Reviews from

in the past

yeah this is pretty fun. And unlike the original, it actually grabbed me so much I played every stage with every character on S++.

got at least an S with every character on every stage because this is FUN and GOOD. I kind of wish you got more for completing the stages though, there arent even achievements for them for some reason


wow luis sucks but kramer has a stinger that is so opium

The characters are fun to play as but they should add more maps, there are only 4

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all im saying is RE6 remake mercenaries is gonna go crazy. anyways, great side mode as always, one of my favorite iterations of mercenaries to date

Don't make me use my WESKER PUNCH!!!!!!

Decided to give this a try after I finished the main story. It is pretty fun for a side mode but I can't see myself playing this for more than an hour or two.

I didn't really like this mode in the original version of the game, but I had a ton of fun with it here!

Since the moment-to-moment combat was my favorite thing in the remake, this is a perfect slice of pie for me. It feels great to take down enemies, no matter who you're playing as. And since the game is generally pretty nice with its scoring system, I can get a good grade even if I suck! Yay!

Still though, even if this mode allows for a ton of replayabillity with great gameplay, it isn't exactly something everyone will want to play. If you're not obsessive about getting high scores, you'll likely only play through the levels with whatever characters you unlock before you hit a wall and just stop, like I did.

Overall, this is a super fun mode and, in my opinion, way better than the original; but it isn't something I'd really sink my time into personally.

S++ everything in the matter of like a day I was so hooked

Tenía miedo de que no saliera tan entretenido como en el original, afortunadamente me cerró el hocico. Adictivo y frenético, que mas quieres

Def my second fav mercenaries not much to say tho just straight fun especially since i was on my platinum grind playing the hardest difficulty n shit by the time they dropped this so I was on my wesker shit fr then when I saw that they added wesker for adas dlc holy shit I redownloaded the game with raging boner like fuck you mean I can play as wesker and his ass can ROYAL GUARD like c'mon bro