Reviews from

in the past

It's probably fun if you have someone else to play it with but by myself it grows stale fast.

idk I guess it's decent, my memory is really not good for this one

o meu bugava na parte do campo de baseball ai nunca terminei

Outro jogo que eu jogava quando eu era pequeno no Wii. Eu gostava porque era Scooby Doo, mas eu era uma criança burra e não sabia espanhol (como era do camelô ele veio em espanhol), então eu ficava perdido e sem saber oq fazer no jogo com bastante frequência. Mesmo assim era legal

jogo legal do scooby doo 👍

It is painfully easy and knowing who the culprit was is almost insultingly simple, this game is clearly meant for kids that are 9 or younger.

And guess what my 9 year old self absolutely loved this game to death and I can quote most lines by memory, so it did exactly what it set itself to do.

I liked this game when I was a kid
...I think

The Scooby Doo game where you beat the crap out of the "ghosts" fun with multiplayer.

it's probably not this good and im not going to play it again but in my memory this is an amazing 3d platformer. definitely the shovel ware game i remember most fondly.

had to play this for the podcast

it's... not the worst game I've ever played? It's pretty thoroughly unremarkable however. let's move on

sometimes. You forgot how good nostalgia was

After replaying it as a near-adult, I realize it really seemed like gourmet shit as a kid but hasn't stood the test of time so well. Regardless, to be fair I must write this in the perspective of my younger self and she would have given this a 4/5 purely because "the dog is funny and it's spooky"

El unico buen juego de scooby doo
Pro tip: el culpable siempre es el del medio

My Favourite Scooby-Doo game and one of the best games in general.
The funny character to the fun out of this world mysteries.
So many little collectables and many different paths and ways to play the game with multiple characters and teams up.
I've replayed this game 3 times.

can you believe it was too spooky for me

I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH GROWING UP! I may have finished a thousand times

one of my first PS2 games. this one is in my heart.

Who greenlit these character designs? Jesus Christ.

This is great game if you like scooby doo and have a friend/sibling to play with :)

um dos meus jogos favoritos de PS2, lembro que zerei com o meu pai e eu amava demais