Reviews from

in the past

Great game. Only brought down by the later areas kind of being a bit boring at times. Kbm controls are great, I actually found it scary, and the combat is superb. Amazing and one of my all time favs.

I started the Resident Evil Series maybe a year ago. A lot of people say, this is one of the greatest entery. Well, I agree.

A lot of the classic elements dissapeared. Storage is not so limited anymore. Keys are now seperated in a different inventory. Ammo is not so rare anymore (thanks god, you have to shoot a lot). Riddles dissapeared pretty much completely and controlls improved a lot. (Not all those changes are good)

I still did not like the camera position. For me it was too close to Leon and you were often not able to see properly. Atmosphere is worse than in other enteries, its more action based. But the improoved graphics makes it look very nice.

Great character Design. Leon is a Badass and I often wished Asley to die more likely to again rescue her. ("Leon!, Help!" Oh god gimme a break) Ada is also pretty cool and I really believed the Villians are evil.

It is a really great game but I also think this game is the start of the downfall with 5 + 6. But who knows. Maybe I'll like them though.

Feels great to play, generally has strong pacing, and has the most ridiculously over the top and funny dialogue in any game ever. Only complaint is that it goes on for a bit too long, definitely felt a bit like a slog during the island section.

Meu Resident Evil favorito! Marcou muito a minha adolescência. Terminei primeiro no PS2, e mais tarde, pude concluir novamente no PS4. Tudo nesse jogo é mágico e me encanta: sua trilha sonora, sua história, seus personagens, e principalmente a sua jogabilidade. A mudança para terceira pessoa foi um divisor de águas, muitos abandonaram a saga a partir daqui; não foi o meu caso, pois passei a amar a franquia mais ainda e penso que Resident Evil 4 envelheceu muito bem.

Não ironicamente uma obra prima.

So good it's unfair to everything else -- almost unsportsmanlike. A thunderous windmill dunk of a game.

Posiblemente el mejor juego de accion de todos los tiempos, un clasico eternamente rejugable.

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Leon’s lucid nightmare; weaving between masculine power fantasies and crippling, anxious impotence. Is he man enough? I imagine this almost condescendingly patriotic narrative playing out entirely within Leon’s mind. Tilting at windmills and all. While all of these games seem to exist within the confines of nonsensical dream logic, I feel as though this entry’s explicit and almost meta riff on Hollywood action movie cliches and post-9/11 sociopolitical imagery (such as the abandoned prison towards the end eerily resembling the blood stained interiors of Ahu Ghraib) is a bit pointed at Leon’s overall characterization within this franchise. It makes for a fascinating read of the game though it’s not the central draw as to why this is an utter masterpiece; only supplemental layers to an already perfect experience. As a whole, Resident Evil IV feels like a magnum opus of sorts and for its time, a groundbreaking stylistic experiment at that. Aggressively indulgent and visceral to the point of exhaustion but it’s probably the best I’ve ever felt drained from a game. I found myself, just as I did the first time I played this a few years ago, holding my breath for much of my time with Resident Evil IV. Throat dry, hands clammy with building sweat as encroaching hordes near and grotesque creatures pierce the crushing silence with screeches and ghostly whispers while the abrupt pounding soundtrack overlays the background with agitating ferocity. It just rips on a purely sensual level. Front to back, it’s amazing for something that took me just over fourteen hours to complete the amount of iconic moments, set pieces, locations and dialogue that fill up that time consecutively. It never stops. The sheer and constant intensity is part of the deal and I was shocked by how many surprises were kept intact despite being a return visit. Playing this is the equivalent of watching peak Hollywood blockbuster filmmaking and yet it surpasses some of the greatest action films with its emphasis on horrific thrills and fist pumping excitement. Resident Evil IV’s massive success comes with its endlessly confident technical mastery and immaculate polish in its craft at every corner and the complete auteurist control over pacing and tone. Very few games have such alarming preciseness over each and every element like this while feeling completely organic and without pretension. It is first and foremost a claustrophobic shooter and takes great lengths in ensuring it satisfies the player, making no excuses for its inherent silliness and illogical storyline. I don’t know why I ever doubted this over time since my last playthrough. This may not be my favorite RE title but it’s the one that defines Mikami’s legacy as a video game auteur.

great game and funny story. The biggest challenge is just getting used to tank controls but once you're fine with them, the game is great

The replay ability of this game is just simply insane and fun.

Still on the corniest and amazing experiences I had.
The start of the morphing of RE to Michael Bay-verse.

One of my favourite games of all time. Perfectly paced, with unforgettable settings. I have played through it on every console its released on and love it more every time. Goofy, campy, and still scary! The shooting mechanics are revolutionary, and the dialogue makes me laugh everytime.

Wheres everyone

Ha envejecido fatal. El sistema de combate y movimiento se ha quedado muy anticuado y la historia no ayuda.


doesn't play or look right, based on the inferior version of the game

First hour in, I thought I’ll leave it because of the weird controls and stop and shoot system (I played it only knowing RE2 remake and RE7) but I quickly got used to it and realized how much it adds to overall sense of fighting for survival where every bullet counts while still being a big blockbuster body horror that this game is. Pacing is a little off near the end but it’s nothing that could ruin my experience with this really well designed and extremely fun game.

Really liked it until the part where I got stuck and became too frustrated to finish the campaign.

Fuck it is an action game, every part of this game is incredible, fucking fun and extremely iconic. The people who complain about this game are the same unbearable people who say they only play the first 3 resident evil games.

I completely understand how Resident Evil 4 brought in a lot of people to the franchise. It has this air of self aware silliness that gives it so much charm. Plus the gameplay is top notch. I can definitely say I'm a fan of Resident Evil after playing this game.

Got some rare things to sell, stranger!

embarrassingly my first time. should be illegal for games to be this good. sensory overload but in a good way

Um dos jogos de ação mais divertidos do PS2, embora tenha momentos bem galhofas e um roteiro questionável, isso não chega a ser tão grave devido a seriedade do jogo. Funciona muito bem para o que se propõe.

I'm too lazy to write anything and I just want to go to sleep cause it's past 1AM so I'll just say: "Detrás de ti, imbecíl"