Reviews from

in the past

I came into this game thinking hey, it may not be as bad as people say it to be. No. Trust me. Do not make the same mistake I did. Damn, even an entomologist would hate this game even though it's filled with bugs.

It has finally happened. I've beaten Sonic '06... and I can muster no hatred for it whatsoever. It is, quite obviously, an unfinished mess of a video game. It is full of bad decisions. Each level has at least one poorly conceived piece of nonsense which greedily consumes either a player's time or their stock of lives. The automation of its spectacle setpieces cannot be trusted. Sonic '06 is a game that must be played safe. Flirting with shortcuts will only invite destruction. Its story crumbles to dust under the weight of a single glance of scrutiny. Its voice direction is simply wrong in so many places. On an actual Xbox 360 hard drive rather than my PC's SSD, the loading times are so horrific that I would never, EVER recommend that anyone play it in that way, which until about a decade after its release was the only possible way to play Sonic '06.

And yet... this was fun. I had fun with Sonic '06. More than I have had with Sonic Heroes. I don't know if this makes me a defender or a hater.

Only thing holding it back from a half star is that music

It's not lower because it seems I can't put a zero to this abomination of game.
Imagine this being the first Sonic game you've played...
That's me

Me bastaron solo 10 minutos de juego, no necesito mas

surprisingly even worse than its reputation makes it seem. a serious contender for big rigs

this game is fun to break and that's it

if someone invents time travel beat the shit out of 10 year old me for fucking getting every xbox achievement on it

this game is way too funny to be the worst sonic game

im insane and i love this game more than i should

I only gave this shit 2 stars cause the music slaps

this was funny to play ha ha it sucked

There's not much to be said that hasn't been said before regarding the problems with this game. My wife actually enjoyed it in spite of all the badness, so good for her. For me, it's a train wreck caused by a dumpster fire.

If the loading screens weren't so unbearably frequent and long, I probably would actually have played this game more since it's the closest thing to Sonic Adventure 3 we'll ever get, and as such, the game is bizarre, over-dramatic, and hilarious. Far, far, far away from being the "worst game ever". It's not even the worst Sonic game...other than the dang loading screens. Let me put it this way, people are still talking and thinking about this game 14 years later. That in itself makes it more memorable and valuable than 90% of other games that come out.

Saw twitter talking about this one so I thought I would give it another shot. Did not have awesome fun.

Yeah this is dumb. It's still saved by the sonic stages and being able to glitch/speedrun with the gem powers but it's still dull and the fact there are now people who prefer this over Colours and Forces show how all over the place the fandom is right now.
Still, the pc fan remake is showing some good promise.

its like actually as bad if not worse than everyone memes about

genuine awful game but i had way too much fun

I mean it's Sonic 06
Has great music at least

you know what, it's a chraming game but man does it suck.

This game is interesting in that alot of its game issues can be fixed by wiping out half of the playable cast, redo level design and retool controls and physics and basically clean up the bugs.

But can't fix that story. You can't fix the english VA. You can't fix the crunch. You can't fix the sole fact that the game peaks at the opening cutscenes. You probably can but good luck.

Still better than Shadow