Reviews from

in the past

great gameplay! beautiful, touching story! a triump and game of the century!

Yozakura remains best girl, now with a Super Soaker Shotgun in a game where it's a bit more difficult to take the plot seriously, but it would've led right into Senran Kagura 7EVEN (NEVER EVER TT_TT)

Played it for a bit and its looks really fun but multiplayer is dead so I can't splash any fellow big boobed anime girl :(

If you're expecting a deep story or satisfying gameplay you ain't going to find it here. The series always prioritizes the sexual nature over anything else. I'm not complaining and it is somewhat enjoyable even if the gameplay is rather basic.

lost so many children to this game

Jogo brabíssimo, com uma gameplay muito gostosinha, mas também com um aim assist fortíssimo, que pode incomodar algumas pessoas pelo jogo simplesmente levar a sua mira pro inimigo.

Multiplayer está morto, mas quem quiser se divertir no single, vai fundo que o negócio é bom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Sobre os mods pra remover a censura, eles tiram o biquini por completo, acabando totalmente com o mini game de esguichar água nos inimigos para tirar o biquini, por isso optei por não aplicar o mod.

No geral esse jogo acerta onde todos os jogos da franquia acerta, na diversão e gameplay, se for se importar com história, passa longe.

another mostly dissapointing spinoff to the senran kagura series. Conceptually water-gun based shooters are honestly hype ngl and we don't see that concept being done too often due to shooters tending to focus on real dangerous weaponry instead of wacky watergun times, so when you see a squirt gun shooter its either hyperstylized like splatoon or just a cash grab to make a shooter for kids that have parents that forbid them from playing any shooters with realistic weaponry. So to hear that a medium-sized studio was gonna make a third person shooter about squirt guns, it definitely caught my attention. I'd already played enough senran kagura games to understand the level of quality I was in for, but I feel like all together this game just doesn't feel good to play. Movement feels weird, controls feel weird, the weapons and hitboxes don't feel right, it all just feels off in a sort of strange way. Plus the fact that everyone uses the same set of weapons really throws all the character diversity out the window outside of a few special attacks, which is lame. Play this if you are horny, i guess?

Guilty Pleasure total, Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash é divertidíssimo pra quem busca um jogo descompromissado.

A temática do título é bastante única, possui um tom leve e segue aquela pegada da franquia principal; portanto, teremos diálogos vazios, história boba, dublagem super apelativa e qualquer motivo que faça as garotas do cast ficarem com roupa íntima, obviamente é um game de nicho, então pra galera que é sensível a esse tipo de conteúdo, já adianto dizendo que é melhor passar longe.

No jogo temos modo campanha, episódios de personagens, um modo torneio e por fim o multiplayer, oferecendo uma quantidade de conteúdo considerável pra um game desse porte, temos mais de 20 personagens jogáveis, 10 armas individuais e um sistema de cartas com diversas camadas de aprendizagem. As cartas que possuem AQUELAS ilustrações maravilhosas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) são subdivididas em várias categorias, entre elas temos cartas de pet, skills ativas, passivas, debuff no inimigo, carta de cura, de shield, melhoramento nos jetpacks e por ai vai; detalhe que todas elas podem ser upadas.

A gameplay é muito divertida, possuímos o sistema de auto mira justamente pra facilitar as coisas, pois além de mirar e atirar, precisamos gerenciar nossas cartas que aparecem no decorrer da partida, fora isso, temos o uso do jetpack, equipamento que nos possibilita voar pelos ares, MAS, ele é movido por água, que seria nossa "munição" no jogo, também utilizada obviamente para atiramos nos inimigos, ainda temos o power up state, sendo basicamente um "awakening" nos jogos originais; quando entramos nesse estado, ganhamos munição infinita em um determinado tempo, mecânica bem útil nos confrontos, então é uma série de coisas que precisamos prestar atenção.

Infelizmente uma coisa que deixa a desejar são justamente os gráficos, é o mesmo do Estival Versus e até mesmo algumas animações são recicladas aqui, pelo menos o elenco de personagens é inteiramente customizável e temos as belíssimas ilustrações das cartas para salvar; o fan service está justamente nelas e naquelas finalizações quando derrubamos alguma garota.

Enfim senhores, jogo somente para homens de cultura, recomendo fortemente para os fãs da franquia, adorei o sistema de cartas e sua gameplay leve com bons desafios.

Ps: Yomi best girl.

para recargar el arma le tenes que clavar una paja 10/10

“Are you ready for your movement shooter lessons?”

Doom Eternal gulps

ULTRAKILL breathes heavily

Quake 3 nods nervously

Titanfall 2 sighs

“Yes, Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash" they say in unison

more boobs and WATER
7.5/10 too much. of what? you guess.

Fun! I'd really like them to try make another one of these!

was gonna give it a lower score but i did have a lot of fun

Sometimes a man gotta play a horny game

Just cause they're using sex appeal to sell this doesn't mean they can make the gameplay and story boring as fuck.

yeah, this rocks and is silly :)

I dumped hours into this game. I mean HOURS.

It's a fun arena shooter with fan service anime girls because it's a spin-off of Senran Kagura, of course it is. But the card system they implement to power up your characters was surprisingly addicting. I was opening up packs all the time, trying to get the rarer cards.

And when this game launched, the online matches were fun. Yes. Ranked online matches were fun. I can't believe I'm saying that about a game like this but believe me it was.

Now online is dead and no one ever plays it but the core game is still fun. Oddly fun. This game should not have been as fun as it is but somehow they made it kinda good!

Sometimes I get stoned and buy games like this, and sometimes they're actually pretty good, like this one. It's a simple little water gun tournament game with solid controls, some addictive collectable cards, unnecessary anime plots and even more unnecessary (or very necessary?) nearly pornographic fan service. I would normally say that you get what you pay for with lewd anime games like this, but this one's actually far above that and the water battles are surprisingly fun and the unlock system is surprisingly addictive.

I thought I was getting a non-game with some mildly lewd content, but I actually got a pretty fun third-person shooter and much more nudity than I thought. The water fights are either you against either horde mode NPCs or a team of playable characters in a timed deathmatch, except with waterguns and, instead of dying, any losing combatant has to sit there while you spray their bra or panties off. Then you use your winnings to buy trading cards, which are upgradeable skills to be used in combat, and go to the dressing room to customize your waifuse complete with groping controls. It's all as morally and socially questionable as you'd expect from a japanese game like this, but it's also more fun than it has any right to be.

It's just too bad that the internal economy for unlocks and trophies is completely busted. After finishing all single-player content, I only had less than half of the card collection and wasn't even close to the various trophies, for example the one for maxing out all characters, which is a process so expensive that I took one character to max during the story missions and tournaments. Hate it when a decent game is a completely unrealistic completion.

Much better game than you'd think, that also has much more budget money thrown at it than you'd ever think, but also falls short on not having enough tournaments to compete in and not giving out enough rewards for the game to be realistically completeable. Fun for a couple of evenings of shamelessly perverted play and that's about it.

A fun game to put in the background. Playing the PS4 version on PS5 affects some of the visuals sometimes. But the game has really fun play mechanics.

Esse jogo ultrapassa o limite da compreensão humana

Juegazo, aprendi a masturbar viejos gracias al metodo de recarga de este juego. GOTY

Shovelware. But, I wanted to 100% at least one game in the franchise, I picked this one. It was janky as hell. The music and .... art.... were really good though! The jet boosting along the ground is so Vanquish-core. It gets bonus points for that.
The multiplayer stuff was the most interesting as the AI was really nothing special.

I'm not proud but I don't regret it.

shockingly solid third person shooter. a ton of fun with friends and is basically a good splatoon replacement. story mode is pretty nothing, the multiplayer is the real draw here; a shame its pretty much dead these days. should realistically be a point lower but cute girls are cute