Reviews from

in the past

One of the best in the series hands down. Having only beaten it for the first time recently I wanna say it's not perfect (and I like 2 (2019) more honestly), but it's pretty god damn great still, all things considered. Whether it's the action or the cheese, it's all so good.

Resident Evil 4 é um game que marcou uma geração. O título apresentou inovações no genero survival horror e ação que são vistas até os dias de hoje. Embora sua história poderia ser melhor, a obra acerta ao entregar uma jogabilidade viciante e divertida.

Além disso, o jogo faz um excelente trabalho ao criar uma atmosfera de suspense que irá acompanhar os jogadores por grande parte da campanha. A trilha sonora também impressiona, ao potencializar ainda mais a atmosfera criada.

Por fim, Resident Evil 4 é um dos jogos mais importantes já lançados. O título representou um marco no mundo dos games e na infancia de muitos fãs. Portanto, com o Remake anunciado para o dia 23 de março de 2023, resta torcer para que a reimaginação seja tão marcante quanto a obra original.

I can really see why this is held as the best in the series. And despite playing a remaster of this and 17 years after the originals release, I can easily see how impressive it was for its time.
The action and combat is fun, the new inventory management engaging and a varied experience despite being the longest I have played so far.
The worst aspect are the quicktime events, and I am quite baffeled that a remaster did not make any effort to make them optional or at least improve them (unless they are already improved).

I am still somewhat saddened by the continued departure from survival horror. Although I can understand how with this heavy action focus a resource scarcity would hurt more than help. But I think the tension which comes from limited saves could have still been used here.

All in all, great game. Especially for its time but still today. While rather unnecessary I am looking forward to the remake, and how it will change and possibly improve things. At least the quicktime events will most likely be gone.

Meu Resident favorito, personagens, músicas, armas, apenas a gameplay que envelheceu meio mal mas ainda sim gosto bastante. (Mas é uma vergonha chamar isso de ULTIMATE HD sendo que nem poliram o jogo direito)

Quando eu era criança e jogava esse jogo no ps2, eu sonhava que o Bitores Mendez tava entrando no meu quarto pra me matar.
Jogo bom pra porra me mijei mt jogando quando eu era criança.

Quite good. Full of as many good ideas as bad ones. Entire Resident Evil games can be completed in the time it takes for you to escape its worst moments. Respect where it's due, but no more than that.

I never played this game when it was contemporary. Experiencing it for the first time in 2023, all I can say is that it really is that good.

Played with the HD Texture mod and gyro aim. RE4 always is and always will be a banger video game.

My favorite from the franchise

Uno de mis videojuegos favoritos de todos los tiempos y ha sido muy influyente en el medio.
Me encanta el ambiente que tiene, uno algo oscuro pero que no llega a pesado y donde no estas indefenso si sabes manejar bien tus recursos.
El combate es uno de los puntos fuertes que tiene, muchos enemigos te obligaran a mantener diferentes estrategias y modos de jugar en orden para guardar una buena cantidad de municiones y recursos, dejandote también a que si eres muy bueno manejando el cuchillo dejarte ir matando a los enemigos únicamente con eso, pero esta bien difícil hacerse una run únicamente cuchillo y exceptuando una que otra escena pequeña donde te obligan a disparar, es posible.
Además de tener uno de los mejores usos de los Quick-time events en los vídeojuegos, probablemente solo los de cinematicas y cosas asi sean obligatorios, ya que muchos contra bosses y enemigos comunes los tienen pero de alguna forma puedes evitarlos o cortar las animaciones para evitar que pasen.
El juego tiene un inventario bastante unico que ha sido difícil de replicar, es un maletin en el que se almacenan todos los recursos que agarres, puedes tenerlo muy desordenado o muy ordenado, todo depende del jugador.
Las batallas contra jefes son bastante buenas en su mayoria, que si tuviera que mencionar una mala u olvidable se me ocurriria únicamente la del Final Boss.

Los unicos puntos malos que podria mencionar serian que esta versión tiene algunos problemas, y es que es muy comodo jugar con teclado y mouse pero tiene su problema de que algunos Quick-time events de cinematicas pueden interrumpirse y hacer que sean imposibles de pasar a no ser que reinicies el juego o te pongas a usar el mando cuando veas algo por ese estilo.

Gameplay - 8
Trilha Sonora - 8
Gráficos - 10
História - 7

Nota - 8.25

Quase perfeito, o que mais peca é em ser um Resident Evil

devrimsel ama eskimiş. Kötü değil ama sadece günümüze kadar yaptığı mekaniklerin üstüne koyan çok oyun oldu. Tabi sektöre kattıklarıyla değer olarak çok üst bir oyun ama atmosferi hariç şu an bir olayı yok gibi sanki. Bulmacalar bazen güzel bazen kötü. Sektöre katkısıyla 5/5 bir oyun ama eskimiş de. Dragon quest sandıkları çok güzel.

Please play with the hd project. Thank you.

Just replayed this with the big HD Mod, yup, this game still rips absolute ass. Just fun to play the whole way through. I got it in my head that the island sucked, but nah, its totally fine.

The mod looks fucking insane, big fucking props to Albert for his work.

Im also obligated to say I love you Ashley

Steam version has support for the REAL remaster: ‘RE4 HD Project’ which could be the best carefully made remaster ever.

professional run i love this game and you do need some mods for ultrawide but I still love this game

Man I meant to write a preamble about how this answers the question I’ve been loosely asking myself through all these horror games of “what’s my favourite survival horror?” but then when I started writing it I just ended up talking about game mechanics in a bit more detail than is really applicable for the preamble so it just turned into a paragraph of the review itself

Guess that means I’m not gonna have a preamble for this review

Oh well

Resident Evil 4 follows Leon Kennedy — one of the protagonists of Resident Evil 2 — six years after his first day as a cop placed him right at the very heart of the Raccoon City incident. Now an agent of the secret service, he now undergoes a new mission: investigate a village off the coast of Spain in hopes of finding information that can lead to the retrieval of Ashley Graham, the recently kidnapped daughter of the president of the United States. However, upon reaching the village. Leon gets attacked by inhabitants less human than he was expecting, and it soon becomes a battle for survival. With only the tools he finds — and with the help of some allies along the way — Leon now needs to shoot, stab, and solve his way through the village and related areas in an attempt to rescue Ashley, find a way out, and come face to face with some once-thought-lost faces from the Raccoon City incident.

And yeah, okay, I’m a basic bitch, here’s my favourite survival horror game. I think what ultimately makes it work so well is the way it blends its survival horror origins with its more actionized take on the formula in ways that work to enhance both. While the gameplay feels super arcadey in how you go from room to room, fighting through everything along the way — almost like a less on-rails House of the Dead — your limited resources and how overwhelming encounters tend to be means you’re on edge at every moment: cringing whenever you start running out of healing items, having ammo frequently run out on your weapons… something which then goes back to enhance the action game aspect, as the starvation of ammo then encourages the player to switch it up and use different guns in a way that helps the player to understand the strengths and drawbacks of each weapon. The game strikes a basically perfect balance between the two directions it splits off in, and I like how naturally elements of one merge with the other, such as how you tend to backtrack and come back to levels you’ve already been to solve puzzles and find a new way forward, or how the insanely tanky chainsaw guys who kill you in one hit are… enemies the player is egged on to fight given the rewards you get if you manage to actually take them down.

Beyond that, the game is just… insanely fun. It’s easy to see that this game was inspired by/born from the first Devil May Cry — you’re not exactly slashing up demons and pulling your Devil Trigger while you play as Leon, but the way the game divides itself into levels and, as aforementioned, the way you tend to backtrack and find new ways through old areas, is super reminiscent, and a lot of what made that game fun works even better here. It’s super fun to place yourself against the horde and be strong enough to take them all down, and I love how the game continuously varies and keeps things fresh. Sometimes you have multiple paths you can take, or multiple options to take care of one situation. Sometimes there are enemies in the mix who you have to radically change your approach for. Sometimes the challenge is getting through the area or solving the puzzle more than it is taking down the enemies inside. Sometimes you have Ashley who… honestly works really well as an escort NPC? It’s clear that she’s a bit of a weight on your back, and you as the player have to figure out how to keep her safe whenever a situation involves her, but… there’s a lot of effort taken to avoid the typical issues that escort NPCs have. She automatically shuffles behind you whenever you aim your gun, she’ll do her best to duck if the gun’s pointed right at her (meaning that generally if she does get shot it's mostly a case of unfortunate/poor placement of her within a room, and you can order her to stay in place or hide in a dumpster so that she isn’t as much in the way when you need to get into a big fight. Honestly, I don’t really know why Ashley’s considered, like, the poster child of annoying escort missions. By that era’s standards (and tbh even by today’s standards), she really works, both as an element that mixes up the action gameplay and something that adds to the stress of the situation.

Sadly, though, there are issues. Mainly with the boss fights. Out of the… ten or so boss encounters in the game, I could… honestly name only one who I particularly enjoyed going up against? There’s… I think two more that I thought were pretty okay, but all the other fights… lowkey kinda sucked. The big problem, I feel, is that boss HP is jacked wayyyyy too high, which results in fights that mostly just leave you running around, chipping away at the boss’ health bar, kinda getting bored because the fight’s taking way too long. Even when there’s some fun spectacle, or a unique mechanic surrounding the fight, often it only encompasses one part of the fight and as soon as it’s over you’re back to just wailing on them again. Once you start including some of the bosses with instant kill attacks, or mechanics which made doing damage to them a lot harder… yeah boss fights as a whole weren’t really winners. It says something, I feel, when the one boss I did wholly like (Verdugo) was more a matter of avoiding the boss and waiting out a timer than fighting back against it. Maybe this might’ve been a matter of the difficulty I picked (or the difficulty the game moved me to — I know there’s a mechanic like that), but as a whole boss fights felt way too tanky and sloggy to be fun, and are an unfortunate black mark over what’s…

…otherwise just a blast of an experience. I know that it’s…not exactly that unique of an opinion to put this as the best Resident Evil, or even yet the best survival horror game, but between the way the game oscillates between survival horror and third-person shooter in a way that does favours to both, and between how straight-up fun this is to play, I feel pretty confident to say I’ve found one of my favourites. At least for now. Can’t wait to see what the remake does with this. 9/10.

Well, in my opinion, Resident Evil 4 is already a really good game in the base, and I played this game with the ultra HD project, turning it even better. I don't know the bad points that this version has, yet, still reccomendable.

It is a classic. Ideal difficulty, and ideal length of the game.

Replayed it recently and it's an absolute banger!!! One of my fav childhood game fr

Played on pro mode this time. Makes some sequences more tense and engaging. But it also makes the QTEs worse, remaining my one big gripe with the game. Otherwise, this was as joyful as the first time around.

In what other game can you suplex a guy so hard his head explodes?

Divertido demais

Pelo menos pra mim ele foge muito do conceito que eu curto em Resident Evil, que é toda a atmosfera de terror e uns monstros bizarros ai. Aqui é quando tudo virou Ação e o terror é jogado de lado abrindo portas para chutes, chuva de quick time events, acrobacias e etc. Não posso dizer que não curti pq eu curti demais, é bem divertido e em nenhum momento me senti ''meu deus essa merda não acaba não?''. O jogo ta sempre te apresentando áreas novas com desafios novos sem parar e isso impede bastante do jogo se tornar maçante, diferente dos inimigos que são repetidos a rodo aqui. Gostei bastante de ter a companhia da Ashley, gosto desses jogos meio que em ''dupla'' de personagens que ficam se ajudando nos puzzles.

Não posso dizer que fui justo pq eu queria rushar e acabar esse jogo o mais rápido possível antes do fim do feriadão de carnaval, então usei uns cheats ai de munição e dinheiro infinitos(eu que não ia ficar juntando dinheiro pra comprar arma eu em), chegando num ponto que eu já tava de killer7 matando todos com 1 tiro kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Usei também o mod do HD PROJECT que tornou o jogo beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem mais bonito.

Jogo divertido, rejogaria.

Sempre bom rejogar a mitada da Capcom⁴

Un clásico, jugabilidad adictiva, muy satisfactorio el combate y para mi el primer resident que juego

Definitely going in my top 5 ps2 games 100%. The game was a great mix of horror and action it also had great atmosphere and sound design which elevates how tense you can feel. The only part I disliked was the Island, just think it goes on for a bit too long.

"Your right hand comes off?" - Leon S Kennedy