by that same token, i couldn't see myself ever loving one either. they're the equivalent of eating unsalted peanuts. unseasoned chicken. room temperature water. could be so much better, but it's passable.

by far the most forgettable layton. can't remember a single thing about this one

When I pick up a mask and become vengeful towards my old friends

half of this game is very cool and the other half is like, okay (what this means should become very clear if you've played the game)

once again, i'm not a fan of the "true villain" and by the end there are still a lot of just like, logistical questions left unanswered but i think overall this game is alright. i think the reason i dont like the prequel games is that the endings are far more predictable which kind of ruins my favorite part about layton

first layton game i ever finished, so don't have much grounds to compare and didn't get any references to the overarching plot (wich def didn't help with my opinion on the ending). beautiful backgrounds, 3d effects and anime cutscenes; story was kind of eh, pretty predictable, ending cheesy as hell (tho ig this is a kids game innit), writing was very colorful and enjoyable though, at least in the german tl. puzzles are good as far as my undistinguished eye could tell, haven't really done much of the bonus stuff but it's cool that it's there, especially the free daily puzzles wich they had running for a year and you can now get in bulk, that p much doubles the amount of puzzles so great value on that front. So yeah just a solid, polished experience all around. very relaxing.

Honestly my least favorite P.L game out of the bunch ive played so far (havent touched azran legacy). Its not bad, i actually found it to be a good, solid installment, the 3D transistion was decent, and the ending and characters were some of the best. its just.. it doesnt feel like a P.L game. chapter 6 is the worst chapter of any pl game, and it tries to be really emotional (at times it works, at other times, not so much) and the mystery was so fucking obvious from the start.

Overall, its a good installment. recommended for those who are into P.L. 8/10, 4/5

i liked randall because when i was 15 i thought he looked like me. this game would be a 5 if henry shaved

Best of the prequel games, actually lands decently well emotionally, delves into Layton's past but doesn't feel contrived like Azran Legacy. The juggling of the past and present is done gracefully.

Pretty standard fare for Layton which means it's pretty good. The puzzles are fun and it makes the jump to 3D very well. I like that the story is less sparse than in the original games but it does suffer from an extremely predictable plot twist and a lengthy ruins exploration segment that removes the varied puzzles for some repetitive boulder pushing and avoiding mummies. Overall it was a fun time though.

This game is a Layton Game. It's nothing more than that, and nothing worse than that. If I had to choose the most middle of the road Layton game, I'd go "Yep, that's Miracle Mask alright." It transitions to 3D perfectly fine in all aspects, but it doesn't feel extraordinary in any way shape or form.

no recuerdo absolutamente nada de este juego pero siendo un layton dudo que me disgustase

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Randall and Hershel gay asf

The story isn't as good, but the game does really cool things to tell it which I'm not spoiling. I remember it having neat puzzles, even though gyroscope controls didn't really work in some of them. Also Randall.

The transition to 3D was not kind to Layton, but the puzzles are still good fun and the soundtrack puts up a fight.

I really enjoyed this game. I don't remember the individual puzzles, but the story was really engaging for me. I was able to figure out the main twist pretty easily, but it was still a great story. The music was fine, and the graphics were decent. Not my favorite Layton game, but I do still quite enjoy it.